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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 5 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Annoying thing No 1:
    Having need for this, whilst away on holiday back in June:

    Having to dismantle the door handle just to get in the bloody thing to lift the bonnet catch... battery had died whilst switched off and locked!  Literally nothing would work.



    Annoying thing No 2:
    Having the same thing happen 3 weeks later at home, and calling out the AA man.


    Annoying thing No 3:
    Having a car full of gadgets, but a battery not up to the job of supplying enough oomph to get said gadgets to work.  No keyless entry on 3 of the 4 doors.  No auto engine stop/start.  Constant warnings about low battery etc!


    Annoying thing No 4:
    Ford having the car for a day, only to say there is nothing wrong with the battery.  ?


    Annoying thing No 5:
    Waiting 4.5 weeks to drop your car back in, as the last diagnosis was inconclusive, so they needed to re-book it back in "for a few days", for further and more thorough investigation, and 4.5 weeks was the next available slot for a 3 day courtesy car.

    Turn up this morning... no record of requiring a courtesy car, and seemingly none available!  ?

    40mins and one kick-off later, a courtesy car miraculously becomes available!


    Annoying thing No 6:
    Courtesy car not been valeted inside or out... and its duckin' red! ?


    Was there not a slidy key inside the fob? Have you ever noticed a little buttony-release thing on the fob near the keyring hole that isnt the lock/unlock button?

  2. 3 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Link? Please don't be the Daily Mail

    I find it hard to believe that it's "lack of support from women" that is holding back the women's game, given how many male football fans I know who simply refuse to watch it for spurious reasons

    It's still a fact that if you remove the genders from your first sentence, it still makes sense and is fundamentally true

    In actual fact, a bit weird to try and claim it's not a sex/gender issue, whilst doubling down on your argument that "it's women's fault"


    maybe I should have qualified it with the extra bit of "if women are unhappy with the pay gap.....", but I assumed everyone had the intelligence to know that is where I was going with it.

    In non-gender specific industries, I totally agree. A boardroom is a boardroom for example, and a CEO/CFO/COO/MD/Pres/Vpres can be ANY age, gender or race and be entitled to match or better the salary of the (assumed) white male holding the role. That applies to all levels from entry level through junior management to senior director role.

    Where people choose to pay money for a specific genre/sub genre, then there isn't equality unless the turnover is financially equal.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Except you made it one with your first sentence. You can remove the genders from that sentence and it still holds the truth


    no I didn't, it's a valid point. How many people wanting equality in wages are prepared to commit to equality in commitment and investment? There's a massive article the other day, very thought provoking, basically stating that it's the lack of support from women that is preventing women's football from the growth that some are demanding.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Sinistra ram rousse said:

    If women had not been banned by the FA in 1921 we would possibly not be in this situation now. I think A Woman's Game by Susan Wrack explains much more eloquently than I how much women have been historically held back. Yes hopefully things will improve but I still think when a woman earns in a year what a man can earn in a week is wrong. However we are moving into the realms of politics so I will post no more on this subject other than to say Come on England!

    encourage the women in society to support the women's game as much as the men in society support the men's game and then you've got a conversation about equality. But until then, your argument is as valid as that of a Male Basketball player in the UK saying he deserves as much money as a US Basketball player. They are not equal. Should a radio actor earn as much money as Tom Cruise? No, it's not a sex/gender issue at this point.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Malagaram said:

    Holidays here in Spain for the Brits is just one long piss up

    in honesty, I'm not a fan of Spain. I've been for 2 Golfing holidays, and a Stag Weekend to mainland Spain. I've had a week in Ibiza, and a week in Tenerife twice, and a week in Gran Canaria. None of them my choice for destination. I'd say I mainly drink on holiday in the evenings, but I believe the Spanish resorts rely heavily on tourism, and the businesses rely on selling booze.

    Each to their own. I'm not sure if you're criticising or just observing.

  6. 9 hours ago, Malagaram said:

    Fires,floods,disease,train and flight cancelations,is it really worth booking a holiday.

    yes. If you get the benefits you should from a holiday. Holidays are for mental and physical resets and to some of us are vital to our mental health. 

    The whole world is subject to fear-mongering trying to force you into or out-of doing something. That's a conversation for the politics thread, but if you live your life in fear or not trying anything cos of a bit of a challenge, what's the point in life?

    I hate to be the one to break this to you, but there have always been fires, floods, and disease. Whilst cancellations have increased, they're not unheard of either.

  7. On 12/07/2022 at 10:37, De22Ram said:

    Anyone setting up a league for the forum again??


    17 hours ago, r4derby said:

    Are you volunteering? 


    17 hours ago, Srg said:

    Whoever owned it last time just needs to renew it. 


    57 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Paging @Mostyn6

    renewed it last week. If you were already in it, you will be again.

  8. I was just thinking on the commute into work that I don't know anyone who is NOT currently going through something. Everyone I know is struggling with a poorly family member, relationship breakdowns, their own mental and physical health concerns, financial issues, a few lost everything on crypto! My head personally is fried and my brain frazzled. Unable to focus and hold any new information!

    Not wanting to even attempt to compete or compare with anyone here, including @David, but my own last few weeks have been eerily similar.

    My grandmother, who was my favourite person, passed on 8th June. She had a poor quality of life since having a brain tumour removed in 2015. Since that tumour was removed, her speech and movement were gone, and the family were divided and arguing quite a lot. One auntie was blamed for talking my gran out of a check-up years earlier. That aunt then suffered from cancer which she partly blamed on the stress caused by her sisters turning/blaming her. She sadly lost her battle in July 2020. The funeral was under social distancing and my gran was there in a wheelchair but we were not allowed near her. That was horrible. She was devastated.

    Fast forward to this year. Early 2022, My gran lost a lot of weight and got COVID, they then discovered she'd been ramming her meds down the side of the sofa and not taking them, she was in and out of hospital and respite care. She was on the mend and was about to move into a better, more appropriate care home, and was spending time there, making friends and building strength and becoming quite happy.

    The day before she died, I got a phonecall quite late saying she wouldn't last more than a couple of days and I should go and say goodbyes. I was going to go the following afternoon, but she passed that night, not long after the call. I found out in the morning. Almost immediately, there was phonecalls flying around discussing inheritances and who is taking what etc etc. I found this too much, and tried to stay out of it.

    The funeral was last Tuesday and one auntie was absent, and that auntie had been very divisive over the last few years, causing a massive rift. A story went around the family after the funeral that the husband of said auntie visited my gran and facetimed his wife and showed my gran, however my auntie was in a hospital bed. A few hours later, an uncle visited and my gran was in hysterics shouting "she's going to die", but cos her communication was really poor, he couldn't understand what she was on about and reported back to family that dementia might be kicking in. My gran never ate anything again, and died a week later. The absent auntie was blamed a bit for killing my gran.

    That was last Tuesday the story about my Auntie came out. On Saturday night, her husband messaged me to ask if I wanted to visit her to say goodbye as she had days left to live, with terminal lung cancer kicking in badly. What? So she was ill and dying in bed. She died yesterday morning at 8am! 

    I'm furious as my mum is inconsolable having lost 2 sisters and her mum in two years and didn't even know her little sister was lying there dying. There's a list of family not invited to the funeral, being told she said she didn't want them there. It's all horrible.

    anyway @David you never got back to the bit about Jax

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