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The Administration Thread


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24 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

I think you’ve echoed what a lot of us are thinking and how we are feeling. 

Football and specifically Derby County is a form of escapism for many of us and should be a source of enjoyment and happiness. Attending a match, the buzz of arriving at the ground, the click of the turnstiles, heading up into the stand and seeing the first glimpse of the pitch, then sitting down and watching our beloved club, win lose or draw. 

Of late that escapism has recently become second to the very realisation that it could all be taken away from us. 

I find myself constantly checking my phone. Checking this thread 3/4 times a minute. Scrolling through to see if there are any updates, thanks @RoyMac5amongst others for keeping on top of twitter etc.

The good thing is that we are all in this together, our partners or nearest and dearest might not fully understand what impact this is having on us but this forum does.

Keep sharing and keep posting. This platform will offer all the support that is needed, that is one certainty I am sure of.


Edited by ollycutts1982
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20 minutes ago, vonwright said:

I'd assumed the point was if their claims were dealt with as part of the administration process, such future legal claims would not be possible, or would at least be severely compromised. Hence the administrators wanting to get clarity that the EFL doesn't consider them "football creditors" - so they can essentially compress the claims, and tell investors they don't need to worry about them, without the EFL vetoing the deal/kicking us out of the league. 

The "Binnie compromise" seems to me to be something like "Okay we won't deal with these claims at all during administration and just look at them later". I daresay other would-be investors want them dealt with now as potential liabilities of £50m or so are pretty off-putting when the club isn't worth anything like that.

It's incredibly annoying how Boro and Wycombe are acting like creditors in this process when they are actually claimants. 

Yeah, I get that, but there's literally nothing in the EFL rules that say what you can and can't claim for.  The only rule seems to be that LAP decisions are binding with no appeal.  But does that even apply here if the case gets squashed before it even gets that far? Even if we end up getting restructured into a completely different legal entity, what's to stop 'Boro and Wycombe arguing that we're functionally the same club, since we inherited the club's golden share etc.

I don't see how anything other than the claims being settled, decided by a LAP, or the EFL declaring the claims are invalid for some reason (and dealing with any resultant cases from 'Boro or Wycombe against them for that decision) decides the matter finally. None of which we really have time for.

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11 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

"Stupid" is the wrong word, but you're right (in my opinion).

Unfortunately, I am only too well aware what true depression, anxiety, and mental health trauma does to a person, albeit only from a second hand perspective.  (I was close enough for it to have a major effect on myself and my life).  It's truly gruesome, and utterly devastating, but I'm glad to say... on a personal and selfish level... that whatever DCFC, Administrators, Football Authorities, and bald and/or curly businessmen can throw at me, won't even come close to that particular experience. 
This particular mind is far too strong, and this particular skin is far too thick, to have any concerns on that score!


Stay strong, all.

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10 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

You know nothing to what I know. If you don’t like my posts I suggest you hit the ignore button. 

I know you know nothing about what’s going on so stop pretending that you do. Some on here are taken in by it so time to stop messing with people now, they don’t need the nonsense. Agreed ?

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17 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

As I say , I regularly post anti EFL stuff all the time I think they are not fit for purpose and clearly have a vendettta against us. 

There has been a significant risk that we could be expelled from the League and there is only one entity that has the power to do that and that is the EFL.

So as far as I am concerned they are the number one threat and the number one enemy.

And I have only one motive  and that’s to save the club that I have supported since childhood. 

I have no interest in what politics people have what donations they make or anything like that. I only care about my club.

Political pressure is what stops the EFl acting against us. Parry has told us many times: the EFL is merely the aggregation of 72 clubs. In theory that’s right. But if the politicians are telling EFl that they need to sort this out, then I think they’ll do enough to save our bacon. This latest extension shows some leniency for a start 

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26 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

Patrick McLoughlin, father to Jimmy, has in the past received large sums of money as donations from Mel Morris


Regulars in the old politics thread will know that I am no defender of the Tories, but I'd question your accuracy here.

In the Register of Interests there is only one sum of money (10k - 2017) donated to the Tories by Mel Morris, and that was directly to the Party (and curiously the week before he received his CBE). Fairly tenuous to suggest this has anything to do with the current situation

If you're referring to Wembley tickets - they are registered as being donated by the Premier League



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8 minutes ago, ollycutts1982 said:

I think you’ve echoed what a lot of us are thinking and how we are feeling. 

Football and specifically Derby County is a form of escapism for many of us and should be a source along enjoyment and happiness. Attending a match, the buzz of arriving at the ground, the click of the turnstiles, heading up into the stand and seeing the first glimpse of the pitch, then sitting down and watching our beloved club, win lose or draw. 

Of late that escapism has recently become second to the very realisation that it could all be take. Away from us. 

I find myself constantly checking my phone. Checking this thread 3/4 times a minute. Scrolling through to see if there are any updates, thanks @RoyMac5amongst others for keeping on top of twitter etc.

The good thing is that we are all in this together, our partners or nearest and dearest might not fully understand what impact this is having on us but this forum does.

