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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 5 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    What, struggling with life like throwing a tantrum when Liverpool wouldn’t let him leave? Demanding first team football at Fiorentina as soon as he arrived, then doing the same here after poor performances for the U23s? And then refusing to turn up for training after he failed to get himself a transfer, despite us still paying him. 

    He doesn’t seem like a man struggling to me, just a man who thinks he’s way more talented than he actually is and has a divine right to first team football because of who his cousin is. 

    When we talk about mental health, far too often keep a narrow view in terms of depression/anxiety. There are lots of forms of depression and anxiety, lots of trigger points, and lots of ways it may manifest itself in behaviours. A very common one is a theme of self-sabotage, which this lad has a history of. There are also many other mental health problems a person can suffer beyond depression, with varying degrees of severity, which a footballer is just as likely to suffer as any other human being on the planet.

    Most importantly though, the question of how all of this pertains to Bobby Duncan is something you know absolutely zero about. Stop talking.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    I have half a mind to believe lots of clubs have chosen to take it easy in training whereas we have pushed our lads in the heat of the last two days to make up for the late start to proper preseason. Lots of these lads haven't had the gruelling first week or two of preseason that they should have had and they're having it this week in the blistering heat.

    It has been mentioned that lots of players seemed to have long sleeve undershirts on in the training photos. We're not daft, I think we know we're knackered and we're supposed to be.

    Further to this, Rosenior refers to exactly this in the post match interview that they worked the players extremely hard in the heat for the bigger picture.

    Though he does sound extremely disappointed with the performance which is refreshing in some ways because you get a bit bored of hearing "it's just a run-out, it doesnt matter" from managers in the past

  3. 7 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Slightly concerned how behind Stevenage we seem fitness/sharpness wise on this showing with a week and a bit to go until the start of the new season. Kind of hoping it's down to the heat (although we're both playing in the same conditions)!

    I have half a mind to believe lots of clubs have chosen to take it easy in training whereas we have pushed our lads in the heat of the last two days to make up for the late start to proper preseason. Lots of these lads haven't had the gruelling first week or two of preseason that they should have had and they're having it this week in the blistering heat.

    It has been mentioned that lots of players seemed to have long sleeve undershirts on in the training photos. We're not daft, I think we know we're knackered and we're supposed to be.

  4. 9 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Is “agreed terms” actually legally binding though? If he’s not old enough to sign a contract, he’s not old enough to sign a contract. If a bigger club offer him mega millions in the next few months, can he just take it?

    Indeed yes, he hasn't signed the contract, he has just agreed the terms of it. He could go back in September and say "actually no, I want more money"

  5. Call me a fool but I feel a bit sorry for him. He nearly ruined us and he undoubtedly set us back a long way but I never believed that was his intention

    Don't get me wrong though, he's not my favourite person in the world. And for all the money he's blown, I doubt he'll go hungry or cold this winter like many will up and down the country. So I don't dwell on feeling sorry for him for very long.

    It's a tragic affair best left in the past. He's gone now.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Ramifications said:

    Let it go. 

    The guy hasn't got a bad bone in his body. 

    I don't think he meant anything by it

    Interestingly I had a post referencing a former Radio Derby commentator here that got deleted, presumably someone got too sensitive about it or for some reason a mod got panicky about libel even though we all definitely heard it at the time

    For clarity, B4 didn't mean anything by it. The other guy definitely did and what he said was much worse

  7. 9 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    So basically until now he’s barely been able to do any recruitment. Ticking the boxes so far. 

    Not sure if this is a slight at him or a reference to our administration position but for clarity Rosenior mentions in his interview on Rams TV that recruitment isn't really his area.

    However since he is an analyst who's job is to pore over match footage and do opposition scouting he has been able to not only identify targets but also directly make contact with players and their agents to help get deals done. So he has gone above and beyond his role

    Apologies if I'm missing what you're saying but I wanted to help set the record straight in case there was confusion

  8. Maybe you can't count the likes of Bielik who may be on his way, and Byrne and Buchanan who there is speculation on, but at least after today we look like we could cobble together an XI that would be competitive as things stand.



    Byrne Cashin Bielik Buchanan

    Knight Bird Thompson

    Barkhuizen Stretton Mendez-Laing


    It's only the beginning and subject to change, but it's a good start!!

  9. Right this may have been answered and it might sound a bit too pragmatic when I should be celebrating

    Does anyone know how exactly the club and the stadium are in relation now? Does Clowes own the Gellaw company that owns Pride Park, then the club separately? Only the club statement says that "the club has been brought under the ownership structure as the stadium".

    Does that mean they will remain separate entities owned by Clowes or will the stadium be transferred away from that Gellaw rubbish? Because that was the issue this time that the stadium didn't go into administration?

  10. One of the small victories here is an end to "Celebrity DCFC". Hopefully now we can get stable financially and just be a normal boring run-of-the-mill football club that the tabloid media simply have no interest in talking about.

    Since Lampard we've just had this bizarre media circus surrounding us.

    Please can we just be boring and normal and safe and no more drink-driving scandals or drunken hotel extortion attempts or any of that business?

  11. 1 hour ago, David said:

    This is where any conversation should start and end.

    The most important thing right now is saving this football club, if thats Clowes, Ashley, Appleby or even Kirchner, we should be extremely grateful.

    Millions are being spent on a club that has little more than ourselves, the money it’s going to cost to purchase this club could potentially buy or even own a major stake in most Championship clubs.

    It makes zero business sense buying this football club, none what so ever, so whoever it is that completes the purchase, we should be eternally grateful as we have been far too close to losing this club that means so much to us all. 


    A man who buys a football club is either mighty brave, or mighty stupid

    I don't mind which he is, I'm just glad someone is taking the plunge.

  12. 40 minutes ago, Rich84 said:

    It isn't irrelevant,  because if they are successful in terminating their contracts with the change of ownership then there is less value in the business to warrant a buyer shelling out the cash, and no potential income by selling them to rebuild the squad.

    This is possibly the straw that breaks the camels back and forces liquidation.

    Yes of course it matters in that regard. I just mean that we're at the mercy of the players for the most part.

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