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Barrow (A) - Match Thread


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Collins to batter their CBs into submission before we unleash Dajaune? Really interesting to see Chirewa brought straight into the starting 11. Excited to see how he gets on.

Very strong looking bench, so I'd expect significant changes around the 60 minute mark Hopefully the weather allows us to play some decent stuff, but a momentum building win seems to be the aim tonight.


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38 minutes ago, vonwright said:

Also - given that it's a Carabao Cup game against Barrow - just glancing at the team sheet (and subs) makes you realise how few youngsters we have who are anywhere near first-team contention. 

Weston should be an integrated member of the 1st team now, the moment he was looking good he was sent out on loan.

Brown has just come from a good loan, he should be at least getting some good minutes under his belt, maybe he will get more tonight.

The one for me that surprises me is Robinson. He could easily give us a good option at least from the bench, but isn't even getting a look in.

I'm convinced Warne must have had a terrible experience at Butlins because he hates the kids.

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