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Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward

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Having seen this very painful and long winded PB process go about hopefully now we are at a terminal position.

I’ve been thinking though do people feel excited by the unknown quality of Kirchner could he be a new forward thinking , ambitious young owner or one that is naive , wastes money and more bothered with Twitter spats then running a business?


I honest don’t know I am actually intrigued to see what happens. Although people may have preferred Ashley and Appleby I’d imagine us being very disappointed by monotonous running of the club by GSE and as for Ashley has a reputation for poor infrastructure , no new developments and very sparing investments in the playing staff and most money came from player sales.


what do people think?

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CK and WR had a couple of meetings before Christmas hopefully discussing future plans so possibly  there both singing from the same  sheet. 

And sounds like they both get on so hopefully with us fans behind them the future could be bright. I say get the season tickets on sale ASAP 

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17 minutes ago, Magicman said:

Appleby is not a real prospect and Ashley just wants to buy cheap. Neither will be good for us as CK and Rooney together. 

That infers Kirchner is paying top dollar for us, my understanding is that he's not offering enough to satisfy the creditors 25p in the pound rule so we'll be deducted another lot of points next season.  

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2 minutes ago, whaley bridge Ram said:

CK and WR had a couple of meetings before Christmas hopefully discussing future plans so possibly  there both singing from the same  sheet. 

And sounds like they both get on so hopefully with us fans behind them the future could be bright. I say get the season tickets on sale ASAP 

Plus boxing match tickets £10 goes to derby county and plus you have all food and drink and possibly percentage going to the club. So saying raise for example 20m then might be enough to pay blieck off and joswick off old club. And maybe rest pay off HRMC soff so not as much is owed to them.

And what ever goes into pot for players Rooney wants.

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I'll put it this way, no one sane wanted to buy us before administration.

After administration, what you're buying isn't better, but possibly cheaper.

cK, Ashley, Appleby, Binnies all were intersted as a low ball bargain club, which has been difficult as the debts are so high.

I think cK actually wants to buy us. Appleby and the binnies had clearly fixed ideas about what we were worth buying at, and it's that or not.

Ashley, disaster capitalist that he is, i don't think really wants to buy us, i think he just got a tingling for screwing over creditors which is really what gets him off. Ashley undoubtedly has the money to make a success of DCFC but he'd only put his money up after everything has fallen apart and it's basically whater he offers or immediate liquidation, which may well be less the cK is offering, even if Ashley is putting about that he'd give more than cK at the moment, because at the moment, Ashley isn't putting his offer down. Mike Ashley is skilled and ruthless in dealing with aquiring insolvent business - it'd be painfull in the extream before anything got better for us as fans, and i'd dread to think if I were an employee as MA took over.

So I'm guardedly hopefull about cK, resigned to starting on -15 next season and relegation this season. But we will go on. There's going to be some hard grind ahead, but we'll get through it.

A Mel Morris is a *redacted*

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4 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Ashley, disaster capitalist that he is, i don't think really wants to buy us...

But the talk was he was going to be announced as PB before Christmas. Was he going to gift us then!? 

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7 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I'll put it this way, no one sane wanted to buy us before administration.

After administration, what you're buying isn't better, but possibly cheaper.

cK, Ashley, Appleby, Binnies all were intersted as a low ball bargain club, which has been difficult as the debts are so high.

I think cK actually wants to buy us. Appleby and the binnies had clearly fixed ideas about what we were worth buying at, and it's that or not.

Ashley, disaster capitalist that he is, i don't think really wants to buy us, i think he just got a tingling for screwing over creditors which is really what gets him off. Ashley undoubtedly has the money to make a success of DCFC but he'd only put his money up after everything has fallen apart and it's basically whater he offers or immediate liquidation, which may well be less the cK is offering, even if Ashley is putting about that he'd give more than cK at the moment, because at the moment, Ashley isn't putting his offer down. Mike Ashley is skilled and ruthless in dealing with aquiring insolvent business - it'd be painfull in the extream before anything got better for us as fans, and i'd dread to think if I were an employee as MA took over.

