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Posts posted by alram

  1. 6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Agreed, journalists, just like normal people, should only be commenting on issues that they actually have an understanding of, otherwise they end up looking silly.

    wow, you seem really rattled. still going on about it i see

  2. whoever comes in they need to take this opportunity to strip back and run the club sustainably, i dont particularly care about us going out and chasing glory. run the club well and use what we have got sensibly thats all i care about

    if its from league one or the national league then so be it.


    if i see us going out again and spending bucketloads  which we clearly cant afford to do i will cringe. 

  3. 13 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    It is not simply a case of joining a league, a club has to submit an application to the FA to register as a football club, if approved the FA then decide which league you enter.  

    Yes but if the worst does happen we would need to be quick, so they should be organising it now.  thats more my point.

  4. 1 hour ago, SK47 said:

    It's the first time I've commented in a while but I can't lie, this whole situation is beyond a joke.


    I can imagine how you lot feel about it but to me football is derby and derby is football. I don't care for England, I don't care for any other team and right now there's absolutely nothing positive going on. 

    Every noon and night I'm checking for the hopeful "Take over complete" - because the prospect of playing forest green away is bad enough, but losing Rooney (which will happen if this carries on) will be the biggest loss yet. That man and his pulling power will be the difference in us bouncing back as players will want to play for him. Anyone interested in buying the club will know this, and if we are to get out the doo doo, I fell this has to be sorted and finalised this week or else we're screwed.


    In the 30+ years I've been a Derby Fan, this is by far the worst period I've ever experienced. It's like all the people involved in ruining what Derby County is and a lack of amends being made from people who are "interested in buying us" have zero understanding of what this club means to the fans. Its disgusting tbh. From the EFL, Gibson, Mel Morris, Admin, CK, and the people diddle daddling around the idea of if we're a worthy enough assett to take on, there's no one who cares as much as us and I think we deserve better. Obviously.


    I pray this gets sorted this week ?

    absolutely right SK i feel exactly the same


    my worry is this is going to be the roughest week yet. pre season starting, players will walk out, there appears to be no progress from the clown admins and the fixtures are bound to have some contraversy around them.


    i really hope it is sorted pronto because i am so sick of everything. 

  5. i dont think its about making a difference about him apologising, you are right but it's about respect isn't it? he was happy to call us the best fans in the world when there was something to gain from it.


    just makes me appreciate he didnt take over. happy to take the plaudits and ass kissing until something goes wrong, then nowhere to be seen.

    he does not seem like a genuine person and i think his lack of care shown throughout his bid was alarming, the bangkok stuff, tweeting about tennis when we were expecting an update, going to golf when he clearly should be doing the deal. i know many will disagree and say it doesnt matter,  but it did matter to me because it showed that we were never the priority. he came across as careless.

  6. 6 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    This is a bizarre forum

    it’s now obvious that our interests and the EFL’s interests are aligned. They want us free from all of this, because if we are liquidated they will get it in the neck.

    We also know that EFl involvement in the M&A process will be to our benefit - because only serious bidders will be willing to allow the EFl to see negotiations, because if the EFl is involved they can give a real time response to bidder questions about the (non- transparent) EFl  insolvency rules; and because q have been turned inside out by bidders who are far savvier than they are and the EFL’s involvement will moderate behaviour. 

    But still there is a vocal group of posters who support q in their attempt to exclude the EFL from the process 

    Q’s position on this is spurious and confirms that - contrary to the club’s interests - they will throw the dice and seek to do a deal themselves, rather than be seen to seek EFL help.

    They should simply be telling bidders: thank you for your interest, we will take you forward to bid stage but only when you have confirmed we may share all documentation with EFL. Genuine bidders should have no problem with this. We don’t want the rest   

    well said


    too much sense in this post for some on here. there will be some that will defend q for liquidating us because they had no other options


    they have done a terrible job, and continue to do a terrible job under the guidance of you know who.


    the statement is awful, the blackballing of the EFL is even worse

  7. 5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Why, have you purchased £123m worth of your shares in your company under the belief that it was a loan too.

