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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. 3 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Looks like red to me. ?‍♂️

    My initial reaction/personal opinion was orange.  A quick recce on the official Everton site confirmed they class it as "Burnt orange".

    I suspect their fans would be as immature as ours, when it comes to rivals' colours... and yes... hands up... I include myself in that!  ?


  2. After a tip off (re appointment availability) on here the other day, I took a gamble, cancelled my 10th June appointment for second jab, and subsequently re-booked an earlier appointment... for tea time yesterday... so all done now.

    However, things aren't so good today...

    I won't bore you... or embarrass myself... by going into too much detail, suffice to say, I think I'm now suffering from premature inoculation!    ?

  3. 6 hours ago, Rev said:

    In which case, how do you know that the reason for sales/renewals not commencing isn't down to a reduced capacity?

    Apologies.  I don't "know" anything.  Was merely trying to convey my opinion.  Pure guesswork.  Not ITK.  Never have been.

    Apologies again, if any of my posts on here have suggested otherwise.  That was never my intention.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Rev said:

    You're not being stupid, as I suspect you well know.

    However, you later state 'there must be more than dozen possible realistic causes, over and above waiting to see how many are allowed in'.

    Name them.


    But as I said in a previous post that you quoted...

    4 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    ... There are other reasons behind us not being able to renew yet.  To my embarrassment, I haven't got a clue what those reasons would be!


    So no, sorry, I can't!  

  5. 13 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Simple things like changing a bog seat.. WTF, do you need a degree in engineering and also be a contortionist..


    Dear oh dear.

    Please don't tell me you are still using ye olde bottom fix toilet seats down south?  Just how far behind us are you?  Jeez!



  6. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    Fair enough but I don’t think the delay warrants being called pitiful and I’m not sure why it’s worth some getting upset.

    Cause for concern? Probably

    More reasonable for us than for most other clubs given what we’re going through? I’d say so

    Causing a problem for any of us? I very much doubt it

    Pitiful? Of course not

    Best to wait a little bit longer before getting our underwear in a twist? Absolutely 

    Oh indeed.  Totally agree.

    My gripe... if indeed that's what it is... isn't with the club, or with any perceived delay. I'm neither panicking nor concerned myself.

    With everything going on at the club at present, I expect there's more than a dozen realistic possible causes for the delay, over and above the highly unlikely suggestion that they are "Waiting to see how many we are likely to be allowed in".

  7. 2 hours ago, Rev said:

    You could argue it the other way though, and say DCFC are being more honest and fair by only selling tickets once they know they can be honoured.


    I'm sure you could, yes.  If you see it that way.

    Not sure I'd agree, personally.  
    Am I right in thinking (Happy to be corrected... I actively avoid the news nowadays!) that in general, if everything goes to plan, isn't pretty mush everything expected/hoped to be open/up and running by August?
    Is it dishonest for airlines to be selling seats for next month?  Restaurants taking bookings for next week?  Hotels taking bookings for Xmas?  Apparently music gigs are due to start up again soon, no?  I assume tickets will be needed for those too?

    Not sure where honesty comes into it, if I'm honest.  Apologies if I'm being stupid?

  8. Meant to say...

    on top of those (reputed) 11,000 freebie/credited renewals, there would still be others wanting to renew, that have no available credit.  OK, maybe only a thousand or so?  Maybe even just a few hundred?  But it would still be cash coming in.  What business would say no to "cash now... potential refunds/headache later"?

    This ain't no waiting game.  There are other reasons behind us not being able to renew yet.  To my embarrassment, I haven't got a clue what those reasons would be!

  9. 52 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Maybe, if the person in the ticket office is correct and 11000 season tickets were sold for this season, that’s 11000 that will effectively roll over to next season. If (again) the maximum attendance is initially set at 11000 or less, would the club want to complicate things by selling more season tickets (assuming there are more that would want one of course)? That’s the only rationale I can think of.

    First completely random check I did was Peterborough... "2021/22 Season Tickets On Sale Now! ".  Backed up by their "Pandemic Promise - In the event that Government guidance enforces a capacity restriction at the Weston Home Stadium at any point during the 2021/22 season, then we promise to offer a pro-rata refund for any games missed."

    Next up was The Blades... Yep... Renewals From Thursday 6th May until 5pm Friday 28th May.

    Hammers... Renewal window open until 14th June.  Relocation period from 18th June.

    Been on Early Bird session since 6th April... yep  6TH APRIL!  
    Phase 1: 20/21 Season Ticket holders have an exclusive renewal period of six weeks at the lowest rates, between 6th April – 14th May.
    Phase 2: Between 15th May – 18th June, 20/21 Season Ticket holders and all 19/20 Season Ticket holders can purchase a 21/22 Season Ticket and save their seat. These prices are also frozen from the Phase 2 window in 19/20, and supporters can pay by direct debit during this window. The direct debit programme will be managed in-house, with 0% interest and no fees charged.
    Phase 3: Remaining Season Tickets go on general sale from 24th June, and will also be priced as per Phase 3 pricing in 19/20. A range of Membership products which enable ticket access will also be on sale from summer.


    Along with my earlier post, that's 5 out of 5, all already doing renewals, although it appears none are currently doing general sale/new ST's, obviously.

    All done on a general Google search of "21/22 season tickets", then taking random shots at the results. 

