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It does look grim trouble is so many stories going round many based it appears on what Ed D put out at 6am. BUT then it was will collapse, now it is could collapse. Sweden on Facebook two claims that the money has left his account. Who knows outside the chosen few what the truth is. Personally I hope the money has left his account as I fear the alternatives. Better to go in hope....

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1 minute ago, Hanny said:

Sure. I am not party to this exact deal. So, I am making some logical assumptions. But from what has been presented; panicking doesn’t make sense. 

The only way for the UK to run a provenance check on money, is IF the money is already in the system. So that logically means- the mo why for the takeover has been sent by CK. And nobody sends the funds unless they intend to complete any deal. 

I also dont care if Ashley or CK was the owner. My point was, Ashley had every chance to make an offer for the club. And he didn’t. Any deal, especially one as large as this one will give options to anyone that legitimately puts money forward. The only person to do that was CK. 

If Ashley wanted to, he could ring up Q right now and say- I’ve got 50 mill sat in an escrow account. Let me know how we need it divided. But he hasn’t. And while being a PB for CK does allow for a wee bit of exclusivity…the nature of this deal (either it gets done or liquidation…means Q has the right to entertain any offer at any time. As long as it’s legitimate. 

Which means, the only legitimate offer that has been made, is CKs offer. Doesn’t mean it will all go through (because deals fall apart all the time). But what I’m saying is,  everything  that has been reported, has not pointed to anything other then the deal continuing to move forward to resolution. ?‍♂️

Should have never entered into exclusivity. 

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13 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

Except you really don't get it. Not in the slightest. 

Its not about choosing one or the other, it's about having no choice.

Lol. So if you had the choice you'd choose liquidation? ? BTW Appleby has also been mentioned.

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Just now, Barney1991 said:

That would be a first for q would t it. Couldn’t run a bath them lot.

they’d use a chocolate teapot knowing these lot 

The problem really isn't Quantuma. 

Never has been, never will be. They're simply the easiest target for the hard of thinking to lash out at as they're the one constant throughout the process. 

They're actually the only ones NOT in this with the aim of looking after their own interests. Just because they get paid a lot for their job doesn't change that, much as some fantasist like to believe they're inte tonally dragging it out for their own gain. 

If Kirchner stuck to his word and contractually agreed obligations in completing  the deal they'd have sold a dead duck of a club and got a very good deal for the creditors. 

Nobody else has offered the creditors anything like as good a deal on paper. They HAD to go with that deal. 

There's literally nothing they can do if the person who's supposed to complete said deal runs away from it at the last moment. 

The stupid notion that they should have just gone with Ashley all along holds no weight, his offer is / will  not in any way shape or form the best one for the creditors as long as there's someone else at the table, they couldn't have gone with him.

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Tried desperately all day to focus on work but have sadly dipped in and out here and on Twitter.  Fighting with every ounce to cling to some form of positivity but it's not looking great is it.  My only hope is that I thought he'd sent the £20m already - if you were going to pull out why bother committing the funds.  Unless UK banks have blocked it on the basis they're not happy with the answers to their source of funds questions so even if he wants to complete the deal, he may not actually be allowed. 

Either way, I'm taking a social media break tonight.  Can't deal with this.  Going to binge The Midwich Cuckoos and play spot the location since it was all filmed round me which will hopefully take my mind off everything. Maybe. 

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48 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

The shot of Kirchner walking away…

Given the amount of interest Kirchener must know there is from concerned supporters bearing in mind the continual delays this comment comes across as crass in the extreme.

And this from a person whom takes exception to comments made to them on Twitter. 

He needs to get his own house in order first.

Edited by Tyler Durden
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Just give him the benefit of the doubt for a minute.  He’s been on the golf course all day to walk off and find a camera and microphone shoved in his face.  I’m not sure what he’s expected to say and it could have been agreed to keep quiet until after the EFL meeting.  He has told BBC he expects to complete today.

I don’t think he’s ever done media, other than the Rams TV interview.  Certainly not radio or TV so he won’t be used to it.  Pretty sure something will come out tonight, through one source or another.  Even Ed Dawes said it’s a changing picture and it call be different this evening.

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26 minutes ago, DJFern94 said:

Two ways of reading into that video clip.


1. CK knows that it is falling through and he wants it to be done via a statement 


2. The bloke is meant to be living a golf lover’s dream for the day and has been hounded all day, so is knackered.


Either way, there is no way something isn’t said later tonight.

Deserves to be asked the question. Cowardly behaviour. Chancer 

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If,and it's a big if, CK does do the business and becomes the owner ( I very much no doubt it) he will need to build bridges to win back a lot of his dissenters in this club. I think he will walk away as he has supremely underestimated the feeling of what this club means to us. Stating he was taking over the running of the club at the end of May and appearing that this has not happened has alarm bells ringing all over the place. The recent video has added to his dissenters. What with wages being paid by 'someone within the club' - Rooney? - I can only pray that we have a club to support. Also bollocks to all those rival fans laughing at our demise! They will be next if there is a thing such as Karma! 

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1 hour ago, Hanny said:

I know Radio Derby said that…but why do people care? 

So a radio station, that partly derives its funding from creating panic, which drives listenership/viewership. Has taken a standard practice event (money provenance check) and added a statement of ‘but what if this means the money is no good’ to drive viewership. And people are panicking from that?  

Huh. Seems drastic to me. But ?‍♂️

Radio Derby derives its funding from the licence fee. They have no need for clickbait, etc as their funding is not derived from advertisements or number of listeners.

Ed may very well have reported something incorrectly, but it wont have been with the intention of sowing panic. He gains nothing from that

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