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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. Covid: UK marks one year since the first lockdown

    The UK is marking one year since the first coronavirus lockdown was announced.
    On 23 March 2020 Boris Johnson outlined measures to stop the spread of Covid-19. Since then, the UK's official death toll has risen from 364 to 126,172.
    With the lockdown have come tough restrictions on socialising, closures of schools, pubs and shops with many rules currently still in place.

    A minute's silence will be held at midday as part of a day of reflection.



  2. Saturday 23rd March 1946

    Rams v B'Ham City
    FA Cup Semi Final. 
    At:  Hillsborough. 
    Att:  65,013 

    Rams get off to a flyer, with a 4th minute goal from Raich Carter, but Mulraney grabs an equaliser on 59 minutes, and the two teams will need to replay in 4 days time, at Maine Road, Manchester, for a chance to face Charlton in the final, after they beat Bolton 2-0 in their semi final at Villa Park.



  3. Finally got around to seeing The Godfather last night.  I know, I know!  ?

    It was all fine, in a DCFC version of Shilton/10, but struggled to see why it was such a classic.

    We're going for Godfather ii tonight, and iii tomorrow night!



    Must have been the mention of cannoli earlier in the week!  I see it got a couple of mentions last night!  ?

  4. 1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Had a dose of AZ vaccine last night. Starting to feel a bit ropey and achy around the neck and shoulders. 

    Almost 6 hours in, for me.  Not a hint of anything as yet.  Fingers firmly crossed for a side-effect-free weekend.  ?


    For reference, Muckerette was tired with a mild headache the following day.  An afternoon nap put paid to that.  No achy arm.  

    Best o' luck, buddy.  ?

  5. 9 minutes ago, jono said:

    I’m in earnest mode, so forgive me !  .. I just know that from crusty times past .. “normal brisk walking pace” was defined by whoever was the sage of the day as ... 3 MPH .. so anything over that in my retentive world is doing more than walking .. wasn’t there a health guru thing that christened it “power walking” in the 1980’s ? 

    we need to specify the process, here’s my shot at it ..?

    Walking . Not less than 3 MPH

    Strolling 2-3 MPH

    Ambling .. 2-3 MPH with bits of 3 MPH interspersed with occasional  periods of 1.5/2.0 while you day dream. 

    Trudging ..1.5/2.0 MPH .. directionally and goal focussed

    Meandering .. like trudging but without discernible purpose

    Slogging .. 2.5 MPH .. when your knackered and it’s raining but you’re putting some effort in 


    Ah!... But!...

    If you're slogging up a very steep hill, won't that automatically become trudging, just by the very fact that it's a steep hill, and that you are already knackered?


    And where the hell is "Getting a wriggle on" in your list?  Muckerette is a firm advocate of me "getting a wriggle on"!  (Probably an Ilson thing!)   ?

  6. 12 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Don't dawdle!


    I've calculated my walk to the match (remember that!) at 3.8mph (1.9 miles in 30 minutes).

    However, when we don our walking boots and rucksacks, get out in the fields and take in the fresher air and greener scenery, I suspect (Ignoring picnics and generally taking in the views) a 6 mile hike takes us a good 2hrs to 2hrs 20mins.So 3mph to 2.6mph.

    I doubt I've ever even seen anyone walking at 4mph+... isn't that called jogging!  ?

  7. On 07/03/2021 at 18:35, Mostyn6 said:

    Quite pleased I’ve never ever seen one of those before, let alone eaten one! In fact, I think I’ve only ever heard them mentioned in Mafia related tv/film. 


    2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    "Leave the gun, bring the canoli" - Clemenza. What a line!

    Also, Connie poisons that bloke in G-III with a cannoli, iirc?

    I bought one once just because of that line, it was horrible. Curds, chocolate and pastry - whoever thought that was a good idea should be sleeping with the fishes.

    Must admit, never heard of them until I saw them on Bake Off a few years back.  I made it a mission to find one, and lo, a few months later, on the way back home through France, I found one on the menu at a restaurant in Chinon (Obviously an Italian rest.!)...

    It was nice, but not up to my (very) high expectations.  Not as much wow factor as I'd hoped...  Ah well...


  8. 4 hours ago, rammieib said:

    What age group is Derby on currently offering to?

    I'm guessing they are in line with the national NHS website, which is currently showing 55 and over?

    Muckerette got an invite text (From GP) on Thursday.  Booked straight away, through the swiftqueue app, and got in yesterday.  She's not 56 until July.  Using this route, she was given her second appointment, but that can then be changed, if not suitable.  (Her NHS letter was on the mat when we got back home from her appointment).

    Last weekend (Sat 6th) I got my NHS letter through the post, and booked straightaway through the NHS site, which was then showing 56 and over.  (I'm 58).  I'm booked in for next Friday 19th, due to work commitments, but could have got a next day appointment, for last Sunday 7th.  I could choose my own appointment for the second jab, limited to between 11 to 12 weeks from first appointment.  I'm booked for 10th June (but could have had from 4th to 11th June).

    Both at Derby Arena.


    Muckerette did try to book herself in at the same time as me (Last Saturday 6th) "On the off-chance" but failed, presumably due to her date of birth, so it's gone from 56 to 55 during the past week.

  9. 17 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Pizza (pulled pork, chilli chicken and keema)...20210311_195718.thumb.jpg.3be1b1f5ca014d9c67047a37d45c18aa.jpg

    Do you deliver?  ?

    That would be a very welcome return to take-aways, after a full 12 months going without.

