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Referees costing us vs Forest in recent seasons

DCFC Kicks

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4 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

What dud decisions? I can only think of CKRs hand ball and maybe Fozzy's "stamp" in the last 5 seasons.

Yes we should have won the game anyway but how didn't the ref cost us? We should have have a penalty and they should have had a red card. I don't think it's a conspiracy or anything but I don't think it's a coincidence that most of these happen at the City Ground.

Because you can't base whether you would win or not based on refereeing decisions. It's part of the game that the refs can make mistakes. And the ones from today are debatable whether they should have gone our way or not. We drew because we didn't push our advantage in the second half, not because of the ref. That is hiding behind excuses. 

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Refs 100% have an agenda  against Derby , instructed by the EFL who won’t rest until DCFC get relegated or go into administration. I’ll have a fiver with anyone that we don’t get awarded a penalty this season . No sane person can explain the Worrel or Davies incidents other than a refusal to apply the rules by the briefed officials. This will make staying up sweeter than ever . F the EFL . 

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3 minutes ago, Seaside Ram said:

Refs 100% have an agenda  against Derby , instructed by the EFL who won’t rest until DCFC get relegated or go into administration. I’ll have a fiver with anyone that we don’t get awarded a penalty this season . No sane person can explain the Worrel or Davies incidents other than a refusal to apply the rules by the briefed officials. This will make staying up sweeter than ever . F the EFL . 

If I could be arsed to do it, I am sure it's possible to statistically prove we aren't more hard done by than any other team. This gave me a good chuckle though, I'm sure the evil geniuses at the EFL are absolutely desperate to relegate us. Lol. 

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11 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

It might be getting easier and easier to adopt that viewpoint, but no,I don't think the EFL have actually ordained ways in which refs should screw DCFC over. A lot of people say things like these decisions even themselves out over the season. But looking back over past Derby matches should give us times when a reffing howler gave us the points, but there are not many that stand out. But there are plenty where questions can be asked of decisions which have been made against us. And yes, fans of probably every other club under the sun will have stories of being hard done to, which might suggest that standards are constantly slipping. The contrast between EFL reffing performances and those of the match officials for the Euros is plain enough to see. 

I can’t comment about this game as truth be told I missed it today (I’m gonna sit back and watch the full 90 and will add thoughts if I think there’s anything relevant to say), but I wrote about Tuesdays game that I think refs struggle to get key decisions correct.

BUT I think the problem is that you’re talking about 1-2 instances in a game when you are asking the ref to give a decision your way and hoping for a bit of luck. If you can make 3-4 instances when you are forcing the ref to make a decision then you are more likely to get decisions. We have to make defenders commit more and force the refs hands more in my opinion.

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Moaning about the ref is part of the fun of the game. All fans do it. All fans will always do it. Of course, deep down nobody really believes that refs have a vendetta against us (or that the EFL do, or that Sky really hate us), but discussing the possibility of such, and all the mistakes refs make, is just part of the rich tapestry of the game.  Not sure there's a need to either a: take such things too seriously or b: take some sort of moral high ground about it (or try to make people feel bad for even discussing the possibility that refs are crap and have cost us points).  I think the phrase is 'lighten up'?

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I don't think that anyone has mentioned the pull on Stretton for their goal. He swung a leg at the ball, but was pulled back and missed it completely.

I think VAR would have given us 2 penalties and disallowed their goal. The Fozzy incident would be questionable, in his defence, he was falling backwards and not looking where his feet were.

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36 minutes ago, Seaside Ram said:

Refs 100% have an agenda  against Derby , instructed by the EFL who won’t rest until DCFC get relegated or go into administration. I’ll have a fiver with anyone that we don’t get awarded a penalty this season . No sane person can explain the Worrel or Davies incidents other than a refusal to apply the rules by the briefed officials. This will make staying up sweeter than ever . F the EFL . 

Not paranoid much. 

We've already had a penalty, I remember watching it being converted by Tom Lawrence, unless the EFL have briefed refs that to give us penalities in friendly games is OK but not in league games. 

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27 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Not paranoid much. 

We've already had a penalty, I remember watching it being converted by Tom Lawrence, unless the EFL have briefed refs that to give us penalities in friendly games is OK but not in league games. 

