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Posts posted by alram

  1. 6 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    This is a bizarre forum

    it’s now obvious that our interests and the EFL’s interests are aligned. They want us free from all of this, because if we are liquidated they will get it in the neck.

    We also know that EFl involvement in the M&A process will be to our benefit - because only serious bidders will be willing to allow the EFl to see negotiations, because if the EFl is involved they can give a real time response to bidder questions about the (non- transparent) EFl  insolvency rules; and because q have been turned inside out by bidders who are far savvier than they are and the EFL’s involvement will moderate behaviour. 

    But still there is a vocal group of posters who support q in their attempt to exclude the EFL from the process 

    Q’s position on this is spurious and confirms that - contrary to the club’s interests - they will throw the dice and seek to do a deal themselves, rather than be seen to seek EFL help.

    They should simply be telling bidders: thank you for your interest, we will take you forward to bid stage but only when you have confirmed we may share all documentation with EFL. Genuine bidders should have no problem with this. We don’t want the rest   

    well said


    too much sense in this post for some on here. there will be some that will defend q for liquidating us because they had no other options


    they have done a terrible job, and continue to do a terrible job under the guidance of you know who.


    the statement is awful, the blackballing of the EFL is even worse

  2. 5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Why, have you purchased £123m worth of your shares in your company under the belief that it was a loan too.

    I'll try and break this down and give you the simplest example that I can.

    My dad lends me £500, I use the £500 to purchase shares in Rolls Royce. Who owes my dad £500, me or Rolls Royce.

    If you're clever enough to work out the above then you should be able to work out why there is no directors loan account in The Derby County Football Club Limited, I won't be holding my breath though...

    funny how you seem to know so much about the accounts, considering they havent even been submitted since 2018. so how would you know they were made into shares?

    the last accounts in 2018 showed mel was owed 80m as a LOAN


    sometimes people get so wrapped up into wanting to be right they forget what they are even arguing about

    i cant believe you are an accountant

  3. 4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:


    You dont half talk some tripe.

    Just admit you've been made to look exactly what you...completely ignorant on the thing you are talking about.

    If you wish to continue fighting your corner by the way, I will happily post up the accounts from 2018 and you can show me the directors loan account there if you want.

    Or you could just do the humble thing and admit that you are out of your depth on the issue being discussed...

    oh dear, embarassing stuff

    this is your answer to being proven wrong then. 

    everything i have said is factually correct, spin it whatever way you want. facts are facts, if mel decides tomorrow actually i want that loan repaying, he's there on the unsecured creditors list

  4. 3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    These loans were later converted to equity. 

    Administrators report for The Derby County Football Limited attached.

    Unless I'm blind I cannot see a directors loan in the unsecured creditors.


    its not there because it was written off.


    if you genuinely are an accountant i seriously worry.

  5. 5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I will when you show me the directors loan account in the administrators report for DCFC.

    As an accountant I'm extremely confident in what I am saying. 

    Would you mind me asking your credentials?

    The irony of your edit ???

    christ i wouldnt want you doing my accounts then

  6. 15 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Ok maybe you will be kind enough to download the administrators report and highlight the directors loan account.

    I wouldn't spend too long looking for it if I was you though because it doesn't exist.

    Don't worry about an apology either when you realise you actually dont understand what you are going on about.

    you know its okay to be wrong about something


    i have been wrong on plenty of things but this is not one of them. 


    swallow your pride and accept you are wrong. you have no understanding of the situation.

  7. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    'His' loans (meaning his other companies) loans to the club are included within the £70m.

