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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 18 hours ago, David said:

    Buy chicken not turkey.

    Or get pissed in the morning so you're asleep by dinner.

    2 years ago, I bought that fresh Turkey crown from Sainsbury's. It was rancid. I didn't notice until it was cooked cos I had a cold, but when I carved into it, the steam was so rancid I could taste it. Will never bother with (overrated) turkey at Christmas ever again.

    Gammon and/or Lamb this year.

  2. Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix.


    Documentary where a scientist, clearly pissed off at having his theories dismissed and being labelled a "pseudoscientist", goes around the world looking at Ancient Sculptures and Structures to prove that there were previous Advanced Races/Humans on Earth wayyyyyyyyy before accepted science states there was.

    It is very intriguing and whilst he is clearly refuting common and accepted beliefs, he's clearly stating it's questions and mysteries that need better study.

  3. so sad. Met him loads of times in the early 90s. He was a regular at gigs, and saw him backstage at many. Very polite but hard to have conversations with (mainly as I was a teenager and he was a legend).

    Rest in Peace

  4. 3 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Not a blind date, Dating site that only a picture and phone call was the order of the day ?

    1, She was from Leicester looked pretty nice in her picture, After several calls we decided to meet, It was at a canal lock side restaurant, I get there early she turns up on time, I walk to her car and she gets out, Wearing a full blown Kaftan to hide her size, I'm no oil painting but she was big, I paid for lunch and on leaving I said thanks but there was no common ground ?

    2. A younger female from Chesterfield, Met at a posh restaurant near junction 29 M1, Sit for the meal and wow...I thought I'd invited pinky or perky out, She ate like a pig, Troughed it down then slurped her sweet and downed her drink, The cheeky sod said there was no spark but would like to be friends...nope it ended there ?

    3. Tamworth female, Had a good chat online then exchanged numbers, She suggested we meet at Branston marina just passed Burton, We met, I went to give her a peck on the cheek, She screams "what are you doing" giving you a kiss on the cheek I said "I'd rather you didn't" was her reply, Well a lap round the walking area a coffee and we leave in our cars, Neither of us got in touch again.

    I've had 5 relationships, All nice Women in their own right, But I've worked hard at being single and It suits my character. You can teach a new dog tricks, But you can't take an old dog to water ?  


    Had similar, drove to Rotherham to meet what we call a “stealth whale”, we drove to a Chinese, she ordered loads of food, I was annoyed that she’d ordered for me without asking what I fancied, then she turned around and said  “what you getting’?”! 

  5. 2 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I've seen a lot of people say this is their favourite Christmas film, particularly in the US, so arguably it is seen as one of the greats.

    I personally think it's utter crap. Saw absolutely nothing redeeming in it. Waste of time. 

    Jordan Ibe's second spell / 10

    Comedy has moved on a lot since then. A lot of things I found hilarious from 80s and even early 90s haven't stood the test of time.

  6. being forced to watch Christmas Rom-coms lately.

    Your Christmas or Mine: Amazon British sickly rom-com. Got a few known actors in it. Angela Griffin and Daniel Mays spring to mind. Basically, they took familiar formula and made it more familiar and cliche! Two college students, a couple, say their goodbyes before supposedly departing on trains back to their family homes for Christmas, but both decide last minute to catch the other's train to spend Christmas together. One being posh and privileged, the other being common and chavvy. Neither's family knows about them being a couple. Absolutely no hilarity ensues. 

    Eddie Lewis/10 (it tries hard, but lacks quality and already appears knackered and old.)


    National Lampoons Christmas Vacation: Chevy Chase (the original Jim Carrey) and his family have extended family over for Christmas day. Lots of things go wrong. Funny in moments without being sophisticated, and the Cat scorch mark gets me every time!

    Paul Green/10 (does it job, but won't be considered as one of the greats)


    The Holiday: Cameron Diaz is an American, Kate Winslet is a Brit. They are both unhappy and decide to swap homes/countries over Christmas. Kate Winslet meets Jack Black in America. Cameron Diaz meets Jude Law in England. The most exciting bit for me was realising Rufus Sewell (Man in the High Castle - Obergruppenfuhrer Smith) was in it. Proper chick flick.

    Jordon Stewart/10 (flatters to deceive but without achieving anything good)


    I've also been forced to watch Me Time, 50 First Dates, Click, and numerous others. But made her watch Layer Cake, Black Mirror, Football and Football. So it's swings and roundabouts

  7. 21 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    Football cameramen who pick out kids crying when their team has lost. Come on lads, these have got to go to school and face their friends after that.

    Should be picking out all the grown men crying about it.

    Quite cruelly, I laughed out loud last night seeing Spanish kids crying on my telly. The GF scowled at me then I told her how Chris Waddle was my favourite player and I cried during Italia 90. 

  8. 19 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    The songs themselves I honestly don't know if it's correct. 3/5 songs are Courteeners songs but they're not on my top 5 artists? I'm not sure I listened to them THAT much if I'm honest, I'm surprised Body Paint wasn't on my most listened to songs, certainly my favourite song of the year. 

    I've got tickets for Arctic Monkeys at Hillsborough Park in June and I am SO SO excited thinking about it.

    I don’t think mine is correct. I listened to Declan McKenna for about two days after seeing his Glastonbury set, no way does he get in my top 5! 

    As for the Foals songs, they only got released in June, but I’ve deffo listened to earlier Foals stuff more! 

  9. On 02/12/2022 at 12:55, therealhantsram said:

    11.22.63 on Amazon Prime.

    Stephen King story. JJ Abrams producing. Has a good pedigree.

    Well-made and acted. If you like stories that actually have an ending rather than endless weaker series this is a good shout. This one is a time-travel story with our hero going back the 1960s to change the course of history. Less horror than most King stories, still with plenty of tense moments.

    Read the book about 7/8 years ago. In the top 3 books I’ve read. Programme doesn’t do the book justice IMO. 

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