So I'm guardedly hopefull about cK, resigned to starting on -15 next season and relegation this season. But we will go on. There's going to be some hard grind ahead, but we'll get through it.

A Mel Morris is a *redacted*

Morris could have flogged the club if he'd wanted to avoid all of this but like anything the price had to be right. And it was Morris who was setting the price.

So instead of getting something back for the club for himself he's now created this purgatory for the fans so in effect he's been the architect of a lose lose scenario. 

Another shrewd business decision.

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I think there is a lot of things going on in this PB announcement. Kirchner walked away back in December and even went sniffing around at Preston. What brought him back to Derby ? Is Mel involved with some financial backing, will there be a separate bid coming in to buy the stadium. Did the Administrators give the PB to Chris Kirchner on Mel's say so, to entice a bigger raised bid from Mike Ashley. Is Mike Ashley (who states he still wants Derby) going to sneak in by purchasing the stadium off Mel.                                                                          Or does Chris Kirchner have other backers within his bid (George Clooney) or some other rich yank. Paul Stretford is involved with Kirchner and is also connected to Wayne Rooney (football agent). Stretford's networth is £20.8m and Rooney 's is £120m, have they put into the pot. It seems strange that Chris Kirchner, a mere 34yr old is only estimated to be worth £5m but has won the preferred bidder. There must be others involved, time will tell. 

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I admit that I'm happy for now if someone buys and saves Derby County. Anybody. I just want a future for our club. We can hope the ideal owner later. I'm so messed up with this EFL/Mel Morris/administration that I haven't been able to read one tenth of what has been written and said for months. Sometimes I haven't been able to enter the site at all for days.

At this point I don't care if the new owner was Silvio Berlusconi as long he is ready to SHOW ME THE MONEY. 

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48 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

But the talk was he was going to be announced as PB before Christmas. Was he going to gift us then!? 

I thought that was cK before the EFL decided that debt restructuring couldn't be used to get rid of Boro and Wycombe followed by the twitter tantrum, although there's been so much BS around the whole thing that i could easily be getting things mxed up.

For some reason i was under the impression that Ashley to this point has done a lot of stringing along but not actually put in a bid to buy the club?

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8 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I thought that was cK before the EFL decided that debt restructuring couldn't be used to get rid of Boro and Wycombe followed by the twitter tantrum, although there's been so much BS around the whole thing that i could easily be getting things mxed up.

For some reason i was under the impression that Ashley to this point has done a lot of stringing along but not actually put in a bid to buy the club?

The Administrators statement suggested there was 3 bids that met the deadline of 3pm on the 25th March. Surely one was Ashley and obviously Kirchner was another and possibly the 3rd bid was Andy Appleby consortium.

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Personally,  I'll worry about KC when a purchase is actually happening.

A lot of water to pass under the bridge yet ( or hurdles to cross as we keep being reminded)

I dread to think what's hidden in those books he now has access to. A few years ago I was appointed as a Director by new owners of a company as they were taking over a company I had partnered with for years. To say what came out of the woodwork was a shock is an understatement!

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2 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

Personally,  I'll worry about KC when a purchase is actually happening.

A lot of water to pass under the bridge yet ( or hurdles to cross as we keep being reminded)

I dread to think what's hidden in those books he now has access to. A few years ago I was appointed as a Director by new owners of a company as they were taking over a company I had partnered with for years. To say what came out of the woodwork was a shock is an understatement!

No football club in history has had its books examined as closely as we have thanks to Maguire and Gibson running to the EFL with "please miss, please miss, Melvyn's been cheating" stories. 

"Miss" Parry duly ordered an investigation of Watergate proportions and managed to find the amortisation issue that they'd previously signed off as ok just to shut them up.

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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

Morris could have flogged the club if he'd wanted to avoid all of this but like anything the price had to be right. And it was Morris who was setting the price.

So instead of getting something back for the club for himself he's now created this purgatory for the fans so in effect he's been the architect of a lose lose scenario. 

Another shrewd business decision.

Fair point, but by the time the Fake Sheikh and Alonso were amusing themselves, Morris wasn't selling a football club, he was trying to flog a big heap of bad debt. 

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