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Mendez Laing Arrested

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3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

How about an 18 stone woman (with arms like tree trunks) lamping a 5'6", 10 stone bloke?  Have you seen such a scenario?  Because I have.  It wasn't pretty!

I know (personally) at least 7 adult females who I would run a mile from, if they come at me waving their fists at me (And about 20 or so blokes, but that's by the by!)

Come on now.  Your feeble attempts to signal chivalry are admirable... or would have been, back in the day, when females were considered the weaker sex.  That no longer applies.  Have you not heard?    

I have my viewpoint.  No chivalry, just proportionate and I've never seen a female i'd feel I need to clobber to fend off, even an angry one.   If one ran at me with a weapon, that's different, but i'd still probably falter for a minute. Stiletto's don't count.  I got hit with one of those once by a girl on Babington Lane who just been clocked by her fella and when I clobbered him, she clobbered me as did his two mates.

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1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

I have my viewpoint.  No chivalry, just proportionate and I've never seen a female i'd feel I need to clobber to fend off, even an angry one.   If one ran at me with a weapon, that's different, but i'd still probably falter for a minute. Stiletto's don't count.  I got hit with one of those once by a girl on Babington Lane who just been clocked by her fella and when I clobbered him, she clobbered me as did his two mates.

That's what you get trying to nab a pair of ladies high heels off the dancefloor.  I bet they wouldn't have even fitted you anyway, yer bloody perv!


Tiffs, was it?  🤓

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Just now, Mucker1884 said:

That's what you get trying to nab a pair of ladies high heels off the dancefloor.  I bet they wouldn't have even fitted you anyway, yer bloody perv!


Tiffs, was it?  🤓

I'm pretty sure it was outside what was Ritzy at the time.  Never wore stillettos apart from when I was talked into going to Rocky Horror about 30 years ago. Once was enough.  Nowadays I'd resemble that 18 stone woman with arms like tree trunks, fending of blokes with beer goggles at 2 in the morning.

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47 minutes ago, BobdeBilder said:

Why blame the club? If it was a RR employee who had done what NML has allegedly done would you blame RR?

No swipe at the club. Just a feeling of an “up” day yesterday. Can’t have us Derby fans enjoying ourselves too much now, can we? Perhaps incorrectly worded, but hey I don’t profess to be perfect!

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3 minutes ago, alram said:

He should be out the club anyone that disagrees is quite frankly wrong


weve seen this before I am sick of these arrogant players bringing the name of derby into the mud

Should we not actually want to know what happened first?

The Sun said he punched a woman, he wasn’t arrested for assault. Something doesn’t add up. 

Your post is a good argument against capital punishment, that is for sure. 

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

I’m 63 and when I was at school there were at least 3 girls 98% of the boys would not go near in a fight scenario, in fact 1 was expelled for doing damage to a teachers head with a tennis racket 🤷🏻‍♂️, always dangerous to make generalised assumptions 

Didn’t realise you were at school with Virginia Wade mate .

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8 minutes ago, alram said:

He should be out the club anyone that disagrees is quite frankly wrong


weve seen this before I am sick of these arrogant players bringing the name of derby into the mud

Never heard innocent until proven guilty? Or the countless false accusations against footballers? 

Let's see the facts before we go jumping to conclusions and calling for people's heads.

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10 minutes ago, alram said:

He should be out the club anyone that disagrees is quite frankly wrong


weve seen this before I am sick of these arrogant players bringing the name of derby into the mud

Usually you need convicting of of something 

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4 hours ago, Ram1988 said:

At the moment we don't know what happened. Let's let the police and those who the investigations do their job. 


Agree entirely, we should neither condone or condemn because it’s all speculation but this is 2024 and this thing called the Internet, renders the chances of no comment being an accepted end the story for now, highly unlikely for a fair few.

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Probably was a “push” then the story was “pushed” under some journalists noses, but their minds and fingers came into the equation and a “push” soon became a “punch”


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6 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

How about an 18 stone woman (with arms like tree trunks) lamping a 5'6", 10 stone bloke?  Have you seen such a scenario?  Because I have.  It wasn't pretty!

I know (personally) at least 7 adult females who I would run a mile from, if they come at me waving their fists at me (And about 20 or so blokes, but that's by the by!)

Come on now.  Your feeble attempts to signal chivalry are admirable... or would have been, back in the day, when females were considered the weaker sex.  That no longer applies.  Have you not heard?    

I know (personally) at least 7 adult females who I would run a mile from, if they come at me waving their fists at me (And about 20 or so blokes, but that's by the by!)

they must have seen you throw that punch at that Watford fan 😁

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