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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Silent Night

    A group of middle class & thoroughly unlikeable people get together for their last Christmas day - because the world is about to end.


    Not as funny as it should have been but definitely bleakly thought provoking towards the end. It would have been thoroughly miserable, had I warmed to any of the characters, so good job really that they were all so annoying.


  2. Reading this has just broke the memory of a simple tennis ball throwing game we used to play against an 8ft high x 10ft wide stone wall - so it had irregular sufaces.

    Player 1 throws the ball at the wall and player 2 has to retrieve it.

    Player 2 then throws the ball at the wall from wherever they were when they picked it up from the first throw.

    Player 3 has to retrieve it etc etc.

    A good hard throw and a dodgy angle on the wall often meant you were having to throw it from quite a distance.

    Miss the wall. You lose

    Somebody catches the ball without it bouncing. You lose

    Last kid in the game wins.

    We also had a kicking variation of the game but my mum didn't like that one, cos it used to ruin my school shoes.


    Both verisons were imaginatively titled: Wally

    Happy days


  3. 1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    The marketing team responsible for putting all of the announcements together for social media are going to be busy for the next 8 weeks. Takeovers, new contracts, new signings. It's all going to be a bit of a whirlwind assuming everything goes to plan from here on.

    That poor corner flag is going to be needing an agent with all the photo ops.

  4. 9 hours ago, Rev said:

    I love Cyprus, it's so instantly familiar yet completely alien when you scratch under the surface. 

    Fantastic hospitality, compact enough to explore yet large enough to escape the crowds, and so can cater for every visitor. 

    My wife cries every time we set foot there, she feels like she's coming home somehow! 

    We even renewed our vows on our 10th Anniversary in Ayia Napa monastery, and a few days later were clubbing a few metres away.

    Although this year was supposed to be a "big" Mexico holiday to celebrate our 10th anniversary, Cyprus was always somewhere we wanted to go. Me because I'd previously had 2 lovely holidays there and Mrs Wolfie because she was stationed there for 2 years in the army.

    I don't know whether it's what normally happens or I was just lucky but I remember the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen were in Cyprus. On both of my previous visits IIRC.

  5. Cyprus for 2 weeks from next Wednesday. Just got my main stressful work deadline completed this morning - 2 days early, so have a few days to tie up other loose ends and then BRING IT ON!.

    Over 3 years since our last holiday (apart from camping weekends) and this one re-scheduled from March due to my daughter catching Covid.

    Can't. Bloody. Wait.

  6. 28 minutes ago, BucksRam said:

    Have to say only loosely followed this but having read through those transcripts they're incredibly damning on both RV and her agent.  Both come across as lovely human beings.  Wonder what Jamie thought as he read through them as bet your bottom dollar he probably knew little of all this as it happened. 

    Except that he said in court yesterday that they tell each other everything.

  7. 10 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    That's not actually correct.

    There's no FFP/P&S in League 1. It's SCMP. As a relegated club, we are restricted to spending 75% of our turnover on salaries. However, equity injections count as turnover. If Kirchner actually wanted to and could afford to, the rules would allow him to retain Lawrence. 

    Having said that, we know a song about unaffordable wage bills.

    Surely whatever business plan we've had to agree with the EFL will trump any pre-existing spending rules.

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