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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. On 26/06/2021 at 17:38, angieram said:

    I've just had my 2021 holiday. Beautiful scenery, crap weather.



    On 26/06/2021 at 20:27, angieram said:

    …sorry but your photo isn't working for me, not sure why.


    My pic was showing (to me) when you posted, but now seems to have disappeared!

    It was too similar to yours to ignore, so trying again, from a different source…



  2. 1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Was thinking of a trip down to Cornwall in August - till I saw the prices.  At the minute they must be at least 3 x higher than normal. 

    A 2 bed caravan for 7 nights in Newquay can be yours for just £3229.  5 nights in a B&B £945.

    2 berth, or 2 bedrooms?

    Assuming the latter, and assuming doubles, that's a mere £807.25 per person!


    See!  Who's whinging now, eh?


  3. Not seen many games, so you lot may have witnessed it already... but I think I've just seen the ugliest, most disgusting kit ever!  ?


    Damn sure that if I was made to wear that, the last thing I'd want to do is look up to see myself on a big screen!  ?


    I predict a Belgium win... 2-1 if I must go into that much detail.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Rich84 said:

    Just about to ask the same question,  if the accounts don't comply with the Companies Act then surely HMRC will be after us.....

    Also, for P+S, do we need to resubmit the 3 year rolling numbers that include the prior years,  everyone is focusing on 19/20 but 2016 and 2017 have an effect on the 2014-2016 and 2015-2017 don't they? Which don't have the protection of the Stadium sale and with our policy will be more adversely affected as our policy didn't write off much value in the 1st 2 years of a player's contract

    Are these the years that apparently were previously accepted by EFL, using the same accounting methods, but are now being told such methods are unacceptable?

    Very good question then, if so.  


    Also... we seem to have very similar surnames.  Are we related?

    ... and are you really, really Rich?  ?

  5. 9 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    The rules require accounts to comply with the companies act. Ours did not.


    Is that so?  How come HMRC aren't chasing us?

    I hasten to add, that is a genuine question by someone who knows the square root of FA.  I'm not trying to pretend I know the answer, or blatantly calling you out.

  6. 11 hours ago, enachops said:

    You may have just answered by query. Fair do’s. To my knowledge it wasn’t illegal though was it? Not against EFL rules? They approved them. They should have checked to the time? Jeez - I’m turning into Alan Hinton with all these question marks? 

    Change your username to @Gladyschops  ?

  7. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    I've just had my 2021 holiday. Beautiful scenery, crap weather.



    Same weather, same place last September, although to be fair, that was one of the cooler/greyer days, and all told, we had cracking weather for the fortnight...



    We covered the SWCP in dribs and drabs, from Lyme Regis to West Bexington (Plus the bottom half circuit of Portland).
    Despite being lumbered with walking boots in the UK (Instead of cycles in the South of France), we absolutely loved it!

    So much so, we're heading that way again this coming September, but will concentrate more on the same path to the West of Lyme Regis this time.




  8. 12 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Not here to argue LCR but I went on the Bristol City forum earlier to get their take and someone on there quoted rule 28/2 (I think) and apparently the EFL have the power to suspend both ours and Wycombe’s games should they choose.

    Remember, I’m not saying that can/will happen, it’s what I read on there tonight. It was news to me and something that came as a bit of a shock, I never new such a rule existed. 

    It probably doesn't yet!  Give it a few days!  ?

  9. 16 hours ago, Eatonram said:

    If 4000 supporters donate the price of one match ticket £25 we would raise the 100k. I would gladly do it. Think it would say a lot and raise a lot of positive publicity if paid with an open letter to the press stating our disgust at the way the efl are behaving. Any money raised over the target sum to be donated to breast and prostrate cancer research. I would gladly pay. 

    As a NE Cornerite, can I just pay £20?  I'm used to the cheaper ticket prices.  ?

    I love the idea in theory though!  I'm in!  ??

  10. 14 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I'm a bit confused.

    We've been fined £100k for having a non-compliant accounting methodology. Both the EFL and us can appeal this sanction.

    We also have to restate out accounts and P&S submissions.

    I thought the issue in the charge was the accounting method - if our re-stated P&S is in breech we'll get punished for that in line with precedent but because we sold PP it's not going to be that much over? Even so that is surely a subsiquent and separate issue to the now resolved accoutancy question.


    Late to the party, as I'm only just catching up.  Only read as far as this post on page one.


    This is how I see it too.

    A £100k fine, which can be appealed by either DCFC or EFL (But NOT Wycombe... whoever said that!!)
    DCFC state they will make no further comment until they have seen and digested the reasoning behind the £100k fine.  (48 hours? Yeah, Right!)
    The interchangeable fixtures (Yeah, Right again!) relates to any potential appeal against the £100k fine, which in theory could... eventually... lead to a different punishment, be that a points deduction, no punishment at all, or anything in between).
    Personally, I'd advise Wycombe not to hold their breath!


    Moving on...

    As the DCFC accounts (for 16/17/18) thus far are NOW deemed to be in breach of rule this, and para that, DCFC now have to resubmit those accounts in line with acceptable methods.
    DCFC state our new (acceptable) accounting method now has to be met and completed by 18th August (which the EFL failed to mention in their presser).
    Only once they are submitted, can any decisions on whether any P&S limits have been breached be found.
    IF... repeat... IF... our accounts then go on to break P&S rules, we will no doubt receive a new and separate charge, and a whole new chapter (same but different) will need to commence.  This particular episode will play no part in league fixtures being affected for next season (21/22), and if and when that does eventually happen, I seriously doubt the outcome will affect Wycombe!


    If our (crap) attempts at accountancy were genuine, innocent, and simply mistaken, I expect Mel to accept the £100k fine, and kick arses for making him look a bit of a prat.

    If our (deceitful) attempts at accountancy were a deliberate attempt to gain an unfair advantage, with the hope of getting away with it, I expect Mel to accept the £100k fine, and breath a huge sigh of relief, that the punishment was nowhere near as bad as it could have been.


    Of course, whether anyone at DCFC is now pooing bricks knowing... or strongly suspecting... that our resubmitted accounts (at 23:57 on 17th August 2021!) will fail P&S, is anyones guess!   


  11. 1 hour ago, MrPlinkett said:

    By no wifi do you mean no 4g either?

    I've absolutely no idea!  That sounds rather technical to me!  ?

    I was probably exaggerating the situation anyway, to be honest.  Just to make my life appear so much more adventurous and intrepid.  We're heading for a campsite within touching distance of civilisation, albeit up in the "Mountains"!  I'm sure I'll be ok, but I do appreciate your concern!  ? ?



  12. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well tell me how come Derby have said they are waiting for goverment approval then.

    They cant say like 3 days before season due to start to say you can now start selling season tickets.

    They cost the club enough in lost revenue unless lucky enough let supporters in earlier on in last season.

    They are waiting for no such thing.  They said they are waiting for "...further information on the UK Government’s plans regarding Step 4 of its roadmap out of lockdown..."

    They can sell season tickets right now, if they want.  It's just that right now, they don't know whether they'll be in a position to honour the tickets, or start faffing around with refunds again!




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