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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 19 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    The songs themselves I honestly don't know if it's correct. 3/5 songs are Courteeners songs but they're not on my top 5 artists? I'm not sure I listened to them THAT much if I'm honest, I'm surprised Body Paint wasn't on my most listened to songs, certainly my favourite song of the year. 

    I've got tickets for Arctic Monkeys at Hillsborough Park in June and I am SO SO excited thinking about it.

    I don’t think mine is correct. I listened to Declan McKenna for about two days after seeing his Glastonbury set, no way does he get in my top 5! 

    As for the Foals songs, they only got released in June, but I’ve deffo listened to earlier Foals stuff more! 

  2. On 02/12/2022 at 12:55, therealhantsram said:

    11.22.63 on Amazon Prime.

    Stephen King story. JJ Abrams producing. Has a good pedigree.

    Well-made and acted. If you like stories that actually have an ending rather than endless weaker series this is a good shout. This one is a time-travel story with our hero going back the 1960s to change the course of history. Less horror than most King stories, still with plenty of tense moments.

    Read the book about 7/8 years ago. In the top 3 books I’ve read. Programme doesn’t do the book justice IMO. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Just read an article about the Doha Fan Park. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. 

    Hopefully, when this WC is over, FIFA get a proper shoeing in the Courts and/or gets sidelined by another world governing body. Some of them should be rotting in prison. 

    what about it? are you sharing the information? do we have to guess? It is overrun by ferrets? is it built on rickety stilts? I don't know... tell me Crewton.............

  4. I've actually got a new iPad 11" pro coming tomorrow.

    I've got a 10.5" about 3 years old. It was actually a replacement for one I had burgled (in Portugal), and the insurance company gave me a refurbed replacement, but the finger-print button never worked. Aside of that it's fine, so I might flog it.


  5. HI @Bob The BadgerI don't want to hijack or digress from this thread, but about 7 years ago, I started the Mental Health thread. I attempted to disguise my struggle back then as questions about others. One thing that thread has taught me is that awareness is a massive hurdle. Many people do not even recognise that they are struggling. So as many have already pointed out, you've taken a massive massive step in your impending recovery just by being honest with yourself. Whilst your full recovery may come in stages, you will hopefully develop recognition and coping strategies that will, whilst not quite getting you to where you wish to be, will undoubtedly prevent you from the depths of where you definitely don't want to be.

    I will tag you in that thread. It's a special thread and makes me proud of this forum as it possibly saved my life, as the most important thing to know, and it seems so obvious and almost frivolous to say is that whatever your problem(s), you are not the first person, you won't be the last person and you certainly not the only person to suffer from it and you are definitely not alone. Best of luck in your journey and I sincerely hope you enjoy the reward of achievement when it comes.

  6. 9 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge Sven fan or anything. 

    But ultimately in 2002 we lost to eventual winners Brazil who were simply better than us while in 2004 we lost to hosts Portugal on penalties and again in 2006 where we played a large chunk of the game with 10 men.

    Did they really underachieve considering the circumstances?

    I think Sven killed us in 2002. He was impotent when he needed to grasp the game. Against 10-man Brazil, chasing the game, with a pacey Kieron Dyer and a confident and skilful Joe Cole on the bench, he opted to put defenders Ledley King and Phil Neville on in midfleld and basically just shut off and hoped for a miracle. Every book I've read written by players in that squad point a finger of ineptitude at Sven for his lack of decisiveness and bravery in that last half hour. We threw it away.

  7. 5 hours ago, Wolfie said:


    I've seen some really good and some awful Syamalan films, so was a bit nervous about this one.

    A group of people have a day away from their holiday complex on a beach they cannot escape from and then start ageing rapidly....


    Interesting premise and decent enough plot. Some really iffy script, though.

    Not bad. 6.5/10

    I watched this and instantly forgot it. Not sure I’d score it higher than 4/10. Or in proper measure 

    Lee Croft/10

  8. 5 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    A hard core of 60+, Took over London at Euro 96, An estimated 200 Derby lads there.

