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Posts posted by alram

  1. 3 hours ago, S8TY said:

    Why are you saying he needs to grow up??

    At this present time we can't offer him bugger all whilst other clubs could offer him maybe a 2 or 3 year deal

    He also has to look out for himself and his family....if your job was maybe, maybe not being renewed and another longer offer came along would you not think it tempting to take what is actually on the table ?

    When he was down and out we were the only ones to give him another chance.


    i just expect the same courtesy in return thats all.

  2. we would have been back in admin within 6 months if ck money cleared.

    how can a club in our financial position afford somebody like hourihane, it would be no different to signing Bradley Johnson a couple of seasons ago

    it it’s true Rooney walked because of that then goodnriddance

  3. 4 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    I wonder whether Rooney had a deal with Kirchner which involved his personal investment?

    Certainly, he made no secret he would stay if CK got the deal. I suspect he always planned to go if he didn’t, but didn’t want his departure to deter any potential investors.

    Once he was satisfied the club could be saved, he made his intentions clear.

    Not ideal to be without a manager, without an owner and without a team but hey, we are Derby County and we don’t give a fwuck.


    to be honest the whole thing stunk.


    a manager shouldnt be endorsing a buyer of the club, if the admins were hoodwinked by rooney they want sacking on the spot. i dont think they were, but a manager shouldnt have a say in whos buying the club especially when his agent is on the board.

  4. having had time to think about this i am not bothered at all by him leaving.


    we need a fresh start. he was on lots of money and would be costly with failure (not only him but players). the players werent going to stay anyway, dont think that they were all signing on the dotted line because rooney was there.


    draw a line in the sand, this is our structure, we will not break it. no more celebs on big money.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    I wonder if Chris Kirchner is buying an MLS club and Wayne, Cook and his agent are upping sticks to follow CK. All seems to have been hooked around the CK deal. Might be 2 + 2 = 10000000 just a thought.

    There has to be another option on the table, why else resign or request to be relieved of his duties with immediate effect. 

    With what money?


    mls clubs are more expensive than us.

  6. Somebody cheap


    My money would be on rosinier , he may have been the one pulling the strings behind Rooney anyway


    considering he just turned down the Blackpool job and the compensation we would get I wouldn’t be best please if he wasn’t the next manager

  7. 2 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

    Exactly, Mel was being chauffeured around even before he got into Candy Crush, such is the man's ego. I know people who know Mel and they say he has just "been lucky".

    Don't forget Lionel Pickering was also a fan.

    Gut feeling is that David Clowes is a genuine guy with no ego. I could be wrong – there’s always a first time. ?

    i dont care if there is some ego.


    just do whats best for derby. judging by his actions in our time of need that is likely the case.


    mel never did.

  8. those that write this guy off because 'mel was a fan too' are so way off the mark


    mel was a shocking person and businessman, doesnt matter if you are life long fan or not. he had no empathy and was in it for himself and himself alone.


    this guy on paper is the dream owner and look at how he is moving this so quickly now. that is professionaism. at our time of need with the stadium he was there, and he is there again now when the club was in need. no bullcrap like the other parties, just straight to the point and do the deal.


    the future for the first time in 3 years is looking bright. thank you mr clowes. i am sure it will be a learning experience for him but he deserves our patience and loyalty.

  9. you guys have to stop worrying about players and rooney. If they go they go, as long as derby live to fight another day. we could give Rooney every player he wants he could still underperform.


    he has done a good job here but I am a derby fan not a Rooney fan. 

    clowes should be allowed to build at his own pace, I have no expectations for next season apart from the ability to buy a ticket

  10. 33 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Because Quantuma stated, after the Kirchner deal collapsed, that they weren't going to formally name a PB this time. 

    Then nobody is going to buy the club.


    they will not committ to buying the club with the ability to get undercut after they have spent millions on fees.


    Any idiot can work that one out.

  11. The most concerning thing about that atletic article this morning is the lack of new info. if there was something concrete apart from posturing from Ashley and Appleby you would have assumed they would have known about it by now.


    the days are going too quickly with nothing happening, every day is vital if we are to survive this and for me there is too little happening.


    why do we not have a preferred bidder, almost 2 weeks on from the last guy doing us up the jacksie. Remember it took them an age to announce ck as the bidder.


    I just think both Appleby and Ashley are not offering enough money to get us out of admin. Whether they are leaving it until the last minute I don’t know , we can only hope that is the case, but the odd one out in this is the efl, if they don’t see progress over the next week they will take away our golden share it really is as simple as that

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