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  1. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to sage in Tony Weston   
    Scores one and assists one v Wolves U21.
    Three Nil up v Barnsley and doesn't bring him on.
    Playing Crewe  at home in the cup, we are behind, doesn't bring him on.
    The worst part is, it surprised no one.  
  2. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to B4’s Sister in B4 - for ever a Ram 🐏   
    Oh my goodness, what a response!
    Hello everyone, I’m Claire, Daniel’s (B4) sister. I am overwhelmed by your kind words, support, and the memories you have shared.  Thank you so much for the kindness and love you have all shown to Daniel over the years. My parents are working their way through all of the posts and will offer their own thanks in due course.
    I wish I knew about the scraves, flanges and ballions before now. I wouldn’t have let Daniel live that down at home. This made my husband and I laugh this morning.
    I will be wearing Daniel’s shirt and keeping his seat warm at the Bristol match. Really looking forward to hearing a big cheer and round of applause in the 38th minute, a goal at the time would be perfect!  Do please continue to share the picture with details of the applause. Let’s raise the roof for Daniel!!!
    Thank you all again ❤️
  3. Like
    ImARam2 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Most memorable FA Cup matches   
    Yes, I was there as well in the Boys End/Corner, having, like yourself, walked from Breadsall Hill Top, aged 13, at 4 o'clock in the previous Sunday morning, to get a ticket.
    It was January 1966 and if I remember correctly Man Utd went 3-0 up and Derby brought it back to 3-2 just before half-time.In the 2nd half, if I'm remembering this right, Denis Law scored with a back heel at the near post, at the Normanton End goal, and he said something to Reg Mathews, Derby's 'keeper, who went for him. I'm not sure if he connected or not!!
    However, this wasn't my first cup game, which was in February 1963 when Derby played Peterborough, following about 15 cancellations due to the 3 months of snow and ice we endured in the winter of !962-63.
    No central-heating them days, just extra blankets on the bed and the need scrape the ice off the windows on the inside of the house, however, that's another story in a time of long ago!!!
  4. Like
    ImARam2 got a reaction from cstand in Crewe Alexandra versus Derby County - Match Day Thread ( FA Cup 1st Round )   
    Not only do you have to register for ITVX, which is free, however you also have an Smart TV which is no older than 2012 ?
  5. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to europia in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    Yes absolutely. There does need to be an acknowledgement that the club is still not in a good financial position. A football club such as Derby County has considerable overheads and I imagine the clubs income barely covers the operational costs. 
  6. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to ramsbottom in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    I still find it hard to fathom that a good number of fans are actively having a pop at our owner.  This is a man who did not want to get involved, but simply had to because he knew what the likely alternative was.  It also pisses me off that folk think he should sell up at the earliest opportunity because he didn't spunk £3m on a striker in the summer.  Only he, along with his accountants, truly know how bad it was when he started his due diligence, so he'll do whatever he can to ensure we don't get in that state again.  If we're moaning at anyone, perhaps we should be moaning at the head of recruitment for not finding the wheat amongst the chaff, in the last transfer window.
    As for bringing in, and for the time being, sticking with Warne.  If you had the choice between a novice manager or someone who has 3 promotions from this division, to get you out of it, who are 99% of people going to choose??
  7. Clap
    ImARam2 reacted to Mostyn6 in 1st July 2022 - The day Derby County last made me cry   
    July last year, it was announced that David Clowes had bought Derby County. Saving the club from disappearing into the ever-growing abyss of crushed football clubs.
    I cried that day. I didn't think it was bothering me that much. As an adult in his mid-40s, I found myself resenting the amount of money I've "squandered" following Derby County around the country. I can probably count all the enjoyable moments as an adult on my fingers and toes, but there are plenty of bleak and miserable memories, from watching Jim Smith's magic-touch fade, Colin Todd's reputation dwindle, John Gregory's over-confidence implode, Phil Brown trying to reinvent the wheel, Paul Jewell signing everyone he could, to Nigel Clough being too negative to try and win. That's before Uncle Mel came along with his mad rollercoaster.
