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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 3 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    That would literally be rock sodding bottom


    the utter embarrassment 

    where the hell does mel get off? I mean really? Real derby fan ??? Really? My f ing arse he is 


    Yeah it would be, and I share your anger totally. But from where we might end up - total extinction - rock bottom is an upgrade

  2. I think we'll struggle to keep both next year. I'd like to, I think we'd be in possession of two of the top keepers in League One, but for that reason I can see one going. And if Allsop goes I think you can't complain if it's Roos with the gloves for the full season next year. I think he's earned it.

    If Roos does leave, I think he's been an underrated servant of the club and has shown immense patience and mental strength. He's been given a really hard time by our fans for years and years, has made some really heartbreaking errors, and has had long spells with no appearances at times. And it's been 8 and a half years. 

    Still he remains here week after week, waiting for a chance, watching the team from the sidelines and supporting them from the bench. Not to mention his local community and charity work over lockdown

    Say what you like about him as a goalkeeper but as a man, and as a professional, you cannot fault him.

  3. 7 hours ago, Cam the Ram said:

    An old centre back on a free from the 19th placed team

    32 years old. 39 appearances 36 starts, 6 goals, one of which was playing 90 minutes just 10 days ago.

    No chance I'm afraid.

    But apologies if I came off harshly with my previous reply. The fingers started typing with the hope the brain might kick in shortly. It didn't ?

  4. On 20/04/2022 at 00:53, Cam the Ram said:

    Get any of this wonderful bunch we currently have who wish to stay tied down to new deals (on League 1 appropriate wages).

    When their contracts expire, get in Flint, Bardsley, Barkhuizen, Wilks, Dhanda and Telford and have a nip down to Luton to see who they aren't keeping because half of their team is out of contract this summer and they obviously won't be on high wages. 

    And finally finish off by asking Kirchner for just a few pennies to bring in Matt Jay and Shadrach Ogie.

    Top it off by utilising Rooney's contacts to get in a few decent loans and we're sorted.


    See, you don't need a fancy new recruitment team Mr Kirchner ... I've done it for you for free. You're very welcome. 

    That gives us 26 players, plus the loans you talk about, plus the Luton out of contract players you talk about, plus youngsters such as Cybulski, Stretton, Watson, Richards, Borkovic who I haven't counted in that number but have all made appearances this season. Plus any youngsters on their way through (let's be fair, we quite often get taken by surprise on who the next big academy prospect is going to be, so I imagine there's one or two names who might be looking at opportunities next season).

    Pushes us well over 30 first team players. Far too bloated a squad.

    Also, I hope that's not Aden Flint you're referring to? Why would he drop down to League One when he would walk into any Championship side and will have big offers coming his way? Barkhuizen, huge injury issues. Wouldn't have thought we're in the financial position to take that risk.

    Good god man, we're still in administration, slam the brakes on

  5. It'd be nice to get both him and Plange back on loan next year. Probably in the best interests of everyone to be honest, the two of them playing together and developing more of a partnership. Just in the past few weeks we've seen Ebiowei start to cross the ball with incredible accuracy, and we've seen Plange start to become a very dangerous mover in the box. The two of them suit each other, and they suit this club.

    What Palace do after next season with them, not bothered, that's up to them and the players. Best of luck to them. Players come and go, but we could really do with the two of them back on loan next year, just for a year, while we rebuild. I really hope this is being considered.

  6. 14 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:



    Screen Shot 2022-04-21 at 22.43.57.png

    Can you use your mod powers to erase my shame? (Serious Q)

    I've rather moved the debate the wrong way. It ain't about me or the unmentionables down the road. Best of luck with the display to those who are involved 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mihangel said:

    Me too, looks brilliant. Surprised by the negativity of some.

    I have no intention to be cynical for no reason or just be negative to be a Pete Rick, I just honestly think we could do a lot better. Love the idea, love the enthusiasm, love the mobilisation amongst fans, just not big on the execution.

    By all means donate to this one, get it done and enjoy it. I did read that they've been limited on timescales for this one as there were hurdles with PPS staffing problems to overcome. Maybe in the new season with some more time to work out some new ideas we could get something creative and fresh done.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    I've donated - seems like a good way to see out the season. 

    I'd prefer it if we could have something along the lines of 'Derby Kingdom' with Lara Croft doing a spinning kick or something... though. 

    You joke but them lot have had much better displays last few years (please don't let them see this post admitting this). Their Forest Kingdom one looked great

  9. 20 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Oh sod it, I wasn't going to say...it looks naff. Why stripes have we bought it off Mike Ashley? Lots of bits of plastic, great.

    Unfortunately I have to agree. "We Bleed Black and White" means absolutely nothing to me as a phrase. It's one of those football fan clichés.

    This could easily be a Notts County display, very little of it screams Derby

  10. 17 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

    Nobody is more surprised than me at how much I love this bloke. When he arrived I was not impressed by the Rooney circus, but how he’s proved me wrong! 

