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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

    It annoys me that the first casualty of a dry summer is the gardener. Ooh, look at him watering his plants.

    Meanwhile, paddling pools and hot tubs are full to the brim.

    Not watering gardens has a massive impact on the creatures that inhabit them.


    Nobody has said you can't water plants. Pisses me off to see sprinklers on lawns when I walk round where I live.

    I've got a hot tub. The water has been in it since winter and I need no more than a bucketful every couple of months to keep it topped up.

    I don't have a paddling pool but I would assume that they are emptied onto the garden anyway.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    What bugs me about the medals (any games meeting) is that the swimmers, divers and particularly the gymnasts can win multiple medals during the duration of one meeting, whereas in athletics, even a superstar like Bolt was only ever likely to win 3. It's not unknown for gymnasts and swimmers to win 5,6 or even 7 medals.

    Therefore  (carefully avoiding 'so') why not award medals to the 3 leading athletes in each of the Decthlon/Heptathlon events? I can't see the difference.

    I agree with your main point but this solution would see medal winners in each event who aren't the best at that event. Not sure what the solution would be for decathlon/heptathlon but you could limit all of the competitors to a maximum of 2 or 3 events?. It would stop swimmers winning golds in the 50/100/200/400 in freestyle and then breast stroke etc, plus the relay/medleys etc.

    Still not ideal. Maybe there are just too many events that each individual swimmer/gymnast/cyclist could realistically win in certain sports.


  3. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Gov stats are showing rises in excess deaths ( non covid ) and deaths from unknown causes in this country and others around the world but nobody seems bothered about reporting and investigating what’s going on

    Possibly restricted access to health services during and since the pandemic  - resulting in delayed diagnosisof life threatening conditions and broken treatment?.

    But then it's more likely to be from the vaccine or chemtrails.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    Lawrence and Bennett avoided jail in bold type, although it was never an offence that was was likely to send them to prison although that was the narrative that was spread across every other clubs fanbase.

    That's just because it's a link to the news story about the incident.

    Weird that Wycombe get a mention but not Middlesborough, when that was a far bigger stumbling block.

  5. 2 hours ago, TimRam said:

    40th anniversary showing of Tron at local cinema. Yes it was that long ago. The effects and plot have stood up well (as a side note 1942-1982 is the same time period!). 8/10.


    Suspicious Will Ferrell GIF


    Used to love Tron. I'm also one of the few who liked the sequel.

    I see they're doing 40th anniversary showings of Star Trek: Wrath of Khan in early September. I'm going to have to go to one of those!

  6. 27 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Complete random here, I have a 9 year V/Corsa it does me proud, Had it 6 years, Only found out a few months back that If I hold the unlock door button down it will open the front windows from a distance, Utterly useless for me...but was so pleased I wet myself ?

    Handy on a hot day to open the windows before you need to get in.

    On a related note, I used to have a BMW 3 series and for the 3 years I owned it, it always annoyed me that the wing mirrors didn't fold in - and wasn't possible to do it manually.

    I then replaced it with an X1 and when I complained one day that this one didn't do it either, my then 6 year old daughter showed me that if you hold down the lock button on the remote, it folds the mirrors in. Apparently my 3 series would have done the same.

  7. 1 hour ago, TimRam said:

    St Georges Day (2012). Recorded this a while back so unsure if it's on anywhere else. Brit gangster thriller with a cast including Craig Fairbrass, Charles Dance, Sean Pertwee and Keeley Hazell (unexpected character!)  7.5/10. Not bad at all.

    I haven't seen this but I do think Charles Dance is a very under-rated actor. One of few who can portray a page of script in a couple of facial expressions & I could watch him all day long.


  8. 53 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Cooper added: "There are a number of things that entice a player to come to Nottingham Forest. It is huge club in England, you feel it day in, day out. Players naturally look at the size of the club, fanbase and history.

    "They know exactly what the club is about and we have tried to thrive off that history and status, at the same time trying to create a next step and new era for the club."

    They really are deluded aren’t they?

    Maybe but our Manager would probably be saying exactly the same thing if it was us in their current position. Their USP to players is  similar to ours.

  9. On 27/02/2022 at 13:22, r4derby said:

    In preparation for Stranger Things season 4 coming out soon (in 2 parts, the first in May) decided to watch through seasons 1-3 again. I forgot just how good the show is. Season 1 is excellent, just the right amount of episodes. Season 2 is shaping up to be the weakest of the 3 but still with some good ideas. Remember enjoying season 3 so looking forward to reaching that.

    If you’ve not watched it, I’d highly recommend it. 

    A recent convert to Stranger Things and just finished season 2 last night. I would agree with you & others that season 2 was a step down from 1 but we still enjoyed it a lot. Looking forward to watching 3 & 4 in the coming weeks - which by all accounts are better still.

  10. 2 hours ago, NottmRAM said:

    There's a lot of men on here who clearly feel threatened by successful women. They probably get bullied at work by a female boss.


    That's either a silly comment based on the actual content in this thread, or you've copied it from elsewhere.

  11. Bielik, like George Thorne, is a tragedy of lost potential to us and what might have been.

    He has been appalling value for money to date, though, so unfortunately & given our current position, we need to cut our losses and use the money saved to strengthen.

    A real shame it came to this but can we really afford to gamble a few more million on him staying fit - even if he did want to stay with us?.

  12. 2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    Wow, those tickets are super cheap. Again, this is what the mens game should be about. Less greed = less money = a more sporting / better spectacle = more fans = more money. 

    I know it’s imposible to put the genie back in the bottom, but money really is the root of all evil in football. 

    how do you fix it at this stage?

    my solution would be to mandate that all football clubs be classified as community charities, and ran as such. Not for profit, any profit goes towards community projects, and all wages are scrutinised. Imagine if the consequence of your football club doing well was that your town got a new library, rather than some Saudi prince getting a bit richer. 

    Well that's sure to rub him up the wrong way.

  13. 16 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

    I’ve long found the tv reporters who go and stand outside buildings really annoying. Why do you need some fool to stand outside Buckingham Palace to talk about a royal person? We know what it looks like, you’re not going to get in there, so why bother? Or outside a hospital by the sign that says the name of the place, just why? I don’t need you to travel the country to stand by a white and blue sign to be able to talk about a bloody hospital 

    ....and don't get me started on the reporters who always have to go out and point at the weather if we get snow etc. Usually from a motorway bridge.

  14. 5 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    For all the talk about these rules, I have yet to see any remotely sensible suggestion as to what an improved/toughened-up set would actually look like.  There's certainly nothing immediately obvious that would pass David Clowes but reject Mel Morris, for example.  And if Kirchner has £100m sat in a bank account, is the CEO of a biggish company, and has no previous history of anything illegal (or even dodgy), then what do you actually test for?

    Exactly........far be it from me to defend the administrators.....

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