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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 31 minutes ago, mozza said:


    Derby County v Bristol City










    Asanovic70    42
    BodminRam    57
    Cisse    56
    Fla Ram    43
    Kenavo    57
    ramant62    47
    rammieib    54
    TheHospitalier    57

    Derby County 1 Bristol City 3,  Forsyth = FRGS..


    Blimey, that must be the lowest ever points scored for a match?

    Rhetorically speaking...I don't expect you to do even more work in proving me right or wrong!

  2. 15 hours ago, Boycie said:

    He’s not had enough run of games to be able to be judged in my opinion.

    He’s too good for U23’s the majority of the time but can’t get a run in the first team.

    True, but he always looks a liability for bookings or worse when he plays IMO.

    How often have the matchday threads said that he's losing his head when he gets niggled by the opposition?. Teams are deliberately targeting him, admittedly, but his record of a booking every other game just isn't good enough and has caused the attention from opposing players.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Odds are that we see derby county outside of the play offs next season, at least two to three seasons in League one.

    Examplre: Leeds took several seasons to escape league one.

    Derby will be restricted due to the business plan in terms of who they can sign, expect free agents and loan signings.

    Not the best of those, they will go to the Championship clubs while derby pick up the left overs in competition with other league one clubs.

    I've read that escaping league ones requires spending and from what I've read we will not be doing a lot of that.

    For those who dream of escaping league one in the first season, continue to dream.

    Lies No GIF

  4. On 20/04/2022 at 18:09, Boycie said:

     Turn your boiler thermostat down about 10 degrees room stat a couple of deg, same with the tank or hot water stat 50 deg is more than enough for domestic situations.

    If you have to put cold water in your bath before you get in your throwing money down the drain.


    This is an argument I have had on several occasions with my father in law, who always complains that our hot tap water is too hot.

    Stuff I've seen says the tank should be at least 60C to kill off bugs - specifically legionella

  5. We've been watching Stay Close (Netflix) over the weekend.

    I used to read a few Harlan Coben books on past holidays, so was curious about this adaptation.

    Unrealistic if not utterly bonkers in many ways but have to admit it's an entertaining watch.

  6. 3 hours ago, Boycie said:

    I’ve said it before, Sibley is Lawrence’s exact replacement.

    Patchy form but capable of match winning moments.

    Just needs a run in the team like Lawrence gets, he’s had starts but gets hooked if he doesn’t deliver in 45 mins. Unlike Loz.

    Not to mention they’re both partial to a booking or two. 

  7. On 19/04/2022 at 17:17, Gaspode said:

    I'm not sure who their audience are supposed to be and I'm not sure they are either....

    Agreed. I've also seen a couple of recent reviews, where they said that when Dr Who was at it's recent best (Russell T Davies writing for David Tennant), it was a show aimed at adults but that the kids could watch. Now it's trying to be a kids' show, but the adults don't want to be constantly preached to......

    23 hours ago, BucksRam said:

     I tried to get my kids to watch it a year or so ago and they were completely underwhelmed by the special effects...or lack of them.  

    .....and it's not really working for the kids either.

    19 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    The good news is that RTD has returned to the helm,

    Indeed. I hope it's not too late to save the show from disappearing up it's own bottom.

  8. 24 minutes ago, EnigmaRam said:

    CK did say that from 7th May, he will be paying the bills. Hopefully that means the EFL will grant him the ability to re-sign current players. 

    I hope you're right but that sounds more like a business plan type agreement to me. How will we know what we can pay them until we have EFL sign-off of the plan?

  9. 38 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    As I said I only took those questions of the top of my head, I’m just making the point there’s a lot of questions going unanswered rather than saying those are the ones I want answering. 

    I do think fans have a right to ask questions and I can’t see any better time than now. We are relegated, Kirchner has another 2 weeks before he takes control of the finances and he won’t take over until June at the earliest (if it goes through at all).

    All fans want to move on but with a lot of unknown answers then doesn’t that make it harder? Also I don’t there was anything too antagonistic in those questions and at least it gives him the right of reply. The majority of fans backed Mel for a long time and because of it Mel is going to synonymous with Derby County for a long time. Those ‘memes’ aren’t going to go away, the embittered opposition fans calling us cheats aren’t either. I do think we have the right to ask what the actual plan was and I do think we are owed a reply, even if it’s to try and learn from those mistakes.

    I agree with everything except the timing. The inquest can wait until after the buy-out (inclusing the stadium issue) is sorted IMO

  10. 29 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    I was thinking yesterday about how Mel has a lot of questions to answer and as the dust settles after Monday whether fans/supporter groups may come out and starting asking a few.

    Unfortunately this feels a misstep once again by BAWT by rushing out a statement for the sake of it. Mel won’t come out and answer anything over this, it’ll just encourage him to keep quiet. It needed a statement of carefully considered questions and let his silence speak volumes.

    Why did he decide to enter administration when he did?

    Why were Quantuma chosen by Stephen Pearce over other administrators?

    You had full knowledge that the Gibson/Couhig scenarios were obstacles to a sale, why did you not look to resolve them sooner?

    You must have had full knowledge that the stadium would also cause an issue, why did you not seek a resolution sooner? I know both situations would take a certain amount of time, but from a fans perspective both situations ‘kicked the can’ far further down the road that it ever needed to be. 

    Why during his tenure did so many background people leave without being replaced?

    What was your actual connection to the club? It’s hard to fathom a fan to make the decisions you have

    Was your actual interest in the commercial/other opportunities premier league club rather than owning your ‘boyhood’ club?

    Thats just off the top of my head of questions that he needs to address and what supporter groups should be coming out with rather than rushing out a statement. Apologies to BAWT because I keep calling them out for stuff like this, and I do think they have done excellent work during this situation at times, but statements like yesterday are rushed fluff designed to make you look at the forefront of this without actually doing anything productive.

    I don't have a problem with the letter. It's to the point and simply addresses the one remaining elephant in the room: The stadium.

    I also don't see the point of raking over old ground with some of the questions you list. While I fully appreciate that you/we would like answers to many of these, what we need is a favour from the man. Risking antagonising him with historical and loaded/accusatory questions, rather than focussing on what needs to be done for the club to move forward, would be a mistake IMO.

    We just need him do do what needs to be done and we move on, leaving him behind for good.

  11. 1 minute ago, Bob The Badger said:

    My wife adores him. If he'd bought Derby I'd have been fighting to keep her away.

    I'm kinda ok with him tbh.

    I saw a trailer that had me thinking this was a kids movie, is that not the case?

    Just checked & it's a 12 certificate, so I'd say it's a family friendly film, rather than a kids film. Think 80's Spielberg sort of thing - but with a bit more violence. Some of the Reynolds one-liners will go over kids' heads as well.

    I just thought it was the most fun I've had watching a film for quite a while. Plenty of action with enough laughs along the way.

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