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Looks like a Derby version 2- Birmingham city

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On 08/07/2022 at 12:09, LE_Ram said:

I have to say, I wouldn't want any club to actually go under, but it would do some of these other clubs' fans some good - Birmingham, Boro, Bristol are the three that stick in my head for coming to PP and singing about partying when Derby die - to go through some of what we've been through over the last 9 months and see how it feels to be on the receiving end.

This isn't going to get confusing at all ??

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13 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

spoke to some Brummies at work about this. He reckons when they got a 9 points deduction, Derby were one of the clubs that demanded a bigger punishment for them. They carry a grudge cos of this.

Ah yes, holding a grudge over something that probably never actually happened, which subsequently they have no evidence to say did happen but they choose to believe it anyway. A grudge based on chinese whispers and stories sold unseen.

Known a fair few individuals like that over the years, there's no helping them.

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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31 minutes ago, JfR said:

Might not be out of the woods just yet

For those that don't know, Southall was involved with the situation at Charlton a couple of years back, and supposedly played a role in getting Erik Alonso involved here, so it's concerning for Birmingham if he's to be made CEO there

Genuinly wouldn't wish that sort of thing (Charlton) on anyone.

I just hope birmingham have a rubbish season and get relegated. oh, that and perform the asbestos removal they need to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 19/07/2022 at 19:04, RadioactiveWaste said:

Genuinly wouldn't wish that sort of thing (Charlton) on anyone.

I just hope birmingham have a rubbish season and get relegated. oh, that and perform the asbestos removal they need to do.

I wouldn't wish oivion on any club, apart from Birmingham.

I'd sooner see Leeds, Forest and Leicester survive than Birmingham. Tinpot shambles of a club with absolutely no redeeming features. At least Leeds, Forest and Leicester have some pedigree. Birmingham have nothing apart from being near Villa. Awful, awful club.


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  • 2 weeks later...


It’s emerged that Chinese-Cambodian businessman Wang Yaohui possibly held a controlling interest in the club for many years without taking the EFL’s Owners’ and Directors’ Test.

The EFL has reportedly obtained evidence linking the Cambodian diplomat Wang Yaohui to Birmingham City, according to Radio Free Asia, with reports in July saying the EFL successfully applied to Singapore’s Supreme Court to access records in a case brought against one of Mr Yaohui companies.

The application was made as part of an investigation by the EFL into allegations that Yaohui ‘secretly controls a substantial portion of the club’s shares’.

Yaohui possibly held a controlling interest in the club for several years without taking the EFL’s Owners’ and Directors’ Test or declaring it to the stock exchange, where Birmingham’s majority owner, Birmingham Sports Holdings Limited (BSHL), is listed.

According to The Athletic, should Yaohui be found to have been the beneficial owner of shares in BSHL and Oriental Rainbow Investments – the British Virgin Islands-registered company that currently owns the 21.64 per cent stake in Birmingham City that prospective new owners Paul Richardson and Maxi Lopez want to buy initially – then both BSHL and Blues could face sanctions from the stock exchange and EFL. Those possible sanctions even include a points deduction.

Takeover latest:
 Lopez and Richardson already missed 1st proof of funds deadline
 They can’t access the money
 They’re scrambling around to find additional funds
 EFL won’t let the current owners sell up until they provide more transparency on who they are. This will risk sanctions from the EFL.

St Andrew’s meanwhile still has the bottom tiers in two stands closed due to structural concerns despite hopes they would be open by the start of the season, significantly reducing the capacity.

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On 29/07/2022 at 18:32, JfR said:

If I'm reading this correctly, Birmingham can't be sold because the EFL don't really know who currently owns Birmingham

I see the EFL have conducted themselves impeccable once again ??s.

How can they not know who owns one of their own members clubs, ignorance is not an excuse!

They themselves should be independently investigated and taken to task, as they are (as we all know) certainly not fit for purpose.

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On 07/08/2022 at 17:25, Gee SCREAMER !! said:





According to The Athletic, should Yaohui be found to have been the beneficial owner of shares in BSHL and Oriental Rainbow Investments – the British Virgin Islands-registered company that currently owns the 21.64 per cent stake in Birmingham City that prospective new owners Paul Richardson and Maxi Lopez want to buy initially – then both BSHL and Blues could face sanctions from the stock exchange and EFL. Those possible sanctions even include a points deduction.

So points deduction equates to ??????? for us as compensation….precedent set and authorised as per EFL actions. 


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