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Worst, cringe making, irritating,adverts

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What are the ads that really get to you in a bad way?

Some starters:

Gala Bingo during The Chase: Un-funny the first time dull after the 100th.

EMR: ditto

Make up ads quoting some wonder chemical: What is Hyloranic acid or peptide?

Holiday ad showing empty beaches or pools

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I don't really watch TV, so my gripes are all radio issues.

Adverts where the company name is repeated about 20 times in the space of 30 seconds.

Any advert where they think shouting will somehow induce me to buy their product.

Tool hire/van insurance etc ads that insist on using the exact same white van man caricature. Also, any of these type of adverts that are voiced byย Ralph Ineson (which is about 90% of them).


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I really really hate some ads enough that I would refuse the product if it was free.ย 

Huel. I get that ad whenever I use my phone.ย 

You know adverts that show middle aged professional men doing a rap? Car adverts tend to do it. What year was it that somebody first laughed about an out of touch white man getting down with the kidz.ย 

What??! Liverpool players are using Nivea? That's why their skin looks so great on Match of The Day!! It all makes so much sense. Oh, look how much fun they're having rubbing it in! While in full kit too. Add to basket

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Not so much about specific ads but the adverts they are now inserting into Netflix/Amazon Prime etc shows and movies (unless you pay extra to go ad free).ย 

If they must do that, at least put some unskippable adverts before the opening credits rather than mid movie - although I guess thats not irritating enough to squeeze more money out of people.

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26 minutes ago, Alph said:

I really really hate some ads enough that I would refuse the product if it was free.ย 

Huel. I get that ad whenever I use my phone.ย 

You know adverts that show middle aged professional men doing a rap? Car adverts tend to do it. What year was it that somebody first laughed about an out of touch white man getting down with the kidz.ย 

What??! Liverpool players are using Nivea? That's why their skin looks so great on Match of The Day!! It all makes so much sense. Oh, look how much fun they're having rubbing it in! While in full kit too. Add to basket

someone listens to Talksport a lot! ๐Ÿ˜„

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"Booking geniuses"

Any ad where they have to tell you who the "celebrity" is, because they're not actually that famous.

Footballers advertising anything but especially Head & Shoudlers. Are they that strapped for cash that they have to pretend they've got dandruff?!

Any ad badly dubbed into english. Usually cosmetics or cleaning products. If a 70million population isn't large enough for you to spend a few quid re-shooting an ad in English - you don't get my money.

Podcast ads that are scripted (badly) and read out (even more badly) by the presenters. Political Currency podcast is particularly awful at this. Ed Balls banging on about the new Peugeot 208 FFS.

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Staysure...couple on the plane๐Ÿ’ฉ

All adverts that want your loot for a cheap funeralย ๐Ÿ’ฉ

All adverts that want your loot for gamblingย ๐Ÿ’ฉ

As Jimmy Cricket always said...come here there's moreย ๐Ÿ˜


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In particular, adverts where I am told how much the company cares about it's customers.

It would be much quicker naming adverts that don't irritate me.ย  Adverts are more and more creeping into everything, can't listen to music radio anymore, the commercial time equals the music time now, it is infuriating.ย 

I have a smart phone, but don't use the smarts, I do however play one game that comes included with it, a tile type of Majong thingy I enjoy.ย  At level 176 I can no longer play it without agreeing to some adverts first, I almost threw the phone into the wall.ย  It is my phone, I own it, it is not on rent, I should have complete control over it, but no grrr.ย 

Like the sucker that I can be, I came back and clicked on allowing the bare minimum of ads and I hate myself for that weakness.

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Daytime telly ones that offer you chance to get cremated or write your will. But the absolute worst are the charity ones, "just ยฃ1000 a month could give Charlie the hamster the new wheel he needs for his cage". I don't challenge the cause, it's the sugary tug at my (all too absent) heart strings that I find just so hackneyed and repetitive. Someone, somewhere must be able to do a charity ad that isn't backed by violins?

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3 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

That one with a load of folk testing out the softness of a duvet in Covent Garden.ย  I'd gladly take a bat to the black chap with the squeaky voice.ย  So f***ng irritating!!!

That's a bit squeakist!ย ย ๐Ÿ‘€


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Laundry detergent ones, where they promise their new product/formulation will remove those stubborn stains.

Hang on.....you've literally been telling us that for at least the last 40 years that I can remember. Are you saying that this product will get the stains out but all of your previous ones wouldn't?. In which case, you've been lying to us all this time. Jog on.

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