    A few years ago I decided to squander my money on playing Golf badly instead of football, beer, gambling and a curry every Saturday, that made me think I was detached from it all, that I'd cut the ties that only a few years earlier had me desperately scrambling for away tickets for 0-0 draws at places like Preston on a Boxing Day!
    I'd consider myself an armchair radio/TV fan nowadays, and my stress level and general health has been much better. 
    I no longer live in Derby/Derbyshire, which has left me further detached from the club and fellow Rams fans. But from this forum over the last few days, I'm feeling some real rage towards Warne, and maybe even Clowes. It's worse that any time on this forum. Even Pearson had more support! 
    Am I the only one who, whilst disenchanted with performances, and perhaps football in general, doesn't really feel Warne needs sacking?
    Or am I still just glad we have a club to talk about?
    I think some of the people so enraged by Warne could do with taking a step back and a deep breath.
    AS for Clowes, he jumped into Shark-infested waters to drag us back onto the muddy bank, shame on anyone critical of a man who had no ambition to own DCFC, only duty.
    Disgruntled fans could do with finding a way to contribute to the growth of the club, not the demise.
  8. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to May Contain Nuts in The mighty fallen   
    I remember it.
    Everyone was saying how they couldn't wait for it all to be over and how much of a relief it would be to stop talking about finances, Quantuma, the EFL Steve Gibson et al and get back talking about / arguing the toss over footballing matters like tactics, team selection and the performance of the players and the manager etc
    Now we've got that and some people don't seem to like it, it's boring and repetitive and negative and unwelcome  and people need reminding that we were in administration, don't you know?
  9. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to StantonRam in The mighty fallen   
    Congrats to PW and the team for saving his job on Tuesday...this time.
    However, it's a measure of just how far we have fallen that we celebrate beating Exeter as if it were winning the FA Cup, and would apparently regard a point away at Stevenage (STEVENAGE!!!???!!!) as a good result.
    I know that football, like most things, is a kind of pyramid, that the lower leagues are necessary for discovering and developing home grown talent etc, and I'm not averse to a bit of National League action myself, or lower, on a good day it has it's own magic for sure, especially in the FA Cup.  We accept local non league footie for what it is, and enjoy it for what it is.
    However, when it comes to DCFC I'm of the generation whose expectations were raised (spoiled perhaps) at an impressionable age by the success of the 1970s, enjoyed the 1990s hugely, and now find it hard to adjust to current realities.  The many false dawns of recent times (the 2007-8 debacle, getting so close recently under Lampard) can induce a kind of existential ennui that's difficult to shake.  
    Please PW, however you do it, get us out of this awful league, with its c**p grounds, cynical fouls, time wasting, hoofball, physicality at the expense of skill - and FAR too many games, leading players to burn out or get injured - players who need more time in training, skills development & physical maintenance than those in the PL, not less.  A PL team without cup runs or Europe plays 40 games a season, our bunch will end up playing maybe 60 if we have a couple of cup runs and end up competing in the playoffs.  In which case, even if we do go up we'll arrive in the Championship knackered before we even start.
    We might deserve to be here morally, but in footballing terms we should not be here.  PW does seem to know how to compete at this level on its own terms (see above), but once back in the Championship we will need someone who has worked and succeeded at a higher level than this.
    But who?
  10. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to Comrade 86 in Derby County vs Exeter City (H) Match Thread   
    Shame to see so-called fans labelling our own player as 'dogshit' and other choice terms. By all means call him out on the game, but is the abuse really necessary? He's a Derby player after all. Some on here might like to consider how they'd feel if they were being assessed in such charming terms for their efforts at their place of work. Whatever you think of his ability, he's still a Rams player and entitled to a modicum of respect from us fans as such. He's also 5 from 13 in the league this season, which is far from the horror story some of the drama queens on here portray. Hard to imagine, other spitting on the badge or flat out throwing it in, what would actually warrant terms like 'dogshit', but missing an easy square pass certainly isn't one of them. And this after we've won the game too!
