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v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread


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1 minute ago, Rammy03 said:

A front 4 of CKR, Lawrence, Jozwiak and Morrison isn't bad at all. The problem isn't our starting 11, it's the fact that we don't have a squad. 

I agree with your first sentence. For the second, don’t underestimate the young players coming through. Some of them will impress this season, I’m sure.

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7 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

Ha, yes no high lines with that back 4 but hopefully it gives space for Bird & Watson to play. Looking forward to see how they deal with Huddersfield's high press...harder to do for them with more of the field to cover.

Hope you're right about Sibley..my instinct says he doesnt have Rooney's confidence & don't want the situation to end with Louie leaving out of frustration.

That's my fear as well and personal I'd play him over Lawrence at 10 but I can see the line of thinking that Rooney has taken even if I don't necessarily agree with it. I think his thinking this preseason has been  "Lawrence is our best player so lets build the team in a way that best supports him; name him captain, play him at 10, put a striker ahead of him to stretch the game (i.e. Baldock), put 2 DMs behind, play a direct winger on the right to stretch the game to help provide space and play a playmaker on the left who looks to get on the ball so Lawrence can float into space". It in rough terms is how Pochettino used to set up at spurs (with left and right wide players flipped). 

Although I'm not 100% convinced its the best plan what I will say to Rooney's credit is at least looks tactically cohesive and that there has been an amount of thought and planning gone in tactically that just wasn't present last season.

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24 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

I'll start. For me it's criminal to see Sibbo on the bench. Heartbreaking to see Rooney squander our best talent for whatever reason. But let's hope we have enough to actually score some goals and get the win.

It certainly is a surprise to see him unable to get in the starting 11 of a team that is as threadbare as this one. 

I’d be much more concerned about the combination of Stearman and Davies at the back than anything else. Akinfenwa would beat them for pace ??‍♂️

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5 minutes ago, OohMartWright said:

I agree with your first sentence. For the second, don’t underestimate the young players coming through. Some of them will impress this season, I’m sure.

Hopefully, but we still need a lot more depth

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16 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

Say three in the ticket office from 12 until 2 on a "zero hours contract". I make that a grand total of about £50 in staffing costs. Sell half a dozen tickets and the club is in profit.

It really is a shambles. Covid is an excuse for everything and it's a load of crap.

Agree 100%! As an exiled fan..and getting on a bit...when I decide to go I just phone up a few days before...order my ticket..pay by card.Next day it drops on my doormat.I like an actual ticket in my hand and also reading lots of the Facebook posts there are loads like me.Its not a 'Vanishingly small' amount of fans who think this way.Say the club had two staff taking phone orders for say 10 til 4oclock for 3 days...staff costs would be about 300 quid max...I'm certain at least a thousand fans would use this service.. probably more reading FB posts.Thats a hell of a lot of income lost.

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