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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. I'd have him back in a Heartbeat












    ... Revival. 
    He could play the long lost grandson of Sergeant Oscar Blaketon, up from the smoke, looking to get away from his humdrum life in the Met Polis, for something a little more adventurous up in the N. York Moors.  I can see him doing his rounds on a top-of-the range E-Bike.  Get's to stay as one of the boys in blue too, of course!  

    Obviously, time will have moved on, so the music won't be as good as the original... and the barmaids skirts won't be as short... but hey, a job's a job... innit, me old China teapot*!



    *That's Cockinee rhyming slang for a plate of meat, commonly chicken, or haddock, I believe. 

  2. 16 hours ago, Sean said:


    I am still alive don't worry, I've just had an incredibly hectic week, thank you for the interest!

    I have done the two runs for Forest and Cardiff but forgot to post them, will put all the details here shortly.

    I was also planning to do my 10k for yesterday's game today but I'm feeling a little under the weather at the moment so will probably delay this until tomorrow evening!

    Glad to hear all is ok, mate.  ?


    Looks like I forgot to add the Watford game to my i.o.u's, so now done.  I'll i.o.u in advance for the Coventry run, as I'm generous like that!  ?


    Updated i.o.u:

    £20 + Watford, For*st, Cardiff, Coventry... 



    Roll on December!  ? 


  3. 36 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    It's not dogs I dislike, it's their owners. When I'm out walking I don't want to be accosted by an untrained dog. While being told by it's owner, it's very friendly it won't harm you. When this happens when I'm out walking with my grandchildren, it takes a lot of self control, not to tell the owners that if they don't control their animal, I'll be launching it over the nearest fence with a size nine boot.

    My favourites are those really cute fluffy ones that come over to lick your scotch eggs and sausage roll (Not a euphemism!) whilst the owner strolls 30m away calling "Ooh, come away Sebastian. They're trying to have a picnic"!

    It's the owner I feel like launching over the fence... and I'm a size ten! (Also not a euphemism, sadly!  ? )

  4. On 04/03/2021 at 22:27, Stagtime said:

    Some waterproof rating. 15000 -3000 is a good rating, 5000 is classed waterproof so 10,000 should be the ducks guts.

    That's an excellent tent, and very highly regarded over here (Generally excellent reviews).  (Though not too many Zempire suppliers, as they are from over your way, I believe?)

    I came close to getting one a few years back, but took the cotton canvas route instead.


    "Hydrostatic Head is the measure of how water resistant your tent material is. It measures how tall a column of water the fabric can hold before water starts to seep through the weave. A Hydrostatic Head of 5000mm means that a tent fabric could hold a column of water that is 5000mm tall."


    In the UK, 1,500 is minimum to be "Officially classed as waterproof"... but is not all that, and you will no doubt get drips in a half decent downpour! 
    Most family tents over here (Vango/Outwell etc) rate between 3,000 to 6,000.
    10,000 is usually reserved for the thicker/heavier gauge groundsheet only (not the flysheet).

    That all applies to synthetic tents of course.  Cotton Canvas doesn't come with an HH rating.


    Very Nice tent.  Enjoy!  ?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    My missus often sends me a text that merely says - 


    It really really gets under my skin. She can send it if she thinks I'm annoyed at her, if she thinks I'm obviously having too a good time to think of her or maybe first thing in the AM or sometimes just randomly if we aren't together. 

    Either way, it's passive aggressive overtones drive me mad. So I often snap back angrily or just ignore it. Yet she will still keep sending it!!! 

    Respond with...

    "Who is this?"

  6. 1 minute ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:


    Very rarely start a thread and I am called out for annoying people... 

    Some irony here somewhere..

    Night all...

    I too very rarely start a thread.  
    More often than not, there's one already up and running that is perfectly usable.

    However, once you have started a new thread... and unless/until the mods merge it... then said new thread now exists, and it ain't going anywhere, so no irony at all in anyone posting in there.  


    Sweet dreams...

  7. 18 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    I thought this was going to be a lighthearted  Random Stuff That People Do To Annoy Me thread, hence the title, so On that basis, I’m out. 


    Absolutely no need for a new thread, when a perfectly titled and appropriate (long running) thread already exists.
    The OP to this thread would have fit right in...




  8. On 08/12/2020 at 20:14, Mucker1884 said:

    I'll do the easy bit... for every 10k you run, I'll put a fiver to one side.  At the end of the season... IF you are still alive... I'll split it 50/50 to each of your chosen charities....


    You've gone quiet, @Sean.  Hope you're ok, mate.  ?


    Just a bump and an update...

    Since the last post (following Watford away)...