    Likewise Exeter - without fail, every time we win, we get a chorus of "well (insert club name) were by far the worst team we've faced all millennium" type comments. So f****** tedious. Last night, Oxford were beaten by a team languishing in the bottom 3 and Portsmouth could not muster a goal in 95 minutes against the mighty Cambridge, which more sensible heads might think tells you all you need to know about this league. The fact is, we're a league 1 team (as was evidenced by our failure to secure promotion last season) and right now we're playing like one, as often as not. The very same people who sagely pontificated on how hard it would be to get out of this league, are some the chippiest ***** on here now we're struggling. Get in the bin!
    As for the game, the result was never in doubt. I thought we looked comfortable, pretty much throughout and were more than good value for the 2-0. They tried to play football, which was a pleasant surprise, but we were very good without the ball last night, harrying and pressing well and you could see their last vestiges of hope evaporate with the second goal. On the rare occasions they enjoyed a little possession, we kept our shape brilliantly and never really gave them too much hope. I think we look as good as any team I've seen in the league defensively speaking and we have a decent quality midfield if we can somehow keep Max healthy of mind and body and in good form. Still short of that explosive goal threat, though if we play like we did last night, we've enough to trouble most sides.
    As for the result, it could and maybe should have been 4-0 and without the interventions of the myopic linesman, it might well have been. Surely that is worthy of more than begrudging praise, if any. Let's be honest here, there's no such thing as a 'routine win' for a side with our current home record! With 'routine' help from the officials, more often than not we conspire to turns 3 points into 1, or none at all, so let's not pretend otherwise, eh! 
    Moving forwards, I hope that this is not another false dawn and that the attacking line-up is deployed against all but the best teams in the league, where a more circumspect approach is perhaps understandable. While I think we're a long way off Championship quality right now, we do have a strongish squad for L1 and we really need to be ensconcing ourselves firmly in the top 6 sooner, rather than later. Meet that milestone and we can then set about trying to reel in Oxford and / or Pompey which is a far from impossible feat if we can just add some consistency to our game.
  11. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to DavesaRam in Derby v Shrewsbury (A) Match Thread   
    Well, like many I haven't been happy for months, but have kept on turning up to matches because supporting the lads is what we do. But despite the ever falling performance standards I have always looked for the long term, in the hope of better times. This afternoon was the first time for year that I ended up with a really heavy heart.
    Actually, once we had contained Shrewsbury's early bluster, we got a grip on the game, and played some good football for about 20 minutes or so. Bird in particular was outstanding, playing like he belonged higher up the League hierarchy. Incidentally someone criticised him for being gassed out at around the 60 minute mark, but I wonder if his influence tailing off had something to do with him being shifted further back so that Warne could bring his love-child (allegedly) Hourihane on. Conor did make a couple of tackles/interceptions which kept us in the game, but he is supposed to be a gifted playmaker, but today you'd never know. But our grip on the game came from us playing football, on the deck, and involving the midfield players.
    Anyhow the Shrewsbury manager worked out how we had got a grip on the game and made changes which brought them back into it. Our approach seemed to be "more of the same, please". It doesn't work. Because our gameplan of slinging balls in for Collins to get on the end of would might work if he got on the end of them, but more often than not he is out on the wing, deep in midfield or just arriving in the box as the ball gets headed clear. But because that's all we have to offer, or more likely all we are allowed to offer, we end up with the potency of a eunuch's orgasm.