    I could well imagine that rating highly in my "Best ever pizzas" list!  
    Certainly looks like my kind of pizza!  Can't be doing with all the healthy veg crap!  
    I'd even open a beer to go with that, which is quite out of character for me!  


  10. 22 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    People who press the button on zebra crossings and walk across before it changes.

    Or press it when there’s only you on the road and can’t wait 30 secs.

    Or press it when walking past for a laugh.

    or press the ones where they’re part of a large junction when it’s quite safe to cross as we’re all sat at a red and now have to wait longer for you to cross.

    (I understand children need to be safe, and them holding me up is fine)

    But not bloody adults or even worse CYCLISTS!

    don’t start me on the weekend LoonyLycra brigade! ?

    Pelican, Puffin, or Toucan.

    Ain't no buttons on Zebras.

    Just sayin'



    I know... I know... I should get a life!  ?  




  11. On 11/03/2021 at 08:31, Mucker1884 said:

    I hear what you're saying, bro.  

    Fine lines and all that, and they seem to be getting finer by the day.  I guess we all have our sensitivities, but I'm a great believer in either laughing it off (for 99% of the time) and ignoring the rare "joke" that may touch a nerve.

    Whilst there are some out there who deliberately set out to offend, I like to think I'm pretty good at sussing out who they are, and who are the ones that just want to brighten up the day, and bring a smile and laughter to people's lives... even if they do a poor job of it! 

    I do feel that for every single "offender", there are dozens waiting to be seen to be offended.  I find that sad, in all honesty, but I guess we just have to let them get on with it.  Perhaps some laughter would do them the world of good!   




    Confession time...

    The above was my initial response to the OP.  It's got a few likes, I see.

    Truth is, I backed out.  I was going to post something else.  For once, I gave a little thought to offending people... be that the readers and/or the sole target of what I was about to post.  Afterall, said target is a total stranger in all but name, and I have absolutely no idea how he would have reacted.  I don't like the fact that I had to even consider doing that... To suppress my natural reaction... but do it I did!

    Today however, is a different day.

    What I was going to post was...

    "I hear what you're saying, bro.

    ... Unlike @Eddie, the deaf old coot!"


    So... what do others think?
    Funny?  Offensive?  Both?    ?



  12. 13 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

    I've booked a holiday abroad beginning of September. Took advantage of a good deal from Jet2. Done everything through them, covid travel insurance, can move the booking if required. 

    The government keeping saying it's too early to book holidays abroad, yet they don't want to keep bailing out the travel industry. You can't have it both ways. My thought was with booking Majorca is the majority of the holiday makers on the island are British and by the time I go, many of the tourists will have had a vaccine. I've already had covid too so the chances of me catching it again after having a vaccine will be incredibly small.

    I don't see what the issue is with going abroad if you've been vaccinated. As long as you follow the guidance of the country's covid rules, I think you'll be fine.

    In fairness, I don't see a problem with doing what you've done... covered as many bases as possible, got the insurance, and presumably are prepared to change plans if things go downhill between now and then.

    I suspect the "Too early" message from the government is to cover their ar5e against those that will moan like hell if thing do get worse, and they end up not being allowed to go... or end up having to isolate for a fortnight when they get back... or they end up losing money because they didn't have appropriate insurance, etc. 
    "Why did they not tell us this might happen", they'll all cry!   
    "Serves you right", I will respond!


    Fingers crossed for you buddy.  I think we all need a bloody holiday!  ?

  13. I hear what you're saying, bro.  

    Fine lines and all that, and they seem to be getting finer by the day.  I guess we all have our sensitivities, but I'm a great believer in either laughing it off (for 99% of the time) and ignoring the rare "joke" that may touch a nerve.

    Whilst there are some out there who deliberately set out to offend, I like to think I'm pretty good at sussing out who they are, and who are the ones that just want to brighten up the day, and bring a smile and laughter to people's lives... even if they do a poor job of it! 

    I do feel that for every single "offender", there are dozens waiting to be seen to be offended.  I find that sad, in all honesty, but I guess we just have to let them get on with it.  Perhaps some laughter would do them the world of good!   











  14. 4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    I won first prize in a Welsh Tourist Board competition years ago - a week in Rhyl.

    Second prize was 2 weeks in Rhyl.

    Never turn left if cycling through Rhyl.


    ...Some scrote  will  nick your watch!   

  15. 2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    ...Depending how things go we're hopeful of either a city break somewhere in central Europe or a Cyprus villa in September but waiting that one out as late as possible.

    Can I interest you in Zante?

    I know someone who's struggling to find enough mates to fill a big villa.  

    You won't have to pal up every evening, but maybe just let him tag along on a few evenings, just to be polite?  

  16. 9th March 1946

    Following last weeks 3-4 win at Villa Park in the first leg, Raich Carter scores for The Rams to secure a 1-1 draw at home to Aston Villa in this FA Cup Quarter Final second leg, in front of 32,000 at The BBG.

    A (One Leg) Semi Final against Birmingham City at Hillsborough, now awaits The Rams, looking to win this competition for the first time, having previously been runners up three times.


    #daretodream ?

  17. 2 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    I thought it was feet China Plates of meat = feet or me owd china. As in the term “how are you me owd China” when asking your feet how they are.

    No.  I think your getting mixed up with China cup, which rhymes with pup.  Pup is a young dog, that rhymes with cog.  You get a cog inside a watch, and a watch tells the time.  The time relates to hour, which rhymes with flower.  So clearly, you meant "Me owd flower".
    ... which relates to rose... toes!  Et Voila!  Simples!  

    Keep up, will yer!  ?

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