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1 hour ago, S8TY said:

Let’s see how many fans on here are still sticking up for Morris if this deal doesn’t go through …..no excuses Morris just do what is needed for the longevity of the club and sell it on mega cheap  …if you actually care you will ….

So most people think he's a see you next Tuesday, want an angry mob with torches and pitchforks to burn him at the stake, toast marshmallows off his blazing testes and then ask a favour of him. Really? 

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2 hours ago, IslandExile said:

Oh, let me guess....

The complication is that the opportunistic Ashley will buy the stadium from Mel and try to get the club that way.

He might get the club that way but without me and many other fans who have had enough suffering to last 2 lifetimes and although we don't want to do it walking away is the least worst option

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26 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:


It’s arguable the headline buries the lead as Kirchner has told Derbyshire Live that there’s a lot still up in the air, but he has been at Moor Farm today.

Potential defensive mid-field?

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31 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

If you were an investor in slync.io, wouldn’t you be concerned about the amount of time your CEO is spending buying English football clubs ?

That’s what a team is for isn’t it. I don’t think Chris does everything within the business. 

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4 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

That’s what a team is for isn’t it. I don’t think Chris does everything within the business. 

CEOs are often on several boards, they are not there to do the fine detail, just make the strategic decisions.  If at 34 years of age he built this Muliti-Million £ business, I think he can work out for himself whether he has enough time for this, which if why he has bought in Garry Crook!!!!

Edited by RAM1966
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7 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

Alan Nixon reporting that we’re looking at renting Bet 365 stadium or King Power. If this is true Mel needs burning at the stake.

Hopefully this is non-news or brinksmanship but I hope he understands the issue of club roots vs mobile franchises. They'd lose our 3 ST's with a move to either of those and, quite frankly I'd rather watch a phoenix club locally.

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6 minutes ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

Hopefully this is non-news or brinksmanship but I hope he understands the issue of club roots vs mobile franchises. They'd lose our 3 ST's with a move to either of those and, quite frankly I'd rather watch a phoenix club locally.

Blame Mel "sell the ground for £1" Morris

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11 minutes ago, inter politics said:

I'd be amazed if that happened. This is surely just posturing before deals are agreed.

I would have thought so, I can't see fans travelling to Stoke or Fester to watch a game, a major mistake by KC if he pursues this route.  He would be better off going to Notts County 20K capacity.  The only problem is we would have to play on opposite weeks to County which would mean them playing when Forest do, can't see them, playing us and Forest at home on the same days..........

Like I said a few days ago, this looks likely to fall to pieces now...

@Gbororam you gave me a month sabbatical for calling Morris a certain name, I was right though wasn't I?

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