    And yes, here goes DavesaRam again - the ref was absolutely crap, in fact so bad that he was nearly as bad as the Rams. Turning down a blazingly obvious penalty when Forsyth was tripped in the area was just an early warning sign. Somebody observed that because we didn't do much more than sling crosses in to nobody in particular, we didn't give him the chance to make amends. Apart from the question "Since when has a ref evened things up for Derby County?", he did the exact opposite with the award of a penalty to the Shrews for absolutely no reason at all. Rams TV thought the player had tripped on his laces - he didn't, he blatantly dived. and was 3 or 4 yards away from any Derby player. The Rams website said that it was for a pull by Nelson, but watch the video - the directions and trajectories of Nelson and the actor means that a pull was absolutely impossible. At least the ref was quick with his decision, ie he couldn't wait to pull the trigger. Why didn't the players all get round the ref and have a right good go at him? Like all other teams do? There were plenty of other incidents to lay at the refs door, but in the end, it wasn't his fault that we lost, despite us going ahead from the penalty we should have had would have helped us.
    I am struggling big time over all this, as many, many more are doing, because most of us know that we are capable of much more than this. There is a well know saying, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Even if Warne has inherited an absolute bunch of wasters, in an impossible situation, he could still look at what he has got and play to their strengths. Or he could use a great big sledgehammer and force all those lovely round pins into the square holes he imagines exist all over the pitch .......... no wait, that exist down the wings and somewhere near the middle of the opposition penalty area. I know that Paul Clement and Nigel Pearson threw away loads of our talent by trying to impose their system onto players who couldn't play it. Maybe some of the poor performance by some of the players comes from them being uncomfortable with how they are being told to play - I suspect Hourihane is in that category, and tried to face the fans to try and make some peace with them. I know what it is like working in an environment like that, especially when I knew how I should have been working. It is soul destroying, and saps away motivation. 
    What a mess. And we thought we were done with messes. Apparently not.
  12. Cheers
    ImARam2 reacted to Magicman in Derby v Shrewsbury (A) Match Thread   
    Overseas members only 
  13. Like
    ImARam2 got a reaction from Premier ram in Ryan Nyambe - Signed Until Jan 2024, Extended to 2025   
    He is a very good right back / defender for this league and I can't think of any mis-passes from him, nor anyone getting past him in last Saturday's game.
  14. Clap
    ImARam2 reacted to angieram in Just desserts!   
    Nothing will give me greater pleasure today than finding out that this man has lost his job, will get a football banning order and will soon be sentenced after pleading guilty.
    It's about time more people realise that actions have consequences. 
    At the same time, massive kudos to the regular Sheffield Wednesday supporters who have now raised over £18,000 for the Bradley Lowery Foundation after being appalled by the idiotic behaviour of one fan. 
    (I thought there was already a thread about this but can't find it.)
  15. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to On the Ram Page in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    If David Clowes hadn’t saved the Club you wouldn’t be on here constantly moaning. Possibly Don Amott might be the subject of your negativity instead. In my view Clowes has carte  blanche to do whatever he wishes for a few years yet. He will run the Club as he sees fit and employ who he wants to employ. The Club is gradually being transformed totally I guess, even if most of us aren’t aware of the steps being taken.
    First and foremost Clowes is a Derby County fan - he is totally aware of our current internal situation (unlike us) and no doubt, just like us would like to see better performances than we have seen so far. The only difference is that he has stumped up millions to save our club - I know you have bought your season ticket and have you travelling costs. But there is a huge difference and I think he deserves our support, rather than questioning his early tenure. If he believes that Pearce is the right person to employ, knowing fully what has happened in the past, then who are we the question his decision.
    Under Paul Warne our away results have improved, lest we not forget previous terrible runs. We do need to improve at home, but for many visiting teams a visit to Pride Park is their FA Cup Final and make things difficult for us.I am sure things will improve as some of our players return. We have had cruel luck with injuries so far and I just don’t buy the idea that these are caused by the current training regime (which of course to many is Paul Warner’s fault too).
    For goodness sake, there are a few “fans” who need to bite their lips and not behave like spoilt children because they can’t immediately have all the toys for Christmas they wanted. If you can’t support our Club, in these early years of rebuild, go and “support” some other club or start your own Forum “ Negative Rams Members Only”. There are a few that would love to contribute.
