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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 30 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Want a pro-Ukraine spin? Well we've just signed of fifty times that to energy suppliers, fifteen times that on a non-exisent app for C-19. Kind of shows where the really focus is.


    Not for this topic but are people still peddling that utter rubbish?

  2. Shout out to the "Balance" App - currently free for a year, though you can choose to donate if you want to.

    I've been struggling with work stress for a few months and especially with being unable to stay asleep & waking up anxious & irritable every day. Not sure how my wife has put up with me.

    This meditiation app was recommended to me by a friend and, after 4 days, I can already feel a big benefit. It doesn't matter if you're new to meditation or an expert, as the programme will be tailored to what experience you have, and the issues you are looking to address.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Discussion of energy bills seems to have fragmented over multiple threads, so resurrecting this one as the one with the most pertinent title. I suspect it's going to generate a lot of heat over the next few months (pun very much intended)


    This just sounds all shades of wrong to me. Effectively mortgaging energy. Yes, our bills may remain affordable in the short term, but the energy companies still rake in the billions and it does nothing to address the mismatch of energy prices to household income


    But most of the time it's not the companies making huge profits, who are the ones selling it to us. That's why a lot of them went bust last year.

    The energy market needs a massive overhaul. Why is low cost wind electricty pegged to the gas price FFS?.

    As a quick solution (which is definitely needed), this is the best option IMO. It will also help keep inflation down.

  4. 4 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Look either side of it. And look at the state of that. It's about as subtle and complimentary as Kenny Burns at a free buffet. 


    Blimey. That looks like I designed it (I can't draw). But then mine wouldn't have silly wonky legs.

    I haven't been into Derby city centre for probably 10 years.

  5. Making pizza is a bit of a daddy & daughter actvity for us, so I use a yeast free dough recipe from a kid's cookery book we've got and do our own. Her half is always just pepperoni and mine is that plus whatever other meat we have available plus some siracha sauce.

    On the rare occasions we have a takeaway, it's from the local independent place and they do a meat feast with the usual stuff plus doner meat. Lovely.

  6. 12 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    I am fairly certain the death toll would have been absolutely no different. Sweden is a good barometer for that. 

    In late December 2020, Sweden was recording an average of 44 COVID-19 deaths per 1 million people, according to Our World in Data.

    By comparison, Denmark was recording 5 deaths per 1 million, Norway was recording 0.5 deaths per 1 million and Finland was recording 0.3 deaths per 1 million, the data shows (ABC News)

  7. 1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

    Haha what a great reply, “now we have realised we were totally wrong about something, let’s not highlight it please”

    Sorry but after all the comments of “stupid” “idot” “selfish” “clown” etc etc over debating that is was all a huge mistake at the time to us lockdown, I will now quite happily reveal in that I was absolutely on the money. 

    I'll agree it was a mistake to go into lockdown if you can tell me with any degree of certainty what the death toll from Covid would have been, had we not done so.

  8. Great timing, personally, for a thread like this. I'm currently under a lot of work stress (insecurity) at the moment and it's made me very irritable and snappy - mostly with my family.

    I'm not going to list everything positive here but frankly, my fabulous wife of 10 years and amazing 9 year old daughter deserve better and just making me think and focus on the good stuff for a few minutes has helped me no end.


  9. 16 minutes ago, Archied said:

    But that’s already happening, teachers pushing they’re ideology and politics on kids , mind you not at the moment as it’s school hols and most will be out sitting blocking roads ( once they fly back from they’re holidays)

    Not sure that's a new thing. In the mid 80's there were a couple of infamous rabid lefties at my comprehensive school, who regularly used to openly preach in classes.

    Everyone is influenced by their own beliefs and baises of course in their dealings with others and not even teachers are immune to that. They wouldn't be able to do it so openly nowadays though.

  10. 1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

    It annoys me that the first casualty of a dry summer is the gardener. Ooh, look at him watering his plants.

    Meanwhile, paddling pools and hot tubs are full to the brim.

    Not watering gardens has a massive impact on the creatures that inhabit them.


    Nobody has said you can't water plants. Pisses me off to see sprinklers on lawns when I walk round where I live.

    I've got a hot tub. The water has been in it since winter and I need no more than a bucketful every couple of months to keep it topped up.

    I don't have a paddling pool but I would assume that they are emptied onto the garden anyway.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    What bugs me about the medals (any games meeting) is that the swimmers, divers and particularly the gymnasts can win multiple medals during the duration of one meeting, whereas in athletics, even a superstar like Bolt was only ever likely to win 3. It's not unknown for gymnasts and swimmers to win 5,6 or even 7 medals.

    Therefore  (carefully avoiding 'so') why not award medals to the 3 leading athletes in each of the Decthlon/Heptathlon events? I can't see the difference.

    I agree with your main point but this solution would see medal winners in each event who aren't the best at that event. Not sure what the solution would be for decathlon/heptathlon but you could limit all of the competitors to a maximum of 2 or 3 events?. It would stop swimmers winning golds in the 50/100/200/400 in freestyle and then breast stroke etc, plus the relay/medleys etc.

    Still not ideal. Maybe there are just too many events that each individual swimmer/gymnast/cyclist could realistically win in certain sports.


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