    Yep, I got him totally wrong and I'll admit that. He has serious character and commitment. He will be a top manager with those attributes

  11. I hope he presses restart when he meant to press shut down so he has to wait for his laptop to reboot again to switch it off properly.

    I hope he catches every door handle he meets on the belt loops of his jeans.

    I hope every pair of boxers he ever wears become itchy and never fully feel like they're supporting his nads in a comfortable way.

    I hope his fridge hums all night and keeps him up.

    I hope he wakes up at 3am for a pee and then can't drop back off

    I hope he miscounts his stairs in the dark and thinks there's another step but there isn't so he does that really heavy step on a flat floor and feels silly

    I hope he pegs his laundry out and leaves the house for the day, only to come home to find all his clothes have been rained on

    Just minor stuff. Petty revenge, nothing sinister or horrible.

  12. Championship and League One are similar in this sense, very difficult to get promoted out of, but relegated sides from divisions upwards usually do quite well. The quality just isn't there and while every game is a scrap, if you've got the players you'll just breeze it. Look at Fulham as an example for this league. Look at Rotherham as an example in League One.

    It will depend on what players we can get in/retain but I'm certainly confident Rooney will prepare them for some scrappy games.

    There's players on the books at present who would be absolutely devastating a league down. Cashin would be an absolute monster. Nobody in League One can move the ball like Liam Thompson can. Ebiowei? Forget about any League One defenders stopping him. What are our chances of getting Plange back on loan and making him our first choice striker. League One top scorer right there. Allsop far and away the best keeper in League One??

    Max Bird is one of the few contracted past this season. As long as he's not looking at jumping ship, which I'm not sure he would right now, he would be incredible. Plenty more examples, I could go on and on.

    Fact is, it's not a guaranteed thing that we'll bounce back up but if we can retain some of these guys we're a very strong side indeed. Keep in mind that we've been relegated due to deductions, not on the field performances. I think you could take the team in 17th in most Championship seasons and put them in League One and reasonably expect them to come back up.

    We've racked up 13 wins this season. You can expect us to be in the promotion race. I'll make a judgement on what I expect once I see the squad in August but let's be ambitious. I know we want to not pile on the pressure or expect too much of a club in rebuild, but we asked for a miracle this season and it brought out some incredible performances. We'd have been perfectly within our rights after a 21 point deduction to just "be realistic" and start preparing for League One, but we didn't. And what followed was a strangely enjoyable, if ultimately unsuccessful, rollercoaster ride of a season. One I will remember and treasure forever.

    So in short - sod all that realistic expectations stuff, we're going straight back up. Believing is half the battle

  13. You won EFL. Enjoy the Championship without us. I hope it makes you very happy.

    Dear lord what a sad little life.

    You ruined our season completely just because you wanted to relegate us. I hope you now spend next season getting some lessons in grace and decorum because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck with no tyres on.

    Take your league and leave us alone now.

  14. 41 minutes ago, Ramrob said:

    Never trust a highlights reel ?

    In all seriousness – he likes a long range loop over the keeper! Purely going off Wiki, looks like his first really good season at 28, but maybe he's a late bloomer? A la Ricky Lambert

    Be nice just to sign a player on a proper contract. Although can't knock anyone this season and hope we can keep hold of the majority?

    Not a great example, Lambert was scoring double figures in every league he was in for over a decade!

  15. I've got a moral conscience all the same but let's not go back to this self-sabotage stuff. I'm pretty sure you lot want us liquidated.

    He's far from the worst person to own a football club in this country. Come back when he's funding nazi movements in other countries, money laundering on a humongous scale, murdering journalists, or beheading citizens. Or God forbid ruining peoples lives by having outrageous working conditions in Shirebrook. Low bar I know but that's the field we're playing in.

    I'll take the guy who sent some dumb tweets a decade ago and is now disavowing them.


  16. 1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

    Your response made me smile Tombo. Not seen the image before. Not sure that was what caused the reaction though; I think it was more likely the fact that after giving it large, you have absolutely nothing to back it up. 

    1. Wasn't giving it large at all. Not sure what you really mean by that

    2. I genuinely didn't read your wall of text, and still haven't

    3. I don't owe you anything, not least a response to what was probably a load of pompous, arrogant and smug drivel. Like I said I didn't read it but I'm familiar with your work

  17. 1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

    Tombo. Two reasonable questions to ask of you.

    1) How might you get Mike Ashley or any PB for that matter to pay say £50m for something they only value at say £35m.

    2) How might you persuade Mel Morris to sell the Stadium to the new owner for say £5m rather than the £20m+ he is allegedly holding out for?

    If you can give me satisfactory answers to those questions, I too will lose some faith in Quantuma too. But for now, I still think Q are in an impossible position because of Morris. No one willing to pay anything much more than £30/35m, and wanting the stadium included for that, and Morris not budging for whatever his reasons are. I don't like speculation. but I think his reasons are that he doesnt want either Ashley or Appleby Group paying what he thinks at an undervalue (doing him over if you like). Morris will take this to the wall imo, and I have always thought that. Ultimately though, and I am not sure when, I think he will give, because otherwise liquidation will all be on his head (not Quantuma).


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