  16. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to Brammie Steve in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    Had things not been resolved we could have been reading something like:-
    Northern Conference League Division Three
    Racecourse Derby
    Derby Phoenix 0 - 1 Etwall Reserves
    Let’s be thankful for what we’ve got!

  17. Clap
    ImARam2 reacted to Archied in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    I keep seeing this lack of interest in the academy players for the first team accusation thrown at warne , do we not realise our academy has had its heart ripped out just as much as the rest of the club ,,, perhaps we are trying to bring in young players and build an under 21 team that has a base and some stability without the need to keep pulling them into the first team for a while , from what I hear our under 21 s are getting beaten game on game , maybe there’s a thought process of building a regular competitive team there again , getting bashed up regularly is not a good confidence builder in young players to step up to first team football, we are rebuilding the WHOLE club from the brink of extinction and bare bones 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to Terry Hennessy in Can anyone actually name a single improvement Warne has done since arriving?   
    I think Warne is doing a good job under difficult circumstances...which I don't need to state here ...as surely we all understand the turmoil we've been through and the millions we've wasted over  the years. Warne has a proven track record at this level and I'd be surprised if we didn't get promotion this year / next year....and yes, it might not be pretty.
    If football was an exact science then at least one of those 17 managers we've had since 2007 would have achieved success for us...but no - only failure. Football fans want instant success...I get that...but it rarely happens does it. I for one want stability at my club and not this constant merry go round of management change...which has got us where we are today...coupled with a cavalier attitude to financial management....UTR
  19. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to BathRam72 in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    Anyone who votes not happy to 3 points, regardless how it was one, are a little strange in my point of view. Surely,  even if you get 3 points in a scrappy way is better than not getting any points. Imagine playing badly and losing.  There would be a few who would be needing sectioning.  I am not happy with the style of play at the moment.  But give me 3 points every time.  Hopefully the confidence will build and the performances will follow. 
  20. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to Day in Ed Dawes   
    Whilst we bash away, mostly anonymously behind the keyboard, just go take a second to see what Josh Vickers is going through right now, Ed, just like us all is a real person. 
    Regardless of how you feel about him as a person or his commentary style there is absolutely no need for personal stuff towards a fellow Derby fan.
    Seriously, come on, have a word with yourselves.
  21. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to Jourdan in So who would we have then?   
    Brentford and Brighton are where they are after 10-15 years of gradual building. Bloom has been owner of Brighton since 2009 and Benham has been owner of Brentford since 2012 and has been an investor since 2007.
    Yes, both clubs are great examples of how to get things right. But over that time period, they have had near misses and some highs and lows too. It hasn’t been completely smooth sailing but they have developed a club philosophy and stayed true to it and probably been able to because of the relatively low expectations.
    Clowes has been owner of the club for just over a year so perhaps we need to be patient and understand that what Clowes is trying to build and trying to instil will take more than 12 months.
    Perhaps a fairer comparison is other clubs who have come out of administration and bounced back from relegation?
    It took Leeds three seasons to get promoted out of League 1 following administration and relegation. It took Southampton two seasons. Bolton suffered back to back relegations and are now into their fourth campaign in five in League 1.
    Yes, the football isn’t great at the moment but the club is in recovery mode and perhaps we have to be realistic about those timescales. Expecting us to get promoted playing champagne football at this stage in our recovery is only something you might witness in a fairytale.
    Stick with the club. Keep going to games when you can. Pain often comes before glory.
  22. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to maxjam in Fan Forum (not this one)   
    If David Clowes starts firing all and sundry, battling the FA, cheekily admitting to trying to find financial loopholes, spending millions on players with inflated wages then yes I'll agree - but he has been very measured in his first year at the helm and the club has made great strides.
    I also don't think handing Paul Warne a 4yr contract was a bad thing as others have highlighted.  It shows a pragmatic and long term approach to rebuilding both the first team and the academy.  The alternative would have seen us sack PW for finishing 7th last year and me starting to look nervously at my first paragraph.
