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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. 4 hours ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    Chief NHS guy just said 1% of hospital beds are taken up by COVID  - let that sink in.

    Lockdowns and restrictions were to protect the NHS and the most vulnerable.

    We've had freedom day for the 21st June, now it's terminus day for the 19th July, I can't wait to see what they label the 16th August.

    In our house, we will be calling it "Our Silver Wedding Anniversary"!


    Not very catchy, or even original, but we like it!  ?


  2. 1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Disguise yourself as a goat and carefully walk into the nearest village and look around for a front window through which you can see the match. watch through the window. It's more covid safe.

    Do not disguise yourself as a sheep.

    Nice idea, but will anyone actually be watching ENG v SCO in Welsh speaking Wales (isn’ it!)

    Are they even allowed to watch!  ?

  3. Blimey!  I’m on a roll!  ?

    At this rate, I’m beginning to think that when COVID clears, we may not have the desire or need to return to our usual haunts… cafes, tea rooms, foody pubs etc when away camping (Don’t panic French Patisseries… we’ll never desert you!)

    This fending for ourselves is becoming all rather exciting!  (We’re usually lazy at home, and thrice as lazy when away, when it comes to food)!

    Tonight’s offering, is what can only be described as the best Filet O’ Fish I have tasted…

    Thick slices of cheesy crusty bloomer bread, both sides spread lavishly with tartare sauce, big handful of bistro leaves, and a whacking big breaded cod fillet cooked yet again in our “Ridgemonkey” griddle pan thing. 

    An absolute masterpiece, it may have been, ( both aesthetically and of course in the all important taste test) but it still retained the simplistic practicality that will eternally score highly with me!

    et… voila…





  4. On 28/05/2021 at 21:10, jono said:

    Up the A52 ... her family name is Longford. Check out the road sign ... Shirley Longford. Always makes me laugh, along with the one for Bradley ?


    When passing that sign, I always comment to Muckerette that I went to school with a Shirley Longford!

    *I didn’t really, but I think that just makes my comment even more hilarious, no?  ?

  5. Ok… hear me out here… we are far from being connoisseurs, and very much eat to live, as opposed to live to eat. I wouldn’t know a Michelin star from one of their tyres!

    …But… this was nowhere near as bad as it sounds… in fact, we both thoroughly enjoyed it, against the backdrop of a sea view, and thoroughly deserved after today’s 25mile (ish) mini cycle-a thon…

    Take a tin of Ye Olde Oak Premium Ham (for the first time since the 1976 drought summer!). Slice it, and plate up cold. 
    Take a tin of not so olde new potatoes, slice, and lob into a Ridgemonkey grill pan thing, set upon a single burner. Add a few sprays of sunflower oil cooking spray (Nope… me neither!) and toss away until golden brown (ish!)

    Do exactly the same with some mushroom based stir fry thing for the lady, or a handful of Morrison’s pre-packed bistro leaves for the gentleman… along with a couple of sachets if HP sauce, found at the back of the camping food cupboard.

    serve up on highly appropriate melamine plates (camping motifs and perfectly colour coordinated with our tent (Part of a full dining set for 4, won in a prize draw a few years ago!)  

    … et… voila…

    Served up 4 minutes apart… I couldn’t handle the pressure of it all leaving the kitchen at the same time!  ?





  6. These things...



    More than happy with the product, and have them regularly for lunch/picnics etc.  Less bloating than proper bread, more substantial than crackers.

    The product itself is fine.
    However, this morning, I was positively raging (Should that be negatively raging?  ?‍♂️) as I took 4 packs through the self-scanner... and the bar code is entrenched, folded away in the heavy seam along the back of the packaging!  I almost had to undo the flaming packet to expose the code to get a beep out of the scanner... x 4!




  7. just for info, in case it affects anyone on here...

    As we all know, Eurotunnel bookings can be amended to travel any time within 12 months of the initial booking date...

    We had a return crossing booked first half of June 2020.  Obviously cancelled.  No refund, but full credit was offered in the form of a voucher code sent by email, which needed to be activated by 31st May 2021 (Allowing for travel dates within 12 months thereafter, so May 2022.)

    That voucher has now expired and is worthless.  However, before that happened, I went on their website, clicked a button or two, and effectively replaced that voucher with an updated one.

    I now have a new voucher code, valid for booking up to May 30th 2022, and thus travel dates up to end of May 2023.


    Now just to clarify, this is a 100% cash credit, to the value of £180 in my case.  If crossing prices have trebled by the time we finally return to France, then obviously it won't look quite so good, but all in all, I'm very happy with this arrangement, and applaud Eurotunnel for their very fair approach to this whole sorry mess!

  8. Camping and cycling on the North Wales coast for the next few days (Sat to Weds).

    Expecting sea views and mountainous backdrops from the tent, direct coastal bike ride from Penmaenmawr through Conwy, then round to Llandudno (20mile total return), and with the help of the car, another coastal ride from Rhos on Sea to Rhyl (24miles return).  Might push on beyond Rhyl, to Prestatyn (upping it to 32miles return) but see how that goes.  We've done it before (32miles is about our limit!) but we're a bit out of practice.  Not been on our bikes since September!

    Shorts, sun hats, sunsets to die for, picnic lunches away from the masses, evening meals cobbled together on a single stove and Ridgemonkey, potwashing at the tent, and pissing in a bucket!  

    Back to basics*, and back to living the dream, and for today, back to loading up the car to the gunnels!  Nice!   ?



    *Not quite back to basics.  We do have mod-cons available, of course, but it spoils the overall effect of my post!  ?

  9. 10 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    1) Get rid of the apostrophe, @David.


    8 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    That apostrophe is bugging the hell out of me.


    Oh I don't know.

    A whole thread dedicated to my all time favourite holiday coin...



    Thoroughly deserved too, I say. 

    I might start another for the 50€ Note.  How annoying are they, when you only spend 9 on a menu del dia!    ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Asheville Ram said:

    Current league position - joint top along with 22 other teams

    That must be highly embarrassing for the one club left rooted all alone at the foot of the table in 24th spot.  Especially at this stage of the season!

  11. 9 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    What do people on here think we should do? Do people think the Indian variant is a problem? Do people think our vacation program will keep us on track? Asking now before captain Hindsight comes on in 4 weeks telling us all what should have happened.

    Well, we're off for a 3 night camping trip to Conwy next weekend, and have a fortnight booked for September in Dorset, so my vacation programme is shaping up nicely, at least.   

  12. 46 minutes ago, superzak said:

    Only ever missed 1 Rams game at Wembley...that was 1946 13 years before I was born lol...Kevin Phillips too this day must still be wondering how he didn't get a hat trick that day lol


    Did he play for Charlton back then?  I never knew that!   ?

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