A pre-season friendly against Notts County is little compensation for what happened today.

FWIW I think we tend to be hard done by by referees and do not get the rub of the green, and it seems a nonsense to say decisions even out over the course of a season. The question is why don't referees give us the penalties we should be getting, as well as not giving us other big calls? My expectation is it's because we're generally too quiet as a team and don't intimidate the officials in the way many other teams do. Should this be something we work on in training? Maybe? Should it be something Rooney talks about pre-match to put it into the referee's mind? Maybe.


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3 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

Refs 100% have an agenda  against Derby , instructed by the EFL who won’t rest until DCFC get relegated or go into administration. I’ll have a fiver with anyone that we don’t get awarded a penalty this season . No sane person can explain the Worrel or Davies incidents other than a refusal to apply the rules by the briefed officials. This will make staying up sweeter than ever . F the EFL . 

They're not EFL employees or affiliated buddy. It's the down to the FA, I believe. I don't honestly think there's any agenda anyway though I can understand why some folk think otherwise. Last season was beyond a joke to be fair, but rather than a conspiracy, it's just a collective of individuals, many of whom are very poor at their job.

In all honesty I think we'd focus on this less if we' were winning games,  but when we're not scoring enough goals, it only takes one poo call to completely alter the balance of the game. Three points turns into one and one into nothing at all. As such, it's easy to feel the world's against us. Folk often say it balances out over a season but it seems petty clear that it doesn't, least not when we're scrapping for every point. Maybe over 500 games, but 50?

I think @Andicis is right when he says we have to be more clinical or see games out better, so that these errors are not so critical. That and hope fo better luck.

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8 hours ago, Andicis said:

You think the EFL condone match fixing in their leagues because they don't like the way Derby is run? And I should wake up? Sheesh...

Im not saying they do have an agenda against us when i say this but its not like footballing governing bodies have ever been corrupt before tho is it Slepp? ?

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Believe it or not referees are human beings, like us, They make mistakes, like us, They have off days, like us, There's things in their lives they don't like, like us, They sulk, Moan, Complain, Laugh, Joke, Read, Write, Have families, But when those B***ards make descisions against us...I have it in for them and so does every other football supporter...as Paul Whitehouse man in the pub would say "it's the hardest job in the world"...at times☺️

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9 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

#Ref's fault

#EFL's fault

#Sky's fault

#Mel's fault

#Ticket Office's fault.

How about we all take a long hard look at ourselves, before coming to the right and proper conclusion that it is in fact, all Bielsa's fault!   ?

I'm still blaming Tommy Docherty.

Edited by ossieram
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I've posted about this on here before, but to try to make sense of the feeling I've had that decisions over the course of a season do not even out for us, last season I kept a 'spreadsheet of injustice' for my own amusement, logging key contentious decisions and their potential effect on the outcome of matches, both for and against us.

This isn't as I'm frothing at the mouth about it, well not much anyway, but it can be hard to determine if decisions really do seem to go more against us rather than in our favour without making a note of it as the season progresses. I've yet to hear of a club supporter who feels their team gets favourable treatment from referees, although I did enjoy Warnock's recent comments on the ref we had against Boro being 'super' and 'Best referee we’ve had for a long time'.

Also, I have a Brentford supporting friend I discuss football with a lot, who told me of their 'Table of Justice' that the club uses in their statistical analysis, that uses performance rather than actual results to show their 'true' position. This may be one reason why the club stuck with Thomas Frank who had a poor start as their manager, gaining just 4 points from his first 10 games in charge. We all know what has happened from there...

Last season my calculations were that we should have finished with 8 points more than we did, if key decisions had gone our way or seeming refereeing errors had not occurred. It makes me feel better that things aren't always as bad as it appears.

In a game of fine margins ways to overcome this are to make sure we get those second or third goals to put games out of sight, or cut out needless defensive mistakes to try and keep clean sheets. Not easy to do this though, so any decisions that go against us will have a large effect on the outcome of a match.

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12 hours ago, r4derby said:

There’s a big chance that if VAR was used today, Fozzy would have been sent off for standing on their winger. Then who plays that ball to Lawrence?

I agree there were a few bad calls, but it does seem to even out. I still haven’t forgiven Stuart Atwell yet though


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