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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    I know what you mean but I think he was just trying to stop anyone getting carried away. 

    We only had to play this game because we embarrassed ourselves in the first one, not very long ago. 

    Well there's that I guess, but I don't know if that would motivate me if I was a player. If he's honest and brave enough to come out post-match and have criticisms of performance after 5-0 that's great but he actually seemed really not all that thrilled to have won at all. Far more negative than it needed to be

    He's an eccentric guy, he'll take some getting used to for me

  2. 3 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Eh? I've not seen it. What's the issue?

    Honestly I'm not a Warne critic, but he does have a habit of saying really odd things.

    He said he was disappointed with aspects of today, the game was too open, Torquay could have scored 3 etc. Couldn't really bring himself to compliment the performance very much. Said he has a lot of over 30s, and a lot of u21s, and that 22-28 is the peak age to play which he doesn't have many of. Said the Torquay fans were great. Mark Chapman said "the Derby fans were great too though". He says "oh yeah of course, good banter tonight as it should be. But it's easier to be supportive when you're winning. Torquay were losing. That's why I respect them"

    Just...why do you need to say that mate? Why criticise the performance? By all means be a perfectionist, but come on, that's such a Nigel Clough thing to say! ?

    Like I said, I'm just not used to the way he is. Football does the talking in terms of his ability as a manager and we've just won 5-0 so no issue there. He just has me scratching my head when I hear him speak

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Just needs to raise his head when the ball’s at his feet. He’s become stereotypical and does the same movement every time he gets the ball, looking at the ball and not at what’s around him. Great centre of gravity for sharp turns but loses the advantage by not looking up. 

    Yes I've been saying the exact same about him ever since I first saw him play. Plays with his head down and shoulders slumped. He doesn't strike me as a supremely confident lad but he should be.

    Obviously the functional benefits speak for themselves in terms of if he looks up he has a better view of whats happening around him etc. But thats not all. If he exuded a bit more confidence in his body language it would make a great deal of difference in terms of the space he would get to make his magic. Max Bird suffered a similar problem when he was a few years younger

  4. We're a bit unlucky to be a goal down but it is right for us to be doing a bit of introspection at half time. Take a look in the mirror because we could be doing more

    We've transitioned from defence to attack well, made some chances, got the ball in some good areas, should have buried the first pen, should have had a second pen etc... Sometimes the luck isn't with you, but sometimes you do in fact make your own luck and I don't think 1-0 screams like an Act of God to me.

    We could be winning and we're not

  5. 17 minutes ago, cannable said:

    Okay I’ve just seen some of his post-match quotes and wtf, more Pearson than I thought

    Is it me or does he seem to imply he doesn't believe Barkhuizen or Chester are genuinely injured in his post match on RamsTV.

    Says they are "strange" as they were non-contact and they haven't trained that intensely??

    This is absurd

  6. 12 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Because he didn't believe in Rosenior. He had to appoint an interim on a quick turn around to bring players in. Rosenior was never appointed manager. He took time and appointed someone he believed in, that's the opposite of short sighted. 

    Believed in him enough to give him the budget to sign 16 new players and give contracts to countless others

  7. 1 minute ago, cannable said:

    One lingering thought in my mind is that Clough built an energetic team before adding the footballers in 12/13, that would then progress the next season under McClaren.

    The Rosenior version of this team DID need more running power and movement.

    Maybe Warne can find a balance in January?

    We had running power and movement, and then we changed manager and shackled them to wing back instead

  8. 9 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Or maybe Clowes brought Warne in with the intention of giving him time and not trying to rush things in the way Mel did? 

    Why did he not give Rosenior any time given that he recruited this entire squad?

    Call it what it is, short termism. He got the job based on short-sightedness and that's the metric he lives and dies by.

    We need to get on our knees and beg Rosenior to come back

  9. Can't believe I'm writing a manager off so soon because I don't normally do this but he has to go. This squad isn't suited to him and I don't see us having the cash to change it any time soon. Especially given all of these players have pretty much only just signed the deal

    I like Warne and his philosophy on the game but he's so ill fitted to us. Might be one of the worst appointments I've ever seen in football

  10. Just now, Topram said:

    Was poor we created nothing but Jesus these aren’t his players he’s had a few weeks, give him time ffs! Over reaction is nuts

    If they're not his players, why is he here now? We signed an entirely whole new squad just 3 months ago.

    Why didn't we recruit a manager for the players we have, rather than bring in a manager who can't work with the 16 new faces who arrived merely a handful of weeks ago?

  11. That was pretty poor in the end when you look at the 90 minutes as a whole. They deserved the win, regardless of the freak error that led to it

    Not sure I can stomach Warne saying "don't get too down on the result". Yeah they're 2nd in the league, but Plymouth are top and our performance in that game was far better.

    Aside from this completely aimless hoofball, we are looking so shaky defensively. We've shipped a fair few goals now under this new regime. And today was poor in front of goal. I can't say with any certainty that things were any worse in the worst moments of Rosenior

    Absolutely mad club. One failure after another for a decade and a half

  12. Just now, Tyler Durden said:

    We've played ok so far without any shots on goal.

    Getting tedious now the predictable posts about the standard of officiating

    I'm sort of sick of talking about it. It's not really the reason we're not winning the game, but you've got to say, it's just bizarre

    I'm sure Ipswich are just seeing how much they can get away with now. Commentary were even just saying Edmondson had a handful of shirt for no reason. Just because he can

  13. 8 minutes ago, vonwright said:

    I feel sorry for a right footed attacking player being asked to play left wing back. It's not like playing further forward and you never really get a chance to cut in. 

    (But yeah he's not had a good game so far!)

    This is one of the things that worries me about Warne's appointment. We go out and build a squad for 433/4231, with dangerous pacey wingers.

    The season starts and say what you like about the rest of the performances but defences couldn't handle NML & Barkhuizen on the same pitch.

    Then we don't give the job to the guy that built that team and give it to someone else who plays a totally different system which NML & Barkhuizen don't fit into.

    Lots and lots of good things about Warne, and I'm fully behind him (joined the bobble hat club to demonstrate this loud and proud), but you have to admit there are baffling elements to this.

    Discussion for another thread though I'm sure

  14. Had a good game. Hard to tell what happened with the red card and no replays seem to shed any light. All I can say is the ref must have seen something particularly out of order to brandish a red so quickly. Looked to me like a standard goalmouth tussle at a distance but whether something spicy happened in close quarters on the ground that we can't see...I'm not sure

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