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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. Same here.

    Only the past few days.

    Seems to be the first time I click on "Unread items", then no more for that session.

    Same happens again next session (I don't log out).

    Don't recall it happening this morning though, about an hour ago?

    No problem either way, as it's a quick click, and all is gone.

  2. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Forum members texting me at 6.30am 

    I had a non-urgent work text from our accountant (He's WFH now) at 22:25 the other night.

    I was just going to bed when I saw it, and my phone goes on "Do Not Disturb" at 22:15, so it didn't actually make a sound, but the principle of it "annoyed me when it shouldn't"!

    ... to the point that I responded when I got up next morning, at 05:10.

    I've no idea whether he uses "Do Not Disturb", but I do know he doesn't usually get up until gone 8am!


    Not sure any of us should moan about such disturbances though, what with "Do Not Disturb" and other similar options?  

  3. 5 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:


    You're definitely in need of the barbers opening back up @David. Hope you get in ASAP.

    That is possibly the funniest post you have heifer made... although I don't think the bos will be in the mood for jokes, as he's hurt his calf.  

    Damn... it was his ankle... scrap that last one!  I suppose I cud have checked before posting!  ?

  4. 13 hours ago, BIllyD said:

    So I caveat every post with I may be wrong...


    Well, that's my usual approach, yeah! ?


    Hey, I'm with you on the dangers of posting such misinformation, particularly on a topic such as this, but I guess we all know something that could correct a misinformed post by others, and imo, there are ways to correct such misinformation.  Some are polite, some aren't.  

    Personally, I'm not enamoured with phrases like "people are too happy to give their opinion on what should or shouldn't be done without even knowing what they are talking  about", but I concede, it's not the most pompous phrase I've ever read, but it ain't particularly matey either. 
    I just get the impression that such a riposte could put others off from posting... not good for a discussion forum.

    Anyway, it's done now, and nobody died, so ho-hum.  ?

  5. 36 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

    ...Not just your post, but people are too happy to give their opinion on what should or shouldn't be done without even knowing what they are talking  about...


    But surely when that is backed up with a "Forgive me if I’m wrong..." or "Happy to be corrected" type post, it's ok isn't it?

    Surely that's worthy of a nice polite "Actually, the facts are..." type riposte?  Perhaps capped off with an all-educating factual link? Particularly as this specific topic still remains relatively new and complex the world over?

    Otherwise, shall we just lock this thread, as I doubt there's a 100% know-all expert out there, never mind on this forum!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Don't be so rough on me. I honestly did change it before I'd seen your response. 

    I checked (you REALLY annoyed me) but I couldn't find a time check for your edit, only the original post).

    I will give you the benefit of the doubt.  I'll retract the git statement.  Consider yourself my friend again... and consider yourself very lucky!  I don't have many friends, as I'm sure you can appreciate!  ??

  7. 2 hours ago, Rev said:

    If I reversed onto my drive, I wouldn't be able to get out the car.

    Good point!  

    Must admit, I'm the other way around, which of course suits me, but it wasn't something I considered when I posted what I did, so I'll take that bit back, about "should be illegal"!






  8. 12 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    People who take up two parking spaces at the supermarket. Not so much those that want to protect a new car, I get that, just those that actually can’t park or think that’ll do when two wheels are over the lines. Nobheads.

    I'd add those that swing the front end into a double space, but still end up with the car inside the lines of one space.  Often left skew-whiff, with full lock on.  I always steer clear of that now empty space at the side, as you just know they may well need to swing out again.*

    Added to that, they then run the risk of running down the old dear taking back her trolley, when they come to reverse out again.

    Driving forwards into a parking space and/or driveway should be made illegal imo, if it means they have to reverse out!  


    *We once sat in a McD carpark "doing lunch", and witnessed that very thing.  Front corner scraped down the side of the innocent car in the next space, as it reversed out, with the front end swinging over with full lock on.  They drove off, sharpish, as they clearly realised what had happened!


    I notice quite a few company car parks now stipulate "reverse parking only" in their staff/visitor car parks.  I like that.  A lot!  

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