    Whilst I understand the caution and distrust, lets not mention MM in the same breath as David Clowes.  One courted the limelight, famous ex-pro's and gave grand press conferences talking about 'The Derby Way'.  The other has quietly put the club on an even keel financially and is rebuilding our reputation with the EFL and other clubs.  He has also been working with Stephen Pearce for well over a year now so I assume he knows more about him than any of us do.
  23. Clap
    ImARam2 reacted to LeedsCityRam in Will Derby County get back in Premiership   
    I've not the slightest doubt we will. OK, we're not in a great place at the minute & seeing the treetards monopolising their moment in the sun isn't helping but football has always been cyclical. 
    Luton dropped into non-league & were there for 5 years - they're now top division. Brighton were on the verge of dropping out of the League - they're now in the Europa League. Coventry were homeless & in League Two but 4 months ago were on the verge of going back to the top flight. Things can change very quickly in football & we've seen that ourselves - we went from nearly bankrupt in Division 3 in 1984 to a UEFA Cup spot by 1989.
    The most important commodity for success isn't money, it's stability & establishing a consistent club ethos focusing on marginal gains. Notwithstanding doubts about the current manager, the infrastructure being built by the club is exactly what we need to be consistently successful over the long term. I suspect when our time does come, we will absolutely fly. Keep the faith 🐏💪
  24. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to ram59 in Will Lady Luck Ever Shine On Derby Again?   
    There are a number of things that you need to have success, lady luck being an important one. Over the last 10 years, we've had more than our share of bad luck.
    It seemed to start with that play off final, the most one sided final that was won by the 'wrong' team. Then we made our key signing in Thorne, who was forever injured, who knows what could have been with a fit George. This was to be repeated with Bielik, again another key player who could have made a difference. We then lost 3 managers due to 'interest' from other teams, SM, who's head was turned by Newcastle, Rowett poached by Stoke and the drawn out saga with Frank going to Chelsea. None of them went on to succeed at any of those clubs, as we could have told them before hand. 
    Constant new managers required constant changes to playing personnel and MM was only too happy to fork out the club's money, to back them, in doing so, trying to be clever with EFL rules. Then on top of this, we had Covid, an unforeseeable occurrence which it could be argued affected Derby more than any other club, having the biggest gates outside the premier league and parachute teams.
    To compound these problems, MM decided to pull the plug, instead of following through with his promises, no administration would be no 12 points deduction, in fact he should have stuck to his guns and challenged the other 9 points in court. Without these deductions we should still be in the championship and not lost a generation of young talent that our academy had nurtured. It's a crying shame when you thing of all those young players that we lost for nothing or next to nothing. Other 'bad' owners have not let this happen to a big club, they've either continued to back the club until they could get shot of it, without pulling the plug. It doesn't help that the EFL seem to be more vindictive against us when compared with other clubs' misdemeanours. 
    We are at the start of a new era, but have been dogged by poor refereeing decisions over the last 14 months and now we have suffered 5 long term injuries to our small squad, only 6 games into the season.
    It's about time we got some good fortune, even average fortune would do.
    I'm trying my best, I'm already on my third 'lucky' shirt for home games and my second for away matches.🙄
  25. Like
    ImARam2 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Paul Warne Poll   
    You’re not comparing like with like.  Clough had around 4.5 years, Warne’s not had one yet.  Clough could spend, Warne can’t, or at least unless he sells 1 or 2.  Clough didn’t have EFL restrictions, Warne does or did which severely hampered him in January.  Clough didn’t have to build from bottom up, Warne (or maybe more DC) does.  Clough had an academy to pick from, Warne doesn’t as it was largely decimated due to Mel.  Clough had the opposite problem to Warne of an oversize squad, Warne needs bodies.  Warne hasn’t had a full summer transfer window yet.
    I agree about foundations but I do think circumstances play into that a bit and a lot of is required to lay the foundations.  In his pre-match press interview last week when discussing transfers he discussed Mark Thomas is planning transfer for next summer and the one after that.  Maybe that’s when we’ll see som gems unearthed.
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