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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. What an absolute donk!  You'll bloody kill yersen!   ?


    I'll do the easy bit... for every 10k you run, I'll put a fiver to one side.  At the end of the season... IF you are still alive... I'll split it 50/50 to each of your chosen charities.

    Oh... and I think you need to sort out your gofundme link in the OP... The one you have put in is just going to a log in page.  





    Oops... EDIT... At the end of the calendar year, 2021!  

  2. 6 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Handball should be given when it hits the hand. Only given when the arm is deliberately used to prevent an advantage. 

    One yard line introduced along the six yard box. No one bar the keeper allowed within it at set pieces. Also used at penalties as keeper's limit of movement. 

    Any player falling to the floor clutching their face should leave the field for a concussion check. Safety and play acting device. 

    With regards to handball, we already have a defining line (Bottom of the arm pit, or some such twaddle?)  Moving the line makes absolutely no difference.  It's still a line.  A limit.
    We already tried the "deliberate" ruling... The refs were incapable of reading the player's minds, so that bit was taken out.  It didn't help that there wasn't enough people on Earth (so, 2 in effect!) that could categorically agree on how a sportsman's body works, and what constitutes "natural movement" v deliberate intent!

    Similarly with the peno thing.  Currently, the keeper must keep some part of the body (usually the foot) directly above the goal line (I think that's the latest ruling, but I could quite easily be out of touch!).  It's up to the ref/lino/VAR to determine whether that limitation was breeched or not.  Moving that limit line forward a yard will still require someone to decide whether that limitation was exceeded or not, so again, a pointless exercise in changing it.

    Personally, I'd like to see a little more concentration given to exactly when the ball leaves the keepers hand, when punting it forward "from the edge of the area"!  I'm convinced quite a few are outside the 18 yard box!


    As for your last para, whilst I'd agree with the sentiment, I fear we'd then have to determine precisely (to within 1,000th of a mm) where "The face" starts and ends!  ?

    Good post and all that, but I think you need to go and sit down, take a long hard look at yourself, and then come back and apologise for wasting everyone's time!




  3. 15 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    They seem to measure it from when the ball moves but that has to be after it is played, doesn't it? If they measure it from the first point of contact, then we are dealing with the millisecond of contact. Possibly less but I don't know what those are called.

    We are relying on the picture being stopped at the very point of contact, which I would say is impossible for the human eye to judge consistently, even in close up.

    For context here, a housefly flaps its wings every 3 milliseconds.

    Does anyone know how the picture is stopped? By hand/eye or by algorithm?

    Or what the official guidelines are for the wonks who have to judge this stuff?

    We currently have a set of laws written for humans being interpreted by machines. Let's just get rid of the machines.

    It's billisecond.

    Google has it as "One billionth of a second", but legend has it that it actually derives from Billy Whizz, the fastest schoolboy in history.

    So now you know!


  4. 3 hours ago, Coconut said:

    Police pulling up outside my house in both van & car, knocking on my door by mistake, wrong house, it's the people over the road they wanted.

    They only spoke to them for about 2 mins & drove off again, so quite why a van and a car was needed....?

    Either way, your neighbours will clearly think it was you who dobbed them in, seeing as the Rozzers came to take your statement before knocking on their door!
    Hey... don't shoot the messenger, but that's how it will look from their window!

    Maybe sleep with one eye open, for the next few nights?
    Night, Night!



  5. Taxi drivers,

    Make life a lot simpler for yourself whilst waiting for your next fare to be radioed through, by simply parking up directly opposite a T junction, thus making it easy for yourself to shoot off in either of the 3 available directions, once that call does come through.

    Don't concern yourself with how that might affect others trying to pass, or pull out from the T Junction.  We really don't mind.

    ...And after all, The Highway Code is for amateurs anyway, right?




  6. 9 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    Shoes (or whatever the food they are) on the bed.. You would be dead in my house.

    I think he might be dead anyway?
    He's clearly dressed for the operating theatre... although they may just keep that on him for the morgue now, I suppose?  
    White walls and bedding, with wires and monitors everywhere. 
    Double door leading to the en-suite (Clearly in a private ward room, but I'd expect nothing less, for our late great leader). 
    There's what appears to be a defibrillator on the window sill. 
    The window blinds are closed, so clearly the staff have no need to "keep an eye on him" any more.
    It appears they have shaved his inner thighs in readiness for some form of invasive procedure? (Though that could just be due to the chaffing?)

    Even the dog is lain pining by the side of his body, which is a sure sign!  They don't let dogs in unless it's exceptional circumstances!

    Watch him try to deny it!


    Does the forum automatically get handed over to Boycie?  Happy Days!    



  7. Morrisons... sort your effing receipts out at the fuel pumps!

    Averaging once a week, x the last 8 weeks... gel up... glove on... pay at pump... then need to faff about gelling up again, donning a mask, and entering a shop I should have absolutely no need to enter, putting both myself and others (in the shop) at risk, all because the pump failed to print the receipt (Company car/credit card, so the accountant likes a receipt).



  8. 2 hours ago, Turk Thrust said:

    People who use “disinterested” when they mean “uninterested”. The two do not mean the same thing.
    Disinterested means impartial or unbiased. 
    But to confuse matters thanks to the vagaries of the English language the noun of “Disinterested” is “disinterestedness” while the noun of “uninterested” is “disinterest”. 

    phew, need to lie down now for a bit


  9. 2 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

    I've acted like a spurned lover.

    I been trying to pretend his going doesn't bother me, and it was time to split up, overdue even.

    I thought he'd take his crap clothes out the wardrobe, threaten to storm off, but not really mean it.

    On your way nobhead, good luck finding another who loves you like me, I thought. 

    Knowing all along he'd be back in my arms before long, having spent the night sleepless in a lay-by, cursing his brinkmanship as he slowly snuggled further into the blanket I'd tossed at him as he walked out the door, while nibbling the kendle mint cake I'd packed in the middle as a surprise.

    He's called my bluff, fooked off with another partner who's no doubt been whispering sweet promises in his ear, and all I'm left with is tissues and sweet, sweet memories.

    Farewell my prince, you've given me more enjoyment than any other player since the Jim Smith days, and I'll always love you.



    Steady on that man!  I know we're all mates on here, but probably best to keep some things to yourself!

  10. 2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Imagine if the team to break our record was them.

    One can dream.

    I was just thinking similar... If we could put it up for auction... How much would we donate to charity, as individuals,  if Leeds were to come straight back down with 10 points or less?


    I'll start the bidding at a nice round £1k

    #Letuspay  ?

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