    The £123m that people keep going on about IS NOT, I repeat IS NOT a creditor of The Derby County Football Club, so I am sorry but you are factually incorrect and the amounts are not comparable at all.

    yes it is.


    mel is an unsecured creditor. he is writing off his loans as things stand, that could change if we wakes up and decides differently.


    please dont talk about being factually incorrect when everything you have said is factually incorrect

  8. i dont want to sound like the merchent for doom but it will be a rough week this coming week.

    the fixtures are out, there will be guarenteed some drama around that.

    pre season is starting for most clubs, so i think we will start to see a fair few players start to leave as the reality kicks in.

    the only thing keeping me sane is rooney is still at the club


    we are desperate for good news. there needs to be clarity of the preferred bidder

  9. 21 minutes ago, Abu Derby said:

    These people can release as many waffling statements as they like; the fact of the matter is that we remain unsold months after administration. 
    When are all these useless organisations actually going to deliver, come up with the real answers and prove that genuine progress has been made - or otherwise. 
    The speed with which these events are progressing at is beyond a joke. 

    it's extremely worrying


    we dont even know who is buying us yet, and we have what? a few weeks to do a deal?


    the minute CK did a runner we should have had the next man ready to go. its just another week completely wasted.

  10. like i saiud yesterday GDPR is a convinient wall to hide behind.


    it could all be sorted in 5 mins by all parties giving transparency.


    but no, they want it all done in pure secracy, for god knows what reason! my guess is because Q are useless and want as few people as possible to see that.

  11. 13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    No we didn't owe £193m on entering administration.

    There is not £123m that MM could have claimed from the club.

    You cannot buy shares in a company and then claim the money back if things go tits up.

    mel morris could absolutely have claimed the £123m owed but as an unsecured credtior. he could decide tomorrow that he wants his money back and could add a huge amount onto the purchase price of the club, we couldnt get out of admin without his approval.


    all the clubs you mentioned in that list is mainly made up of debt owed to the owners from money they put in


    you need to stop going on like our club has been run normal for the past few years. it is anything but normal, we have run up tax debts and loan debts which need to be paid back, a big difference between that type of debt and owner debt.


    compare debts between owner debt and other debt with clubs in that list and you will see how much trouble we are in compared to every club in any division.

  12. Just now, atherstoneram said:

    That's why administrators are appointed, nothing to do with the EFL.

    administrators are not doing their job if they don't work alongside the efl and sort it out. 


    black balling the efl risks the golden share getting revoked, then the creditors get nothing.


    it is absolutely to do with the efl, we are members of their organisation and they need clarity about the coming season - not to be ignored. i can't believe people disagree with this point?

  13. i can't believe what i am reading in regards to people sticking up for the administrators after all the stuff they have done for the past however long now.  


    just shows you, you can do anything and some will still back you no matter what.


    they are not fit for purpose, they should be removed from their position.


    this black balling is the final nail in the coffin for me, i cant see a future with these in charge.

  14. 26 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    So you do expect them to break the law, then?

    Whilst I have very little time for them, their hands are tied, on this issue.

    Just imagine MA puts in a decent bid, only to be bettered by £1M. Straight away, he would legitimately suspect that someone at the EFL had leaked his bid to the opposition. Cue, a long winded legal action, adding months to the deal.

    It's down to the bidders, whether or not the EFL can be party to the negotiations, as well as Q.


    Btw, I'd like to bump off Gibson, but the police would put me on a murder charge cobblers, if I did it.?

    derby are members of the EFL, the governing body should know what is happening in the processs. its nothing to do with GDPR or NDAs, it is using them as a smoke screen to hide behind.

  15. 41 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:


    Am I reading DCFC Fans here or am I reading an ill-informed Twitter rant? It's increasingly hard to tell the difference. 

    We need PROGRESS... That can only come from a bidder putting forward their offer. 

    It was OBVIOUS the deal was going to die... actually I agree from a concerned fans perspective, but nothing legally pointed to the same conclusion and there was a legal obligation to go with CKs bid. 

    What are they HIDING? Whatever is disclosed in NDAs that even the potential bidders haven't at this point revealed. Why do you only criticise one party for not releasing this information? 