    I'll try and break this down and give you the simplest example that I can.

    My dad lends me £500, I use the £500 to purchase shares in Rolls Royce. Who owes my dad £500, me or Rolls Royce.

    If you're clever enough to work out the above then you should be able to work out why there is no directors loan account in The Derby County Football Club Limited, I won't be holding my breath though...

    funny how you seem to know so much about the accounts, considering they havent even been submitted since 2018. so how would you know they were made into shares?

    the last accounts in 2018 showed mel was owed 80m as a LOAN


    sometimes people get so wrapped up into wanting to be right they forget what they are even arguing about

    i cant believe you are an accountant

  8. 4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:


    You dont half talk some tripe.

    Just admit you've been made to look exactly what you...completely ignorant on the thing you are talking about.

    If you wish to continue fighting your corner by the way, I will happily post up the accounts from 2018 and you can show me the directors loan account there if you want.

    Or you could just do the humble thing and admit that you are out of your depth on the issue being discussed...

    oh dear, embarassing stuff

    this is your answer to being proven wrong then. 

    everything i have said is factually correct, spin it whatever way you want. facts are facts, if mel decides tomorrow actually i want that loan repaying, he's there on the unsecured creditors list

  9. 3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    These loans were later converted to equity. 

    Administrators report for The Derby County Football Limited attached.

    Unless I'm blind I cannot see a directors loan in the unsecured creditors.


    its not there because it was written off.


    if you genuinely are an accountant i seriously worry.

  10. 5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I will when you show me the directors loan account in the administrators report for DCFC.

    As an accountant I'm extremely confident in what I am saying. 

    Would you mind me asking your credentials?

    The irony of your edit ???

    christ i wouldnt want you doing my accounts then

  11. 15 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Ok maybe you will be kind enough to download the administrators report and highlight the directors loan account.

    I wouldn't spend too long looking for it if I was you though because it doesn't exist.

    Don't worry about an apology either when you realise you actually dont understand what you are going on about.

    you know its okay to be wrong about something


    i have been wrong on plenty of things but this is not one of them. 


    swallow your pride and accept you are wrong. you have no understanding of the situation.

  12. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    'His' loans (meaning his other companies) loans to the club are included within the £70m.

    The £123m that people keep going on about IS NOT, I repeat IS NOT a creditor of The Derby County Football Club, so I am sorry but you are factually incorrect and the amounts are not comparable at all.

    yes it is.


    mel is an unsecured creditor. he is writing off his loans as things stand, that could change if we wakes up and decides differently.


    please dont talk about being factually incorrect when everything you have said is factually incorrect

  13. i dont want to sound like the merchent for doom but it will be a rough week this coming week.

    the fixtures are out, there will be guarenteed some drama around that.

    pre season is starting for most clubs, so i think we will start to see a fair few players start to leave as the reality kicks in.

    the only thing keeping me sane is rooney is still at the club


    we are desperate for good news. there needs to be clarity of the preferred bidder

  14. 21 minutes ago, Abu Derby said:

    These people can release as many waffling statements as they like; the fact of the matter is that we remain unsold months after administration. 
    When are all these useless organisations actually going to deliver, come up with the real answers and prove that genuine progress has been made - or otherwise. 
    The speed with which these events are progressing at is beyond a joke. 

    it's extremely worrying


    we dont even know who is buying us yet, and we have what? a few weeks to do a deal?


    the minute CK did a runner we should have had the next man ready to go. its just another week completely wasted.

  15. like i saiud yesterday GDPR is a convinient wall to hide behind.


    it could all be sorted in 5 mins by all parties giving transparency.


    but no, they want it all done in pure secracy, for god knows what reason! my guess is because Q are useless and want as few people as possible to see that.

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