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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. 1 minute ago, r4derby said:

    Sorry, should have clarified. I actually mean that the money is in the bank and ready to buy our seats again when the club announce details. Whatever the situation, there will be a way to watch the Rams next season. Last season was basically a pass to watch the games online. Hopefully this season will be live matches!

    You bring up an interesting point though. Not sure how they will go about pricing season tickets, after a 2 seasons of unsettled pricing and refunds. I suppose they are waiting for ownership to be sorted, as well as whether they can offer a traditional season ticket or 23 home games for next season...

    Thanks for the clarification.  Glad I'm not missing out!  ?

    They do need to start the ball rolling soon though.  EarlyBird is usually Feb/March isn't it, so already a good couple of months behind normal schedule?  (I usually renew last week of the Early Bird period).

    Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of time for us all to make one click on the ticket website before next season, so not exactly panicking, but I seriously doubt it's all going to go through smoothly, what with credits and the like to administer. 

    ...In fact, I think I'll be buying mine in person, face to face over the counter (covid restrictions willing), just to minimise the chances of a potential cocoup!


  2. 16 hours ago, Coconut said:

    Imagine being one of those at the entrance having to repeat the same 3 sentences / questions about 8 times a minute for hours on end!

    I'm really not sure what the point of the car park marshalls waving people through is though, there's only really one way you can go and you can quite clearly see ahead of time where there are spaces!

    They end up distracting me because I'm too polite and end up giving each one a little wave of thanks.

    (At the Arena now waiting for my mum to have dose 2)

    I was waved in by the car park marshal, having already seen the plethora of one way arrows/exit only signs etc, and promptly reversed into the first parking bay, immediately adjacent to the entrance to my rows of parking bays.
    I then sat and waited for Muckerette to go in and have her jab.  I was there a good ten minutes, and witnessed 7... count them... SEVEN... drivers attempt to go out the wrong way.  And that was from my pair of rows only!

    The marshal had to stop incoming traffic, then point the drivers out from the rows (the wrong way), then left turn away from the entrance/incoming traffic, so they could get back on track and re-join the one way system, all whilst waving his arm in a very large scale anti-clockwise rotation, ending with a high, long point towards the far side of the car park/Arena!

    Personally, I'd have got "Jobsworth Syndrome", denied them any egress through the access point, made them do a multi-point turn within the car park itself, whilst videoing them, and downloading to YouTube!  ?

  3. 6 minutes ago, r4derby said:

    To some, the cost of a season ticket is already too big an expense at this time, and so the prospect of another poor season of football may make it a bad acquisition. On the other hand, regardless of which league we are in or who the players we have next season, there will be many who can and should buy season tickets. The fans support will be so important next season, particularly to the younger squad members.

    I remember the FA Cup against Chorley. It was fairly poor, and the young lads didn’t really stand a chance...but they still tried and deserved our support.

    Me and my dad have got ours sorted for next season, to support whoever plays in the black and white. Hopefully there will be some joining us when we’re allowed back in the ground. If others can no longer commit, then they should feel no shame or judgement. Just make sure we can hear you from wherever you are cheering loudly!

    If you don't mind me asking, how have you "got yours sorted" for next season?  At the back of my mind, I seem to recall talk of multi-year season tickets.  Did this ever materialise?

    I have the full 20/21 credit to cover the coming season, which I plan to take advantage of, but nothing's sorted as yet.  I believe it doesn't automatically carry over.  Still have to go through the purchase process, using the credits available (and presumably pay the difference in price, seeing as last season included a 10% discount).

    With no sales yet made for 21/22, (That I'm aware of?) and no sales dates/ticket prices confirmed, I struggle to see how any of us can "be sorted"?  


  4. 6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    It was always the case mate, the police used to make easy arrests rather than risk having to deal with the real hard guys.

    The times I've witnessed organised gangs tearing into each other with zero arrests then seen a few pish heads getting banged up for nowt more than a sing song.

    Not that you aren't a real hard guy obvs....or a pish head for that matter.....oh bugger.....

    In all seriousness, I'd agree. 

    It was an art in itself to steer clear of trouble from oppo and police! Colours always hidden until inside the ground.  Different world to today... thankfully!
    Witnessed (and was on the periphery) of all sorts of scrapes and scuffles, particularly as I went to many (virtually all) away games from 77 to 81.
    Being on "independent transport", as opposed to official club coaches, undoubtedly didn't help.  There was always a pub stop or two on our travels too.

    Don't get me wrong, I was gobby (in a sing song sort of way) but certainly no fighter.    Probably done the equivalent of a fair few marathons over that period.  Always chased, and never the chaser, mind!  ?

    If truth be told, I probably did well to stay out of the cells for so long!  ...And hospitals, for that matter!  ?  



  5. 2 hours ago, derby8 said:

    15 May 1982, Derby County 3 Watford 2, Kevin Hector scores in his final game.

    We needed a win to guarantee safety, if I recall?  Anyway, despite heading to the game, I never got there...


