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So who would we have then?

Gerry Daly

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

No it hasn't. ADMINISTRATION and a points deduction has got us to where we are now. Oh and not all of those managers were sacked.

Administration and points deductions were a symptom. ย The cause was constantly changing managers - sacked or not - with no thought, continuity, changing styles and throwing money at it with huge fees, wages, etc.

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14 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

Administration and points deductions were a symptom. ย The cause was constantly changing managers - sacked or not - with no thought, continuity, changing styles and throwing money at it with huge fees, wages, etc.

That is your opinion. Without the points deduction we would still be in the Championship, and we've also managed some PO finals. So without changing managers we might not have done that!

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23 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

Administration and points deductions were a symptom. ย The cause was constantly changing managers - sacked or not - with no thought, continuity, changing styles and throwing money at it with huge fees, wages, etc.

That's my take on it too.ย  The issue with applying it to Warne, is that do we really think the squad we have now is really a Warne squad?ย  If we went and put say Rosenior back in charge (not suggesting this, he's just a convenient recent name), would we need to make more or less signings to get the squad to how he wanted it than we think Warne is going to have to make?ย  I definitely think a decent manager could get this bunch playing a much better brand of football pretty quickly without any signings.

And given the make-up of the squad (mostly free transfers, many out of contract in a year or 2), the actual cost of changing the squad to suit a manager is much less than when they were all ยฃ5m players on 5 year contracts.

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2 hours ago, Terry Hennessy said:


I think it was more to do with employing managers with totally different playing styles that got us into this state & we've done it again by replacing Rosenior with Warne. The only way Warne succeeds is by having a total overhaul of this playing squad & replacing them with athletes but this is expensive & going to take at least another year or two - its fair to say there is not the patience within the fanbase to allow Warne to coast to another sub-standard league finish in the meantime.

We need a pragmatist who takes on the squad & instils the most effective style to suit those players - Warne has demonstrated he is not capable or willing to do this. We are overseeing a misuse of talent & a deterioration in the quality of play whilst results are still disappointing. Crowds are going drop whilst a) the football is as poor as it has been recently & b) we are showing little sign of mounting a promotion challenge. Whilst many can forgive boring football, they will not forgive that in tandem with poor results - particularly in a division where Derby's revenue exceeds every other club.

To the general topic, replacing Warne will be painful financially but I would argue it would be more ruinous letting crowds slide & allowing Warne to waste money bringing in more Sonny Bradleys & Conor Washingtons. The budget will probably mean we have to look at managers out of work - I would be very happy with Mark Warburton, who did a very good job at Brentford & did an under-rated job reviving QPR - his football is also easy on the eye & would suit our squad I believe. Chris Wilder is a pragmatist at heart - played some great stuff with Sheffield Utd on the way to the Prem & then reverted to a more agricultural style whilst there - his overall record is superb & I think he would be very capable of taking us up quickly.

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All I want is the enjoy watching my team play football, to know what the plan is and understand what each player is going to contribute. Iโ€™m really grateful to DC for saving the club, but the football is tedious.

Get Mac back, heโ€™ll be out of Old Trafford soon anyway.

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1 hour ago, hintonsboots said:

All I want is the enjoy watching my team play football, to know what the plan is and understand what each player is going to contribute. Iโ€™m really grateful to DC for saving the club, but the football is tedious.

Get Mac back, heโ€™ll be out of Old Trafford soon anyway.

Spot on Hints ๐Ÿ‘

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6 hours ago, S8TY said:

Because of the manner of how we play for the first time in many years I'm thinking of not making the long trip up from Kent as It's really horrendous football.....I want warne to succeed i really do but I just can't see me ever saying .."wow we are controlling games and outplaying teams " I know we are a world away from Brighton and where they currently are ....but there lies a good example of how to do it ...get good coaches and keep the same playing style, If anyone watches how Brighton played at United yesterday the football, passing and moving is quality and light years ahead of our archaeic turgid football ....I just can't see it changing under Warne I'm afraid

Brentford and Brighton are where they are after 10-15 years of gradual building. Bloom has been owner of Brighton since 2009 and Benham has been owner of Brentford since 2012 and has been an investor since 2007.

Yes, both clubs are great examples of how to get things right. But over that time period, they have had near misses and some highs and lows too. It hasnโ€™t been completely smooth sailing but they have developed a club philosophy and stayed true to it and probably been able to because of the relatively low expectations.

Clowes has been owner of the club for just over a year so perhaps we need to be patient and understand that what Clowes is trying to build and trying to instil will take more than 12 months.

Perhaps a fairer comparison is other clubs who have come out of administration and bounced back from relegation?

It took Leeds three seasons to get promoted out of League 1 following administration and relegation. It took Southampton two seasons. Bolton suffered back to back relegations and are now into their fourth campaign in five in League 1.

Yes, the football isnโ€™t great at the moment but the club is in recovery mode and perhaps we have to be realistic about those timescales. Expecting us to get promoted playing champagne football at this stage in our recovery is only something you might witness in a fairytale.

Stick with the club. Keep going to games when you can. Pain often comes before glory.

Edited by Jourdan
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2 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

All I want is the enjoy watching my team play football, to know what the plan is and understand what each player is going to contribute. Iโ€™m really grateful to DC for saving the club, but the football is tedious.

Get Mac back, heโ€™ll be out of Old Trafford soon anyway.

What is his job at old trafford then,cause they are not doing well at the moment. Imo we should try and move forward not backwards.

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15 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Brentford and Brighton are where they are after 10-15 years of gradual building. Bloom has been owner of Brighton since 2009 and Benham has been owner of Brentford since 2012 and has been an investor since 2007.

Yes, both clubs are great examples of how to get things right. But over that time period, they have had near misses and some highs and lows too. It hasnโ€™t been completely smooth sailing but they have developed a club philosophy and stayed true to it and probably been able to because of the relatively low expectations.

Clowes has been owner of the club for just over a year so perhaps we need to be patient and understand that what Clowes is trying to build and trying to instil will take more than 12 months.

Perhaps a fairer comparison is other clubs who have come out of administration and bounced back from relegation?

It took Leeds three seasons to get promoted out of League 1 following administration and relegation. It took Southampton two seasons. Bolton suffered back to back relegations and are now into their fourth campaign in five in League 1.

Yes, the football isnโ€™t great at the moment but the club is in recovery mode and perhaps we have to be realistic about those timescales. Expecting us to get promoted playing champagne football at this stage in our recovery is only something you might witness in a fairytale.

Stick with the club. Keep going to games when you can. Pain often comes before glory.

"Pain often comes before glory." Really? ๐Ÿ˜„

"Brentford and Brighton are where they are after 10-15 years of gradual building." Do you think we'll be able to build on the style of team Warne is putting together?

"But over that time period, they have had near misses and some highs and lows too. It hasnโ€™t been completely smooth sailing but they have developed a club philosophy and stayed true to it and probably been able to because of the relatively low expectations." Again, really? But anyway, what is our Club philosophy - 'run, get it forward, run some more'?

"Yes, the football isnโ€™t great at the moment but the club is in recovery mode and perhaps we have to be realistic about those timescales." Why? We had a really good squad last season that was just short of a right back and another forward (pacy). And now?

"Expecting us to get promoted playing champagne football at this stage in our recovery is only something you might witness in a fairytale." Ha ha ha. We can't even play football, yet plenty of teams that we play can. Our budget is good enough to buy decent players. We have good facilities and enthusiastic fans in number. A fairytale isn't needed.ย 

All excuses for a poor manager and ordinary (at best) recruitment.

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