    Now you're criticising the administration for facilitating our chances of staying up but I can only imagine what you'd have said if they sold every single asset we had in January and we'd been relegated in March.  Maybe you supported that idea at the time though, in which case feel free to claim some validation. 


    go back to my posts around january, i was saying we should be selling players. i know how administrations work, they did not act like the club was in administration

  16. 4 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Nothing to do with Birch regarding the bidding process.

    of course its to do with birch and the efl. we are an efl member, they need clarity on the situation and where they stand in regard to next season.


    when will people start to understand this? they need clarity, without it it puts our golden share at risk. 


    a week on since the collapse, absolutely nothing has happened. 

  17. 34 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Sorry airam, I dont think you get the process here. There are multiple bidders/ interested parties, and also multiple creditors. There will only be one winner, and the creditors will all be losers. So that's a lot of unhappy punters. And those unhappy punters will all be blaming Q, most of it unfairly.  

    unfairly? do me a favour. they deserve every bit of stick they get. they are utterly useless.


    this news here that they are black balling the efl is genuinely shocking, if anybody thinks otherwise then you are defending the indefensible.


    the club is fading into the abyss, when will people realise this. if there was nothing to hide, they wouldnt be hiding something.


    trevor birch is an expert in these things, is the best in the business at understanding the process. i think it says it all that he is getting frustrated. I have zero confidence in quantuma, and so should everybody else

  18. Just now, PistoldPete said:

    You mean the admin team are abiding by the law by respecting the confidentiality of any bids? What else do you expect them to do? Break the law and let EFL have information that the bidders want to keep private?

    no. i expect them to work with the efl, not pull the whole NDA cobblers they have hid behind from the very start. 

    if there is nothing to hide they wouldnt be hiding behind it. 


  19. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    Why am I not surprised at this duck up by EFL. It is well known that EFL leak like a sieve to the press in fact some have alleged it's Birch himself who does it. So if I was bidding for the Rams (I am not by the way), I would want EFL to stay out of any negotiations until they are finalised.    

    its not a duck up, it's the administors black balling the EFL



    people have to stop being blind to the problem. the admins are supposed to be working with the efl not against them, factor this in with MULTIPLE parties saying they dont communicate, have been ignoring people and are being sued by one of the potential buyers. the conduct they are showing is nothing short of disgraceful. mel has certainly picked the best admins that reflect his legacy.

  20. the worst thing is, because admins didnt strip back the club to begin with and decided for whatever reason to chase results on the pitch

    we cannot operate sustainably whilst in administration because of debt payments owed to hmrc etc which grow all the time, and interest on loans which will be close to the amount of some clubs wage bill in league one.

    so our only option is for a preferred bidder to guarentee the funds, but oh wait they wont chose one. 

    i am seriously seriously starting to get concerned now, i have always been worried but i feel like the rug is getting pulled from beneath us over this coming weeks. i hope and pray that i am wrong.

  21. honestly that statement has made me absolutely fuming. it's like Q are deliberately trying to see us go out of business. that really is shocking. what an earth are they hiding that they cant share basic stuff like that with the efl?


    we need to see PROGRESS, and NOW from the admins. weeks since it was obvious the deal was going to collapse and NOTHING has been done

  22. 18 minutes ago, Indy said:

    So in the EFL’s own admission, their demand to automatically be party to correspondence between bidders and Quantuma would have broken the law (GDPR regs). But this could be permitted if each bidder themselves consented to the EFL seeing everything - which they have not done, presumably not seeing the value in it and/or being mindful of the fact that confidential EFL access is a direct line to the press.

    Another world class intervention from our governing body. Brilliant. 

    can we take a moment out here and actualy address the content of the letter instead of turning it against the EFL?


    that the administrators are not working with the efl is not only hugely concerning but it is shocking behaviour. it feels like the only party not doing anything to save us is the clueless admins.

  23. 23 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    personally i dont know why we are even talking about numerous parties still.


    it's been over a week since the deal collapsed, it's been well over that since it was obvious it was gonna collapse


    the minute they knew it was going to collapse there should have been a quick deadline to decide the preferred bidder. without one it just slows the whole process.


    we are what? weeks from the cut of point where the golden share may be removed? why an earth are the admins still talking to multiple parties. what have they actually done since last week?

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