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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. A little early, but credit due to Leeds as I didn’t think they were going to get anything from Brentford.

    Brentford are quite clearly on the beach so far though, unlike Newcastle players who might be playing for a spot next season which was something I hadn’t considered pre game. 

  2. Proper football fans tend to like us, we are in the middle of the country so we are a good day out for most fans and we are a football city without too much arrogance seeping in (although like all fans we do get a little carried away from time to time). 

    I tend to ignore all the fluff online really, the online forums or clubs that we think don’t like us also consider themselves a big fish in a small pond where I think a lot of it all stems from. A ‘punish Derby and that’s another team out of the way whilst we gain promotion by not worrying about our finances’ way of thinking.

    Also there’s a smallish rise of younger football fans who I deem ‘posh lads’ who absolutely can’t face that their team can sometimes lose and need to show vitriol online because that’s a football fan means acting like a spoilt brat to them. I think both of these things make you think any sort of hatred is worse than what it actually is.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    But also in the best position to possibly lose the best offer he's ever going to get. I just hope that Morris doesn't mess this up a minute before midnight on May 31st because then we really would be in trouble.

    I think that’s the annoying thing with Morris right now, all previous business dealings have shown he will be quite happy to take it to the deadline or even beyond it. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Will the Ram said:

    Newcastle’s home shirt is the worst I’ve seen so far. Literally just an advert:


    I’ve been reliably informed from a Newcastle fan that this is a mock up someone did as a joke as this seasons kit looks like it has a 4 on it.

    I wish it was true though 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    If Sheffield United have a striker on the pitch they go through in extra time. Ndayie must be absolutely infuriating for a blades fan to watch, any half decent player has a hattrick with the chances he had tonight. Overall on the tie it deserved to go to penalties but tonight I do feel a bit sorry for sheffield united who'll be wondering what it could have been. I think the final is going to be a very nervy affair, if forest play like they did today they won't win, if they play as they did at Sheffield United they could give huddersfield a hiding. 

    Exactly how I saw it 

  6. Steve Cook has his head switched on and gave a very good interview on sky just now.

    I have no opinion on how theyll do, they’ve got a shot despite the overall performance tonight and I can’t begrudge them for getting there. Sheff United’s penalties were awful and unfortunately that was the difference.

    Credit where credits due though, the Blades went and made it a really good game of football tonight ?

  7. Re: Ed Dawes I think he said something last night thst RD had not heard anything official from the admins for weeks? Then I guess you are getting statements from Kirchner and the admins this morning with a lot of holes that can be picked apart.

    If everything is ok then I would presume you’ll hear Ed and the like being briefed today, if that doesn’t happen well…I guess we can ask more questions at that point 

  8. Congratulations Chris and to all those involved on getting a deal done, and thankyou. I’d hate to look back on this thread and see some of the wrong turns I took or what was said when we didn’t know what was going on, but hope we can all look forward and start being a functional football club. 

    Im guessing the stadium must be close enough to being sorted, but it’s not really Kirchner’s place to announce who is involved. 

    Raise a glass tonight, or your morning cup of tea!

  9. Really like Steve, hes a proper football man which is starting to become quite rare. Any tribute you could pay him doesn’t compare from the messages he got on Twitter, reading them gives you a sense of a very well liked and respected journalist. Also makes me think that whenever  I’ve heard a sky commentator give a good Derby County fact that it’s probably by Nicho passing them around the press box pre game.

    Ive said before but with the right host he’d make an excellent football podcast. Regardless of what’s next good luck in your next venture Nicho, Derby County will miss you 

  10. 21 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Doesn't Colleen have to prove 100%, it was Vardy.

    Despite Vardy's help in that regard, it may not go Rooney's way. In that case, she will have to pay her compensation.

    That's not right.

    Are the EFL involved?

    It’s probably worth remembering how CR worded her original statement. As it doesn’t actually accuse RV directly. So I think it’ll be hard to prove libel like it’s hard to prove who leaked the stories when the all important mobile phone went overboard. 


  11. Thought Leeds looked a bit resigned to it all last night both on the pitch and in the crowd. Huge game for them Vs Brighton at home this weekend now and they are capable of getting something out of it but it depends what attitude the crowd and the players have because they haven’t covered themselves in glory these last few games.

    Saying that Burnley have Spurs (a) and Villa (h)…so I’d say Leeds really need a result on Sunday.

  12. - Grandad’s Team-Derby
    - Dad’s Team-Derby
    - Mum’s Team-Derby

    - Everyone at your school's Team- Of those that I’d say were ‘proper’ football fans most were Sheffield United, then Sheff Wed and Derby took up a pretty even split of local support. Fair few Man United fans too as it wasn’t a million miles away. Bakewell finds itself being a bit of a divide. The villages and towns ‘south’ of Bakewell are the Derby County fans whilst north of Bakewell it was very much the Sheffield teams and Manchester.

    - Your local Team now- Sheffield United, but non league wise I tend to keep up with Sheffield Hallam and on occasion Sheffield FC. 

    - Your kids Team(s)- Don’t think they get much of a choice!

  13. 12 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Just a bit disappointed that a GOLF tour event is the unavoidable business engagement that has pulled him away from these important negotiations. Realise there will be important slync.io clients there and all that ...

    The positive spin would be that he said to his team on Saturday: ok, we will pay up to X in stadium rent, get the LoG and MM in a room agreeing a purchase price and work out how our option on the stadium should be priced. I’ll be back Saturday and want contracts ready for signature. 


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