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Wayne Rooney


Freedom of Derby  

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57 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

You know what it's like when you've been out on the lash in a strange city,poor lad was hungry and with it being a budget hotel there was no night porter to make him some food. He got on the phone to get a meals on wheels delivery but in his stupor he misdialled and finished up with heels on wheels

So you’re saying he was just after a bit of nosh?

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26 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Are they queuing up for the job? I guess Rosenior might be. Mac obviously doesn't want a managers job else he wouldn't be here being Technical Director. Wassall must know he's better where he is. Who else? Oh and are you gonna pay Rooney off?

If Mel had the will to do it and I just don't think he's up to the bother anymore then I would presume there would be a case for misconduct in bringing the club into disrepute in some form or another..Mel's certainly got form for using that one to avoid paying managers off.

Or Wayne could walk which wouldn't surprise me.

Who would take over is anyone's guess presumably a insider as we have zero cash.


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18 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

He didn’t “put knight out” Knight was injured in a training ground game. It happens, It will happen again this season multiple times, players will be out all the time with I juries picked up in training. 
It wasn’t luck that kept us up last season It was simply that we got more points than 3 other teams, nothing to do with luck. The league never lies. 

Put Knight out means he injured him. The manager shouldn’t be going into tackles with any of the players. It’s a managers responsibility not to injure any of his players or put them in any position to be harmed if possible. It was luck. Luck that Cardiff scored. If they didn’t we’d be down. Rooney was rubbish like the points total in the last dozen games. The league lied because if Wednesday hadn’t been deducted points we’d be gone 

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5 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

If Mel had the will to do it and I just don't think he's up to the bother anymore then I would presume there would be a case for misconduct in bringing the club into disrepute in some form or another..Mel's certainly got form for using that one to avoid paying managers off.

Errr everytime Mel has tried to avoid paying out he's not managed it has he?! The latest being Keogh.

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8 hours ago, DesertRam said:

My sister in law was walking her dog (2 weeks ago) tripped off the curb, and

broke her left arm in three places - perhaps we should have the dog put to sleep!

That would be sad. I hope that she gets better soon!

But, is your dog likely to cause your wife to brake her arm again - maybe it pulls her - maybe it had not learned to walk to heel properly - or does not have the ability to learn?

Your wife [sister-in-law] having a healthy arm may be more important than the life of your dog!

Ideally, there should be a solution, that allows you, and your wife [sister-in-law], and your [her] dog to live happily and to flourish.

It might mean your dog needs to find a better walker - or you need to find a better wife [sister-in-law].

Maybe you could have them both put to sleep?

Edited by Ken Tram
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10 minutes ago, sage said:

It's all getting rather depressing on here. Some people seem to want to twist the knife. We are up to our necks in poo but I don't understand the mad scramble for the keys to the speedboat.  

Sometimes you just have to be able to show some humility and laugh at yourself!

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Just now, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

They still stay sacked.

But absolutely,Mel's methods of sacking always come back to haunt us financially (and managerially)

So lets just wait and see who Rooney gets into the club - that's a bloody miracle in itself - and how it goes for the start of the season.

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Just now, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

Let's see if he's actually here to do so and if he is whether his mind is on the job.

I think both must be in doubt but who ever knows with this club 

FFS the first manager (and assistant) ever to go out clubbing on a Saturday night. You really are clutching at straws. ?

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What really annoys me most - about Wayne and those in a hurry to stick up for him - is the complete double standards. 

'Oh poor Wayne, if it wasn't him no one would be interested, it's a non-story' etc etc. 

What a pile of rubbish. He ONLY has the job in the first place because he's Wayne Rooney. He only got the massively inflated player's wage because he's Wayne Rooney. He only got taken on as a coach because he's Wayne Rooney...or got away with disappearing on other ventures or having to self isolate because he's Wayne Rooney. 

He only got the manager's job and survived the season because he's Wayne Rooney...no other criteria would justify him being manager and getting the platform after the end of season we had, to talk about getting support from the club and them acting with a bit more dignity. To then go and shoot himself in the foot and seem to claim its victimisation because of who he is, really shows no self-awareness of any sort. 

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28 minutes ago, sage said:

It's all getting rather depressing on here. Some people seem to want to twist the knife. We are up to our necks in poo but I don't understand the mad scramble for the keys to the speedboat.  

Then you've got those who'll defend absolutely anything that goes on at the club; whether that is the owner leading us to to this nightmare, a manager whose unprofessional behaviour has not only caused the club major embarrassment but led him to injuring one of our few available players for up to 3 months and our club not even letting us buy tickets for our first game of the season that's only a week and a half half away. 

Pointing out that we're an absolute shambles  and some of us are absolutely ducking sick of it isn't twisting the knife, it's expressing an understandable frustration at the hierarchy of the club in relation to its off and on the field conduct and competence. Hopefully, we can find a suitable buyer quickly and they can clean house from top to bottom. 

Edited by Leeds Ram
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