    When Danny Dyer did his Hooligan programmes a lot weren't happy when ventured/invited into the Neptune, Some did it for the glory of TV, Others thought it was a silly exercise.


    well, I believe that the first attempt at filming the Derby/DLF section was scuppered as the cameraman allegedly got coked off his tits and misplaced the camera! They apparently had to do it again another day, in a different pub with some different 'hooligans'.

    Think they filmed some of the original segment in the Dog and Partridge in Stockbrook area.

  9. 15 hours ago, Rev said:

    I'm a bit young to know him, or his past. 

    He seems to have been a much loved Ram, anyone have any stories to share on here?

    I'd heard of him quite a lot before I knew him. Then realised the pleasant, polite, almost gentle-giant in my local was one and the same. Had the pleasure of his company for a good twenty years but without considering us friends. Always thought he was a class act. Polite to strangers, easy to make laugh, no arrogance that I witnessed. I once gave him a Derby County high-viz vest when I was a steward. He loved it but was at least 3 sizes bigger than me! Not sure what he did with it!

  10. 2005 BMW X3 2.5l Auto.

    Lovely car but purchased from a very shady dealership in Nuneaton. It drove lovely but after 4 months, I looked down to see how fast/slow the car in front was doing, and the Speedo was showing I was doing 140mph!. I pulled over and killed the engine. Then restarted and the Speedo was doing 0mph.

    Took it to a very trusted mechanic and he told me that he suspected it had been under water, and that somebody had shorted the instrument/dashboard cluster. I had to use the Speedo on WAZE App to ensure I was staying within Speed Limit. Eventually, it was coming up to MOT and I hadn't put a single mile on the clock, in spite of driving about 30000 miles in the year! So I offloaded it to webuyanycar for £1100. Paid £3000 for it only 18months earlier! 

    It drove lovely, but also had substantial Oil Leak, sometimes the Powertrain light would come and and it would jolt when dropping down the gears. Sometimes, I'd have to start ignition sequence repeatedly until it was running without a warning light on.

    Trading Standards got the bloke/dealer for being dodgy. He'd better pray I don't even bump into the weasel.


    5 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Flattened the curve by allowing institutions to catch up with resources that should have been in place already but weren't because the government had ignored recommendations for pandemic planning. 

    so you didn't know (was not aware of) how many empty hospital wards there actually was at a time when the propaganda and scaremongering stated the opposite.

  12. 2 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    The Gentlemen (2019), well the first 20 minutes, which was the most boring film opening I've ever seen. No idea what Hugh Grant was jabbering on about to some guy in a nice Magnet designed kitchen, and the premise laid out by McConaughey's character was ludicrous so gave up as I realised I've already seen Mr Richie make this exact film at least twice before. 

    Turned off and watched Spike Lee's Inside Man (2006) which isn't great but at least something happens in it.


    the guy in the kitchen was Jax Teller of Sons of Anarchy, and also the hooligan in Green Street who gets killed in the end. The film actually, in Guy Richie style, unravels itself over the latter half hour. I enjoyed it.

  13. 51 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Because there's currently no evidence to support claims that Covid vaccines have damaged people's immune systems. 


    If, on the other hand, you've had Covid and said you'd noticed that you'd subsequently had respiratory infections that affected you more severely than usual, I wouldn't be surprised, because Covid infections can have that effect (as can more common diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis), although again much more research needs to be done (and seemingly is being done) to more fully established the connection. 


    why are you quoting stats from a paid for research org. ? 

  14. 45 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Errr the data isn't *that* accurate - my healthy gym-going plasterer was struck down with covid and it kept him off work and the gym for a few months, maybe he should have had a vaccine.

    FWIW, I had two vaccines, but refused any boosters. In my mind, since either having Covid or since the jabs, I’ve been struggling to recover from flus, colds and chest infections. For the first time in my life, I had to use Antibiotics for a chest infection this year. I was choking and short of breath for the whole of June. I’m struggling now but not as bad as then. Now it may be coincidental, but the “conspiracists” did say that the vaccine would impact the immune system more than it would aid it. 

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