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Posts posted by alram

  1. 4 hours ago, GangwayD said:

    Him and Hourihane for me Alram. 

    I know we can’t be overly choosy, but not bothered about Chester or NML.

    At last we are talking about players and it is gonna be interesting as feel we will be linked with lots of names.

    Jist hope we don’t become that last year or so’s ‘pay day’ for some players. 


    Gangway D from the terrace 

    dead right gangway we need to be careful. Old out of contract players will be ringing us up now with pound signs in their eyes. I too will be happy with the 2 mentioned if they are the only 2.


    smart and clever recruitment is needed with hungry players.

  2. 6 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    @alram, you’ve made it clear that you want us to sign young players, can’t you just let us have the likes of  Hourihane and a couple of others to complement these youths you’re proposing. He’s not past it at 31, has good pedigree, a good injury record, WON’T be on massive wages as this discussion is about the restrictions we will face and could be a key part of the jigsaw.
    Dave Mackay, Paul McGrath, John Eustace, Matt Oakley, Eranio, Baiano are a handful of Derby based examples I can think of who were more “experienced” in their careers and contributed massively to the club. There are countless examples at other sides around the world, age doesn’t instantly equal a bad move for the club. Morris paid over the odds for the wrong players at the wrong time, signing a couple of experienced pros on affordable terms who can contribute to what the manager needs and wants is exactly what I want to see.

    i dont think 1 or 2 is an issue, it is more that we seem to be signing lots of them.


    if we sign the players linked and thats it in regards to old players i could take that. but if you think short term you suffer long term, our recruitment plans seem to be the same thing we have done for years. hourihane wont be a small earner in league one whatever restrictions we have. 


    look i know many wont agree but i feel passionately that to turn the club around we need to build a young squad with players on the up. i think we got very lucky with our old players we brought in last season so people think that old players always do a job, its simply not the case. rooney got the very best out of the players he had.

  3. 6 hours ago, EnigmaRam said:

    People moaning about signing 33 year old Chester when the first signing they want is 37 year old Curtis Davies and were quite happy with 39 year old Phil Jaguelka? 

    People moaning about 31 year old Conor Hourihane because he’s too old? 

    Some people to wake up and smell the coffee. These would be great signings for any league one club. 

    Just because we’re having to bring in frees with experience doesn’t mean we can’t sign some good young loanees

    its a different game completely trying to stay up and getting promoted


    you need a young squad to get promoted, very few sides go up with such an old squad


    now is the time to hit the reset button and recruit young players


    we built our team with good young loanees a few seasons back and when they went we were left with an old bloated squad that financially destroyed us because we got no money back for anybody

  4. we will need to be smart with our recruitment, we can’t afford wastage because of the business plan (embargo) so if we go out and waste money in the first year we could spend the next few just trying to correct mistakes and end up stuck in this league like lots of teams.


    YOUNG profile players between 21-27 with at least 100+ games under their belts. invest in the future, that’s the only way we will bounce back sustainably. not by signing hourihane.


    we need to take this as an opportunity to build from scratch

  5. 6 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Lets see how he does first,no need for hasty decisions on such an important decision.

    He's a nice chap,lots of academic qualifications and a year's second in command under his belt but unproven as a gaffer and with a set of not especially brilliant results when he was one of those in charge under the committee structure we had in place for a while.

    Might be great for us but equally,might not,so need to nail our colours to the mast just yet when we could give him a trial as first team coach with less risk.

    I don’t agree


    we need to back the coach or sack him. players are not going to commit fully to an interim coach, as much as we like to think otherwise players sign for coaches not clubs. if your coach has no certainty you are less likely to come.


    he should be appointed properly as manager. I think he was the main man behind Rooney tactics anyway personally. 

  6. 1 minute ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Oh i agree, the accademy has been absolutely stripped bare. I mean in normal circumstance the likes of cashin, malcom, williams, plange, festy, thompson and co would still be buried in our accademy learning their trade. But due to last year they had to step up and make a name for themselves .. which was great however the reality is they we’re in the shop window due to our circumstances and now we’re left with reletively nothing. 

    theres almost an entire level of the youth accademy thats been stripped away that needs replacing…which will take time

    I never even thought about the academy rebuild.


    although it backs my point that I feel we really need to get young players in, it’s no good rushing to a bunch of old players because we will be in the same position next year.


    we need to invest the minimal money we will be allowed to in solid league one players that will be on low wages and have better years ahead of them. Hourihane, Chester and Mendes liang is making me wince.

  7. 30 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    I honestly think as time goes by we may become a bit disappointed and underwhelmed as the reality kicks in.

    to summarise…. Weve just lost louis watson to luton… let that sink in.

    a lad whos played at about 15 times still has a lot to learn has been drawn away from us cos he sees a greater opportunity and probably more money at luton town.

    i hope like many have already said we dont end up filling the squad with aging journymen whos legs have gone. But then again perhaps thats all we can get atm.

    we’re restricted with wages and so any semi decent young talent we have our eye on (eg watson) may be drawn to the champ if offered the chance.

    Its going to be a real test for the club 

    We need to stay patient, it’s not going to be easy 

  8. i was moaning in the chester thread but I do hope we don’t go down the route of players on huge wages. I know we have slim pickings but we need forward planning not chasing short term result with a team full of 35 year olds


    we will get found out very quickly if that’s the case as younger more athletic teams trump us


    and just feels a relief to be moaning about football

  9. 2 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Had a bottle of wine so sorry if I'm not completely coherent but thank god for that. I've shed a fair few tears once I saw the news, the sheer relief of seeing in black and white (so us) that derby county has been saved. The club for all of us means at times everything and I keep thinking back to that fulham home game for that perspective.  Relegation almost a certainty, but a momentous last stand by the players who dug out a performance and fans who created an absolutely unreal atmosphere, you'd have thought we'd have won the league but we'd merely delayed the inevitable relegation. To me that game was the essence of what the club meant, everyone standing as one, giving everything on and off the pitch, passion backed by an almighty roar and thank god we've got the security of that happening again next season. 

    I honestly thought post Kirchner that it was pretty much it for us, I could envisage a scenario when it was too much money compared to assets and no-one would spend the necessary amount to dig us out of the enormous hole Mel left us in. DC's statement sets an excellent tone but also makes reinforces perhaps how close we were to extinction. DC bailed us out when it seems like no-one else could or would. He deserves our full backing next season whatever happens on the pitch as we should just be grateful we can return to pride park, with pride at remaining a founder member of the football league. 

    The Kirchner nonsense was the end for us.


    make no mistake we have come back from the dead, mr clowes saving us was down to his own personal pride not diligent planning and expert dealing from the admins. Derby were for once in the right place at the right time.


    he gets a free hit, do what you want David but all I ask that you run us sensibly and make sure this never happens again

  10. 26 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    We have got some players. Yes, we need more, but say it goes through tomorrow and 5/6 players extend their contracts is it really the end of the world that it happened a day later that we were led to believe?
    We’d still have a club, the players would have a week to train together before our first pre season friendly and further time to gel and work together before the season starts. We’re not yet at the point of full blown catastrophe. If in 28 days we’re still in the same situation then I’ll join you in your assessment. 

    i agree players are pretty irrelevant to me at the minute 


    worst that happens we play a bunch of kids and get thumped in the early games of the season

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