Keep sharing and keep posting. This platform will offer all the support that is needed, that is one certainty I am sure of.


This is exactly right. The last two years have been tough as hell with COVID wrecking people’s lives. 
football should be our escape from the bad stuff in life, not something that just piles on the stress. It really is scandalous that these greedy vain self serving old  men can mess with peoples lives like this.

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1 minute ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

If Parry as stated recently says the EFL have a process for dealing with club disputes can anyone tell me what they are waiting for? Sorry Ive lost the plot!

The process is arbitration. I think the problem is that even after a club has made threats against another, the EFl does not have power to force that club to initiate the proceedings - the club has years before it is required to do that 

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5 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

Yeah, I get that, but there's literally nothing in the EFL rules that say what you can and can't claim for.  The only rule seems to be that LAP decisions are binding with no appeal.  But does that even apply here if the case gets squashed before it even gets that far? Even if we end up getting restructured into a completely different legal entity, what's to stop 'Boro and Wycombe arguing that we're functionally the same club, since we inherited the club's golden share etc.

I don't see how anything other than the claims being settled, decided by a LAP, or the EFL declaring the claims are invalid for some reason (and dealing with any resultant cases from 'Boro or Wycombe against them for that decision) decides the matter finally. None of which we really have time for.

It's a mess all right. Definitely better to have the claims removed or declared invalid but failing that, the best way through that I can see is the EFL accepting these are not 'football creditors' (they aren't creditors at all!) and then leaving the administrators to treat the claims as they see fit. If Boro and Wycombe can legally being some sort of case in the future again the 'new' Derby, so be it. If they can't, then good. Either way normal administration rules should be respected and the priority should be the sale of the club and the satisfaction of actual creditors. We shouldn't have to waste time going in circles over these undetermined, spurious-looking claims. 

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6 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Political pressure is what stops the EFl acting against us. Parry has told us many times: the EFL is merely the aggregation of 72 clubs. In theory that’s right. But if the politicians are telling EFl that they need to sort this out, then I think they’ll do enough to save our bacon. This latest extension shows some leniency for a start 

Well I hope so. And that’s the motive for keeping up the pressure on the Efl. 

The MPs get the message their constituents are anxious and angry and that is getting pushed onto the EFL.

it’s nothing to do with us being paid by quantuma or Morris or any whacko conspiracy theories like that.

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11 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

I know you know nothing about what’s going on so stop pretending that you do. Some on here are taken in by it so time to stop messing with people now, they don’t need the nonsense. Agreed ?

I haven't once claimed to know exactly what's going on. Who does unless your the admins or mostly employed by the EFL.

And FWIW, I do think one of the two Americans will takeover DCFC. 

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9 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Regulars in the old politics thread will know that I am no defender of the Tories, but I'd question your accuracy here.

In the Register of Interests there is only one sum of money (10k - 2017) donated to the Tories by Mel Morris, and that was directly to the Party (and curiously the week before he received his CBE). Fairly tenuous to suggest this has anything to do with the current situation

If you're referring to Wembley tickets - they are registered as being donated by the Premier League



And not even sure McLaughlin was ever Morris MP. Did Morris live in Belper? McLaughlin was MP for Derbyshire Dale’s.

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1 hour ago, DerbyRevolution said:

My guess is he is being paid by Quantuma and or Mel Morris to push the anti EFL, Boro, Wycombe motion hard to fans, and thus deflecting on the actual shambolic job the admins are doing as they line their pockets by the hour. 

Why would he need to? It doesn't need 'pushing hard to fans'. They've shown themselves to be perfectly capable of eliciting strong feelings against them via their own actions and statements, without any assistance.

Quantuma have taken on a job that other Administrators have taken one look at and said "baalocks to that, it's too much of a mess". Whether they're dealing with the mess well enough, sure that's up for question, but this sort of conspiracy poo doesn't really help anyone.

Describing something as an "anti EFL, Boro & Wycombe motion" almost sounds like someone is trying to make excuses for, and validate, their ridiculous claims. It's almost saying that anyone who does blame them for the situation is talking nonsense, doesn't have a brain of their own and are being lead entirely by Quantuma.

That their claims even exist is proof that they're holding up the process, they shouldn't even bloody exist and shouldn't need to be entertained in the first place.

I'll repeat what I said earlier. All of the finger pointing at Quantuma seems to have done its job.

Plant a seed of doubt in the minds of desperate, anxious people and watch it grow.

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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Just now, kevinhectoring said:

The process is arbitration. I think the problem is that even after a club has made threats against another, the EFl does not have power to force that club to initiate the proceedings - the club has years before it is required to do that 

So, they are powerless to get things moving (from their point of view) but at the same time they insist the issue has to be settled in house? That right there has to be the point of attack. This is going to liquidate the club and cost creditors millions of pounds (which we know). Surely such a blatantly ridiculous situation cant be left unchallenged by the administrators. They, along with the MP's as well as anyone with influence really should be trumpeting this from the roof tops but they aren't.... Why?

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