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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 7 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    Thor. (Love and Thunder)

    An absolute riot of colour, one-liners and slightly bizarre storylines.

    Went with the kids...thankfully as I couldn't face the missus drooling over Chris Hemsworth for 100mins. Even I kept thinking, surely he can't actually be that perfectly hewn out of what appears to be solid muscle....it must be cgi.

    Full of so many famous actors it must have cost an absolute fortune to make. 

    A lot of stuff thrown at the wall (almost like one of the Lego movies) with the whole vibe pretty tongue in cheek and lots of throwaway stuff coupled with a bombastic rock soundtrack that i enjoyed. 

    A world away from the Dark Knight sensibilities, but the kids enjoyed it nevertheless.  7.5/10.

    I wasn't going to go & watch this. I enjoyed the first couple of films but really didn't like it when he suddenly became "wise-cracking Thor" for Ragnarok - presumably following the comedic success of Guardians of the Galaxy.

    Yesterday, Mrs Wolfie set up a play date for me (I wish she wouldn't do that) with the dad of one of my daughter's friends, so I suppose I'll have to go now.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Here they are for anyone who didn't see the reveal: https://www.nasa.gov/webbfirstimages

    Here's one as an example showing the Carina Nebula and its star-forming regions


    Some amazing stuff in there….and they’ve only just turned it on. 
    I’m really glad that my daughter will grow up seeing stuff like this for the first time & firing the imagination. She’s already asking me to test her on the periodic table (She’s 9)

  3. 57 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Agreed. Why isn’t this business plan open to scrutiny by fans? Don’t we have a right to know where our season ticket money will be spent.

    Not unless you're a shareholder, no. Rightly or wrongly we're all just customers paying to be entertained, at the end of the day.

    Open up the business plan to fan scrutiny and you'd get 20,000 different views on whether it's right or not. Plus you'd open it up to all our competition. Nothing to be gained from it IMO.

  4. Virgin Media contract about to expire.

    • Currently £99.50 for all TV (Movies/Sport etc). 2 TV boxes, 600mbit Broadband, phone & unlimited mobile SIM card.
    • Told it was going up to £154 a month.
    • Phoned them up now & it's now going to be £101.75 but now includes all that I had plus Netflix for free (which I currently pay for).

    I didn't even have to threaten anything - just asked nicely. Don't ever accept the contract rolling over!



  5. Candyman (2021)

    I was a big fan of the original and saw it again recently. Despite normally being a Jordan Peele fan, this one for me was quite poor, with the enjoyment being sucked out by a political message continually rammed down your throat and a muddled mythology backstory. Some good scenes (one very gruesome) but you wouldn't describe it as scary, so scrapes a 4/10

  6. On 01/07/2022 at 22:15, uttoxram75 said:

    I'm not sure why people are still testing? Are the symptoms worse than a cold?

    Mrs Wolfie tested positive on Saturday & we're sure she picked it up at a school variety show thing last Tuesday night. She's been properly knocked back energy-wise and has a bad chest and horrible cough, so certainly worse than a cold for her at least.

    Anyway I've been testing (negative so far) because we've got a couple of vulnerable people at work, plus I was supposed to be seeing my folks yesterday (obviously more at risk than us due to their age etc).

    If I catch it (we both managed to avoid it when my daughter got it in March), I won't be isolating but just be a bit more careful who I mix with - and will work from home.

  7. 21 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    “As a private person I did not want the publicity and would prefer to remain an anonymous supporter watching from my usual seat. However, if that is the price to secure the future of the club then so be it”

    This statement says it all. We are so lucky to have David Clowes as a supporter of his club. He may have done it reluctantly but he’s saved us. He may not stay around long but he will do the right thing by us, stablise us and if he cannot take us forward he will sell to someone who can. But that’s tomorrow. 

    We are forever indebted to him. This guy needs to be given freedom of the city, Pride Park stadium also needs to be named after him, he also deserves a statue. David Clowes will go down as one of the most important people in this clubs history. 

    Sums it up perfectly for me. 

    I’d shout it from the rooftops if I wasn’t currently in Nottingham city centre!

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