    Now, I appreciate my search term is highly likely to bring up more reference to those selling, than not selling, but even so, there are clearly clubs out there who are not "waiting to see what Boris has to say, before opening up their online ticket sales".

    I know that (reasoning) hasn't come from the club, so I'm most certainly not bashing them, but anyone thinking this mythical "Waiting for Bojo" is a reasonable explanation for DCFC renewals not yet being available is deluded... in my opinion.



  10. On the strength of recent  posts , I've just been on the main NHS online covid booking thingy, cancelled my 2nd appointment (10th June) and am now re-booked in for tomorrow teatime.

    Similarly, I've done the same for Muckerette, (with her permission, of course!) who was booked for Sat 29/5, but is now in 5 mins after me, tomorrow teatime.  Both at Derby Arena.
    The only difference is that Muckerette was originally booked through Swiftqueue, not the NHS site, so as it stands, there's no mention of an actual cancellation (of that 29/5 booking).  She'll sort that after she's had her jab tomorrow. 
    (Doing this via the NHS website, after entering Muckerette's details, it appeared they didn't know her covid jab history, but as we completed the process, the appointment does indeed confirm it is for her 2nd jab)


    Massive thanks for the heads up, from @RoyMac5 and @Bob The Badger.  I owe you both a swift half!

    ...Yes... one each)!  :-)  

  11. 37 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    On the advice of my sister who works at a vaccination center and said I'd get in, I canceled my 2nd jab for Bank Holiday Monday because we have friends coming to stay 2 days later and I didn't want to risk feeling crap.

    I then went online to rebook and basically it was 'when can you come?'

    That was Sunday and there were openings literally every morning and afternoon from Monday onwards.

    So I went and had it this morning and was in and out in 10 minutes tops.

    I'm in Cornwall, but my sister is in Derby and she says it's the same there.

    Ooh... interesting... 

  12. 42 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Fair enough. We changed the date for ours, to after 8 weeks - felt it was our duty as we were being encouraged to get vaccinated asap to help against the Indian variant.

    TBH, after reading your comment, I went on to do similar. Gota be an all round good thing, for all. But after seeing that bit I quoted about waiting to be contacted, I didn't even try to go any further, for fear of messing things up. 
    (I've amended my appointments once already, before my first jab.  You have to cancel the originals first, and in the hope of getting earlier slots, the availabilty had disappeared, and I ended up a week later for both!  I ain't trying that again!  LOL!) 

  13. I really can't see it being anything to do with "Wait and see what numbers are allowed in".

    If we are told tomorrow that we can start next season with a fully opened stadium, that will come with the obvious "Subject to change" mantra.

    Similarly so, if the announcement isn't until next month, and the limit is stated as "50% capacity" (purely a hypothetical example).


    Make plans and adjust if required.  Sitting around waiting just isn't happening at any other business in the country! 



    I seem to recall someone on here posting something along the lines of "Virtually all other clubs are selling theirs", so purely as a scientific study, and solely for the benefit of my peers, I decided to check out a random club to see if they are selling their season tickets. 
    I say random, but in reality, I wanted to compare a similar sized club (Former European giant currently on its ar5e), from a similar location and background (Working class Middle England, by the river), a similar sized audience (20k+ for them, nearer 30k for us) and a similar league standing (Championship doldrums).
    In fact, the similarities between this particular club and our own are striking, and we'd no doubt be mistaken for identical twins... had it not been for their pink seats... oh... and the fact their 21/22 season tickets are on sale! 


    Doesn't look like there's mention of general sales as yet, but with reference to renewals, they are already hard at it...



    Apologies for not copying & pasting, but it was a pdf.

    No apologies for the graffiti.  Absolutely not.  No Siree!

    Now... I'm off for a shower!  The dirty 845t4rd5!  








  14. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    If you're in a vulnerable group or over 50 you can bring your 2nd jab forward from after 11/12 weeks to after 8 (not the chocolate!).


    Just looked into this, albeit very briefly.  (I'm over 50, not vulnerable, and 2nd jab booked for 10th June).

    The actual wording on the booking site is highlighted in yellow, and reads as follows, so I didn't pursue beyond that:

    We'll be contacting some people directly to bring forward their appointment for the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
    This is so people at greater risk of getting seriously ill due to coronavirus can get maximum protection earlier.
    Please wait to be contacted if you think you're in this group.


  15. On 17/05/2021 at 13:08, i-Ram said:

    This Indian strain is a great concern. Why are Indians over here not getting the Punjab? Tragic case down here, where someone not only lost their naan, but caught the virus themselves whilst caring and is now in an induced korma. 

    I'm sorry, but I have to say, that is very poor taste.









    ...Try a madras next time.

  16. 39 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Wasn't the 10% discount in lieu of a refund on the previous seasons ticket?

    It's that long ago I've forgotten what's what.

    Now you mention it, yes I think that's right.

    Compo for the end of 20/21 = free RamsTV plus discount off 21/22.

    Compo for missed 21/22 games = Currently stands at Free RamsTV and 100% credit (of the sum paid) towards future ticket(s).  For those... like me... who fully intend to purchase next season, effectively the past missed season is only compensated by the free Rams TV we've had access to.   Whether they will offer further discount/part refund/other compo remains to be seen.

    I think under the circumstances... let's face it, nobody is to blame here... I'd take the free Rams TV as the only compo with gratitude.  I'll just be happy to get back to paying my way, andget back to watching some live footy from "my own seat". 


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