    Huddersfield Home - WIN
    Fo*est Home-Draw
    Cardiff Away - Lose

    =2 x 10k runs to report.

    I'll update my IOU when I see evidence that @Sean is still alive, and has done the last two runs.




  9. Damn!  Missed it!

    ... 2 days ago...


    2nd March 1946

    A 3-4 win at Villa Park in the FA Cup QF First Leg. 
    In front of 76,588, which remains their attendance record to this day... 75 years later!  (Maybe they had high hopes of winning T'Cup that year?)

    Each goal scored by legends still oft remembered today... Sammy Crooks, Raich Carter, and 2 for Peter Doherty.

    Just a home draw next week in the second leg, and... whisper it... we'll be in the semi final!

    We couldn't... COULD WE?   
    #daretodream ?



  10. On 28/02/2021 at 12:19, cannable said:

    I seem to frequently walk around my house these days singing “duh duh duhhh, Colin Kazim-Richards” to the tune of ‘come and do the kings’.

    I also found myself on Friday singing Kazim, Kazim, Kaziiiiiim to the tune of Jolene ?

    I need to get out of the house 


    With handsomeness beyond compare
    His tight-knit locks of sable hair
    With tattooed skin and eyes with joyous sheen

    His smile is like a breath of spring
    His whoop does screech like stormy rain
    And we cannot compete with him

    He scores against you in his sleep
    And there's nothing we can do to keep
    From smilin' when Wayne calls his name

    And we can easily understand
    How you could easily take our man
    But you don't know what he means to us

    Colin, Colin, Colin, Coleeeee-in
    I'm begging of you please don't take our man
    Colin, Colin, Colin, Coleeeee-in
    Please don't take him just because you can


    ... Whoop!  


  11. 5 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

    There’s two things in this world that once they’re in place it’s practically impossible to move. One is a 500 tonne piece of rock. The other is two women walking next to each other on a pavement. If I had a quid for every time I had to move into the road to avoid the ignorant bints I’d be a very well off bloke!!! 

    Even worse when there is no road to step into to maintain a polite distance.  Not all trails and public footpaths are across open fields.
    Some people remain oblivious to others.  Even a 2m+ wide Lane/track is narrow, when confronted by a family spread out across it's width, all side by side!


  12. Our fine city, and our even finer football team begin with a capital... "Derby"!

    Same goes for all the other towns, villages, and cities around the world, and even the horse races!


    A sporting contest between two local teams is however, a little bit different.  A bit like this... "Derby".


    Just sayin'.  Dunt really matter... to some, it seems! 

    Seethe, grrrr, rant etc. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Your missing out youth. Get a gang of mates to a cottage, loads of booze and food and good times on the cheap. If you book near a town or city too, you can experience the local night life.

    Don't waste your breath, mate.

    I suspect @DarkFruitsRam7 is fully aware of the virtues of cottaging.  He's just trying to portray a certain image, in front of the lads, on match day.
    Well... He ain't got me fooled! ?

  14. We have a couple of Cane Corso's (aka Italian Mastiff) in the wider family (together in the same household).

    Absolute dopes!  Brainless! Soft as poo!  Great with the grandkids and their friends.

    But they are massive.  They are very slobbery.  And VERY, VERY STRONG/POWERFUL!

    (We're not dog owners ourselves, and doubt we ever will be, as we couldn't commit our time and efforts to them in the way dog owners should).


    The problem I have with dogs... if indeed I do actually have a problem with them, which I'm not convinced I have... is that whether they are labelled "dangerous" or not, every time we hear of an attack, be that with other dogs, owners, passers-by, or worst of all, the families kids/babies, it always seems to be a case of "Well, they've never done that before!  We are responsible owners.  The dog has been well trained, and has always been part of the family, surrounded by kids" etc.

    I guess that ultimately, regardless of how good a dog-owner folk think they are, they need to keep on the ball, with one eye permanently on the dog(s), and be prepared for the worse, because when that happens, it is more often than not, too late!  

  15. Sod it!

    Camp sites filling up fast, and already resigned to not going to get over to France, so we've just booked first two weeks in September.

    Same camp site as last Sept, just outside Lyme Regis, and lots of walking along the SE Coastal Path/Jurassic coast.

    50% increase in camp site fees, (compared to last year) but hey, at least we know what to expect, so no nasty surprises!
    Just a £50 deposit paid, with balance due 4 weeks before arrival, so worse case is not a lot to lose (It's transferable to other dates anyway, should all get closed down again).

    And the most important bit of all... It's giving Muckerette something to look forward to, as she's starting to struggle a bit now.  xxx

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