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7 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

So... Middlesbrough and Sheff Weds have both had this sponsor, but they've both ditched them after a single year.

Not sure if that says anything.

You wouldn’t want boro fans staying in your home - holiday let or not.

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42 minutes ago, SKRam said:

Towns and villages struggling to hold on to their local population who are being forced to move due to lack of affordable property, lying empty for most of the year…... Hmmm not sure about this one either. I’m in agreement with you unless I hear otherwise 

I should add, I didn't personally have a problem with a bookmaker sponsoring our shirts.

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44 minutes ago, SKRam said:

Towns and villages struggling to hold on to their local population who are being forced to move due to lack of affordable property, lying empty for most of the year…... Hmmm not sure about this one either. I’m in agreement with you unless I hear otherwise 

I agree with you as someone who's had to move for work from a part of Wales where its all holiday homes now.

It's a moral dilemma. You don't get many ethical sponsors about these days unfortunately. 

Over the past 20 years, we've had alcohol, plane makers, a local bank, an overinflated mobile phone contracts company, a takeaway deliverer, and a betting company. 

It was refreshing to have NSPCC on the front last season but there's no revenue from that other than good will. 

I'm sure Mr Clowes looked closely at all offers and thought this was the best option for the club. 


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1 minute ago, EranioIsGod said:

I agree with you as someone who's had to move for work from a part of Wales where its all holiday homes now.

It's a moral dilemma. You don't get many ethical sponsors about these days unfortunately. 

Over the past 20 years, we've had alcohol, plane makers, a local bank, an overinflated mobile phone contracts company, a takeaway deliverer, and a betting company. 

It was refreshing to have NSPCC on the front last season but there's no revenue from that other than good will. 

I'm sure Mr Clowes looked closely at all offers and thought this was the best option for the club. 


Just hope Mr C is still gonna sort those solar panels for PP at least. Couple of wind turbines wouldn’t go amiss either. I mean it’s not like he’s been busy 

very funny lol GIF

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Derby County are owned by a company who are.

“one of the UK’s largest and strongest privately-owned property investment and development organisations.”

and now have shirt sponsorship with the SDDE Smith Group who are.

“a family business forming multiple brands that provide end-to-end client services for the real estate sector.”

Seems a decent fit…………………..nothing to see here.👍

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1 hour ago, EranioIsGod said:

I agree with you as someone who's had to move for work from a part of Wales where its all holiday homes now.

It's a moral dilemma. You don't get many ethical sponsors about these days unfortunately. 

Over the past 20 years, we've had alcohol, plane makers, a local bank, an overinflated mobile phone contracts company, a takeaway deliverer, and a betting company. 

It was refreshing to have NSPCC on the front last season but there's no revenue from that other than good will. 

I'm sure Mr Clowes looked closely at all offers and thought this was the best option for the club. 


And yet, without tourism, there are large parts of North Wales (and other parts of the country), that would suffer enormously. It is a dilemma but not necessarily a moral one as to whether we should have them as sponsors IMO.

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1 hour ago, Kokosnuss said:

So... Middlesbrough and Sheff Weds have both had this sponsor, but they've both ditched them after a single year.

Not sure if that says anything.

Nothing more than they negotiated a better deal with someone else I would imagine.

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23 hours ago, Eddie said:

The list of the deliberately overwhelmingly stupid is almost endless.

People who are convinced that the Earth is 6,000 years old, Gumps, Flat-Earthers, Nickelback fans, Alien 'abductees'...

Mark Twain summed it up far better than I could...


Unfortunately, I allow myself to get sucked in and then, basically, I lose...



So, in an attempt to shut down anyone that has a different viewpoint to youself, you set up a strawman argument by lumping them in with flat-earthers etc.

Care to explain why me saying that I don't think it's a great idea for a football club to enter the arena of divisive politics is being wilfully stupid?

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3 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

Never heard of them, seem like a BTEC Airbnb.

Nice logo though, pretty smart and subtle, which is all I care about. Even the colours aren’t too offensive, though I think it would fit very well on our shirt in all black.

Always find it odd that use of BTEC as an insult has turned up in a certain age group.  In my life I've done a HND in Business, an MBA, CIPD , NVQ to level 5 and a couple of things way above that lot in the spectrum of education.  The HND was more difficult and involved more elements useful in the world of work than any of them.  The degree was a piece of piss in comparison.

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15 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

And yet, without tourism, there are large parts of North Wales (and other parts of the country), that would suffer enormously. It is a dilemma but not necessarily a moral one as to whether we should have them as sponsors IMO.

Oh I agree with you there. All I was trying to get to is that there never is a moral sponsorship deal to be had! 😂 

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We go to holiday cottages on farms - usually these are barn conversions. Not taking up someone else's accommodation and putting money into the local economy. Nothing wrong with that, imo. 

Edited by angieram
Two conversions!
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6 minutes ago, EranioIsGod said:

Oh I agree with you there. All I was trying to get to is that there never is a moral sponsorship deal to be had! 😂 

Guess there’s not a lot of cash in responsibly-sourced, vegan, organic flip-flops 😁

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4 minutes ago, EranioIsGod said:

Oh I agree with you there. All I was trying to get to is that there never is a moral sponsorship deal to be had! 😂 

This would only be true if you consider sponsorship and advertising in general to be morally wrong. It would be great to not need to have any kind of sponsorship (because the shirts look better) or better still just promoting a charity (a la NSPCC) but, in my mind, there is nothing morally wrong with having sponsorship provided the product or service being promoted is “acceptable”. 

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I understand that players will wear large sponsor logos on their shirts.

But fans should have the choice to buy an unsponsored version, if they like.

Personally I think they look better without them - and are they're more wearable in everyday life.

If you don't agree - you can buy one of the sponsored versions - no problem.


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6 minutes ago, Moss said:


I understand that players will wear large sponsor logos on their shirts.

But fans should have the choice to buy an unsponsored version, if they like.

Personally I think they look better without them - and are they're more wearable in everyday life.

If you don't agree - you can buy one of the sponsored versions - no problem.


It’s kinda what a sponsor is paying for though, in many cases. Sponsorship would be worth less if they don’t get thousands of random people wearing billboards. 

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