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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Master (new on Amazon Prime)

    A hard one to rate. Imdb says it's: "Three women strive to find their place at an elite Northeastern university as old as the country. When anonymous racist attacks target a Black freshman, who insists she is being haunted by ghosts of the school's past, each woman must determine where the real menace lies."

    ....which doesn't really feel like the same film I watched. It definitely invokes "Get out" but I'm honestly not sure what it was about. Good cast and definitely unsettling and a bit spooky but it's being marketed as Horror - which it isn't.


  2. Daughter tested positive 6, and again 3 days ago.

    Amazed that neither me or Mrs Wolfie have caught it from her - despite obviously giving a poorly child extra cuddles etc in the couple of days when she felt rough.

    I was convinced I'd be positive this morning, as my tastebuds deserted me yesterday but no, negative again, and am currently enjoying the flavour of sausage pasta for lunch.

    Meanwhile my sister in law caught it just over a week ago and all of the family (my brother and their 2 kids) tested positive within 4 days.


  3. 30 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Interesting though isn't it - I don't remember (might just be getting old and forgetful) a concert for Iraq / Afghanistan / Yemen / Syria. I don't remember seeing Libyan flags flying in the streets during that particular activity. The last time I saw flags like this of another country was after 9/11 - seems when it is in our interest to be seen to be supporting Uncle Sam then the media and all channels pull out every plug and pull on our emotional chains. When it would mean our exposing the damage they themselves cause it gets put firmly under the carpet. (BTW - give to charities supporting Ukranian refugees, do it, they have been put through enough without being victims of our political boycotting).

    And, in our sad world of fifteen minute interest it's also noticeable the way traffic had died off on this thread in the last week or so. Maybe it's all been talked out, all views presentend and conclusions reached (which would be an interesting position for a forum to get to - see other threads by way of example). Or maybe Will Smith giving some bloke a slap was all it needed to get us turn our heads in the other direction (and no, I'm not saying he was CIA sponsored for that purporse).


    Maybe traffic on here has fallen because it's reflecting the current stalemate on the ground.

    Or maybe it's because people might be interested in talking about Ukraine wihtout being dragged into whataboutery and political history - as per your first paragraph.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rich84 said:


    At least some sensible posts amongst the last 20hrs. The wording from Monday's mtg never said it would be announced, just interpretation,  surprised it took 3 days for the penny to drop with the journalists,  they are normally so good at usage of vocabulary to sensationalise things and report without actually having 'facts' to back up a story.


    Why just write one story when you can get twice the clicks by "accidentally" mis-interpeting it the first time and then clarifying it a couple of days later in another one?

  5. 2 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

    Still talking about masks are we? 

    Anyway had 5 friends who I see regularly test positive recently mainly from going out to different things from last Wednesday to Saturday. All symptoms are mild (they are a fully vaccinated lot!) but just say it’s pretty rife just at the minute so be careful if you don’t wanna pick it up/miss days of work (for the self employed!)

    There's more of it around in my work and social group currently, than at any time up to now. All relatively mild except for one 28 year old lad who got the enlarged heart complication & had a heart attack on the street. Thankfully he's now home & recovering.

    I'm doing my best not to pick it up before going on holiday in a week's time.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    Yeah me too.  The only way out of this is by negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.

    Now that Putin realizes that the war is much more difficult than he expected I'm hoping he has scaled down his objectives, and is instead looking for an ego-saving exit that he can spin as a victory at home.  I shudder to think what a desperate Putin might do if he feels like he is backed into a corner with no escape route. He has already shown how little he cares for the lives of Ukrainian civilians or Russian soldiers.

    It looks like that's exactly what will happen, with Turkey mediating and Putin downscaling his demands somewhat. There will be pressure on all sides for this to go ahead (and be successful). A long war of occupation and insurgence is precisely what nobody wants right now.

    Putin has shot himself in the foot so much with attacking Ukraine. The previously feared Russian military has been demonstrated to be poorly equipped, chaotic and poorly motivated. Does anyone know if his nukes would still work anyway?

    The pariah economy will be flatlining and more so once Europe (hopefully) succeeds in sourcing gas from elsewehere. Even if he stays in power for now, Russians will find out just how vicious and ultimately stupid this whole exercise was. It could get interesting in Russia then.

  7. On 16/03/2022 at 09:28, TimRam said:

    Same with Another Life and Lost in Space. I saw them through to the end though. They seemed to be 'big budget' but both series eventually became a confusing mess of who was who and what plotline they were following.

    I tried both of these recently.

    Another Life interested me because it's got Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica in it. After a couple of episodes, though, it felt like a bit of a cheap late-night Sci-Fi channel type of series - mainly script-wise, so I didn't bother with it. And now it's been cancelled, apparently.

     Lost in Space - after much nagging from my best mate about it. I just found all the characters annoying but most of all, it came across as a never ending lurch from one crisis to another. My mate did admit that the rest of it was a bit like that as well. I think I saw 2 episodes.

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