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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. Hey Postie.

    I appreciate you are up against it at the moment.  I appreciate it's cold, wet and windy out there, but you are still getting through, and delivering our bills to ensure we don't get cut off.  It really is appreciated.
    I also appreciate you are not our usual postie, and that maybe you are not from round these parts.

    But seriously dude... SHUT THE DUCKING GATE on yer way out, will yer!


  2. On 13/01/2021 at 10:52, Anag Ram said:

    Went to Boots for a pre-arranged flu jab last Sunday.

    The chemist was a lovely chap but explained that my wife and I needed a pen and had to fill in our personal details across two pages of A4.

    When we had finished he told us to wait whilst he inputted our information onto his computer. 

    We are in 2021, right?

    We did similar before Xmas.
    Confirmed the appointment (Lloyds chemist) and each filled in the forms on line, at home.  Then they re-arranged the appointment for us to go to a different branch.  When we arrived and the form got mentioned, they said their system didn't allow for accessing the form from the original branch, so we had to sit and do it all again on our phones (with the option for pen and paper if needed), before we could have the jab!

  3. 7 hours ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

    Why buy a ticket if you don't know if there is any football to be watched? 

    Like buying a meal from some dodgy geezer you have heard has ventured into takeaways but you hope you might get some food if you are in luck. 

    I can only speak for myself, but I bought mine the evening they announced the suspension of sales for the following day (June, was it?).  I purchased mine because they said if we can't attend matches this season, we will be credited accordingly towards the following (21/22) season.   Other than dropping dead in the meantime, I was/am still looking to be a season ticket holder next season, so that worked for me.  Admittedly, should we not be able to attend games in 21/22, I'm pinning my hopes on a similar offer moving forward to the following season.  I guess there's always a chance we could go bust, and I'd get nothing.  Being at the cheaper end of the seat categories, I was and remain happy with that little gamble.

    For the record though, there are some on here who purchased their 20/21 season ticket so early (Jan/Feb 20), there was no sign of potential disruption, and Covid was some mid-page paragraph in "Chinese News in brief".

  4. 7 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    I really don't think is remotely likely. You say gullible, I say realist. If it did, I suspect there would be some legal recourse. I'm no expert but I would have thought that if you have made a purchase from "the club" and "the club" then refuses or fails to honour the purchase you'd have legal rights possibly under section 75 of the consumer credit act (if you paid by credit card).

    100% agree, hence my imaginary scenario/example.  The "gullible amongst us" was very much aimed at myself.  ?

  5. 8 hours ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    No, sorry for the misunderstanding. We asked for a discount for this season but like many others didn't buy. The club kept moving the renewal deadline and then it was suspended. Correct me if I'm wrong. As the months have passed since then, financial pressures have meant that season tickets will have to be given a miss for us. That's why I asked for the change. Thanks. 

    Now I'm with you!  ?



  6. 6 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Because you can only watch the games for £230 because crowds are not allowed? 

    You couldn't access this deal legally before Covid-19, and I'd guess you won't after.

    Would it make it better if RamsTv cost the same as your season ticket?


    I think the £10 games (and/or free to Season ticket holders) are a special dispensation from EFL/TV companies (Sky!) purely due to Covid, and non-attendance.  Usual contractual restrictions will return, once stadiums are opened up to us all again.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    It wasn't our intention. We'd asked for discount in May or whenever. However, my other half has a small business which is on it's knees at the moment and so there's no chance of us having the spare cash for season tickets for the foreseeable future. I asked if there was an option to change and as I said earlier, was given a definite No. Bit dissapointed with the response but if the club is skint I can see why they won't go down this route. 

    So you currently have the 20/21 season tickets?  All paid for?

    If so, and we don't get to see any games this season, they will automatically roll over, so no more actual expense for your 21/22 tickets.

    Appreciate that doesn't account for "other match day spends", and that a refund may still be preferable to you.

    Anyway... Hope things pick up for you both, sooner rather than later.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, Bearwood Ram said:

    The option of a refund is not an option. I was told that in my email correspondence with the ticket office. They said they can't take into account changes in individual circumstances. Ours/mine have changed and as such we won't renew. Was hoping for a bit of leeway but I guess that the club are knackered financially so can't afford refunds. 

    Have to take your word for that.  I've not looked into anything to do with refunds, so no idea.  ?

  9. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    New owners agree with that?

    That's a very good point.

    However, that was the agreement between customer and "The Club", at the time of the transaction.  The gullible amongst us could only imagine that the new owners would continue with whatever "The Club" has already agreed to, and/or sanctioned.

    If not... imagine this scenario:

    New owners take over on 20th Jan.
    Pride Park Stadium is fully opened to all fans on 28th Feb.
    New owners refuse to honour current 20/21 Season tickets purchased when Mel was still in charge, and expect everyone to purchase individual match tickets...

    Queue forms, to kick down the glass frontage... 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    How about transferring this seasons ticket to next seasons if you have purchased one.

    Season ticket?  That's already the plan.

    Any games missed this season (likely looking like all of them!) will be auto transferred (pro-rata, in theory) to 21/22.

    Assuming we are not allowed in at all this season, then the cost of my 21/22 ticket is already covered in full.  


    *I guess there will be the option of a refund for those not wishing to continue as a season ticket holder for 21/22, but that's not something I'm currently considering, so it shouldn't affect me.

  11. 18 hours ago, Sean said:

    Damn you, Kazim-Richards!


    Not at all in great shape or form but not too bad after Christmas. Hopefully won't have to do another one for a little while...

    Many thanks for all of the donations so far ?




    Bugger!  Forgot about this!  ?

    Probably best if I keep a tally as we go, if that's ok?

    Would hate to diddle your charities, come the end of the year!


    I.O.U. £5

  12. Peppermint.

    Dad and daughter get gunned down in a drive-by at the fairground.  Mum disappears, and returns s few years later as a rather hot tough cookie, with only one thing on her mind... revenge, and looking good!  Oh... That's two things!

    She's angry, but focussed.  Sweaty and grubby, whilst retaining her femininity.  Brutal, yet ever so caring.  Methodical, yet vulnerable.
    Tooled up to the max, and quite happy to take out all and sundry on her quest to get to Mr Big. 

    I do like a bit of vigilantism, and with a bit of help from Google, I think I now have a new middle aged crush!


    George Thorne/10  ?


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