    39 years ago today then, when I suffered my one and only arrest!  ?

    Got ambushed by their lot up by Ivy Square (Pre match), and before any actual fists made contact, a police van screeched to a halt, and they grabbed anyone who wasn't fast enough to escape!  About 8 of them, and 4 of us were in a face off.  4 of their lot got nabbed... and little old me!  ?

    Spent 3 or 4 hours in the cells (Cotton Lane), and not allowed out until well after the game/fans had dispersed.

    Unofficially, I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and got set upon.
    Officially, I was charged with Breach of the peace, fined £80, and was named and shamed in the DET on the Monday, in the "More football hooligans in court today" column!

    I was very strongly advised to plead guilty, as this was around the time Maggie had simply had enough, and this sort of crap was getting more and more "Front page".  Anyone pleading not guilty stood to be made an example of, once the courts decided otherwise!

    To clarify... I am not proud, of course, and certainly not bragging, but as I see myself as an innocent/unlucky victim, neither am I ashamed.




  6. 6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Imagine Becks sitting in the exec seats up in the West Stand, the whole ground rising in appreciation, "David Beckham's Black and White Army" ringing round the stadium......then it dies down, goes quiet, and a lone voice from the back of the South Stand gives it, "Posh Spice, takes it up the.........." 


    ... Charts?


    I doubt it!  


    Dangerous new Covid variant found 15 miles from Derby...

    A worrying new Covid-19 variant has been identified just 15 miles from Derby, Public Health England has confirmed.

    The coronavirus variant known as VOC-21APR-02 and linked to outbreaks in India has been identified in Nottingham and described as a 'variant of concern', being more transmissible and likely to spread more quickly.





  8. Normally got a lot of time and respect for this particular OP, but on this occasion, I struggled to read through phrases such as "...come out and gives us fans some 'reassurance' that our club will be secure...", and in relation to a planned protest "... this could have simply been avoided by either of them coming out to give us fans reassurance.".  When in actual fact, it could have been more easily avoided simply by not planning it... particularly for the reasons given... in the first place!

    I then got to the bit about "... the biggest stakeholders of this football club, which if you didn't know, is us fans..." and I can't deny, I stopped reading at that point, so I've no idea what followed, nor what any of the responses have been.  Sorry!

    I've been a supporter of this club since the day we were handed our second League Championship Trophy, and on and off over the ensuing decades, I've been a season ticket holder (currently the last 15 or so consecutive seasons?).  Always a supporter... arguably a "customer"... but never a stake holder.

    When it comes to financial matters... including what the club pays in player wages and/or transfer fees ("Undisclosed" nowadays, usually!)... I really don't think Mel, or anyone else, owes us any explanation whatsoever.  Anything we are told on such a subject should be treated as a very kind and noble gesture, but certainly not expected nor demanded... by us... the fans... the customers.

    The fact that we are allegedly in the midst of a potential takeover/buyout only strengthens my opinion on this subject.  This is not the time for the club to be bleating out financial details.

    Opinions, eh!  


  9. 23 hours ago, chezzyram said:

    It's a difficult one to judge. I agree with you that most probably set out with good intentions, got carried away in the heat of the situation and are guilty of little more than trespass. On the other hand these sort of protests can provide a vehicle and cover for a minority of opportunists who's agenda isn't peaceful and they inevitably become the focus of attention. 

    Trespass in a football stadium is no laughing matter.  Anyone doing so should do porridge!

    ...Unless its to dig up the pitch at B.ellend Road, then that's ok, I guess...



  10. 3 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yes, thanks.

    But all I have as an option when clicking the three dots is 'share'.

    I've just tried a dummy run...

    Once that Report Button is clicked, it then offers a drop down menu, offering a list of recent posts by @RoyMac5 that you wish to report.  Click the post in question, then submit.  Admin take care of it from there.

    I presume you can't report your own posts, hence you not having that option?



    A/  TRUE





  11. 27th April 1946.  Wembley Stadium.  That London.


    75 years ago today...

    With just 5 minutes to go, Bert Turner scored an OG, but a minute later, scored again at the right end, to ensure extra time, whereupon Derby turned on the screws, and absolutely battered Charlton, with a goal from Peter Doherty, and two from Jack Stamps.

    Finally... at the fourth time of asking..., Derby County had finally got their hands on this little beauty.

    Happy 75th anniversary, everyone!





  12. 26th April 1975.

    46 years ago today, at the gullible age of 12, I attended my very first pro football game...

    It was Derby County v Carlisle Utd, and was a drab 0-0 draw, albeit in glorious sunshine, and albeit being played... and watched... in surprisingly high spirits.

    I was all ready for trundling home at the final whistle... then this happened... and being that aforementioned gullible pre-teen, I became instantly hooked on Derby County FC... 








    Just realised...

    Technically, I'll be in that photo, as we were sat in the Normanton wing of The Ley Stand!  Never realised that before, despite seeing the pic numerous times over the years!  How cool is that!   ??

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