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World Cup Qatar

Bris Vegas

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Just now, Unlucky Alf said:

Politics politics politics, My guess and it's only a guess mind that Qatar complained to the Italian who had Ginger hair and Freckles, Then was bullied at school for being the above and an immigrant saying we can't have football authorities making their own decisions concerning armbands, What next taking the knee and then have the legs chopped off.

As Jimmy Cricket would often say..."come here, There's more" loving how this competition is slowly being unravelled ? 

It's just Infantino not wanting to upset the Qatari's as they are under attack from the Western media. 

He was hoping his little concentrate on the football memo would have took the spotlight off the human rights issue, kinda backfired as things have ramped up.

That saw him lash out with his bizarre rant claiming to feel like a Qatari, Migrant worker and gay.

Then the BBC and Lineker's opening speech probably made things even worse which is why the armband has now been pulled.

It's a mess and there is nothing FIFA can do at this point to please both sides.

Be interesting to see what happens going forward, there needs to be some other way of awarding the host nation, maybe let the countries competing pick whilst no one continent can host back to back.

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5 minutes ago, David said:

It's just Infantino not wanting to upset the Qatari's as they are under attack from the Western media. 


Absolutely, He'll be getting 1st class everything, He can't criticize the hosts as it was FIFA who awarded it to them, He's stuck between politics and finance, His tirade the other day was somewhat mind blowing, He gave the worlds media, Social media, World organisations, Fans a pick axe handle to beat him with...all this when he said..."we need to concentrate on the football"

Since my adult hood I've battled those who would take advantage of those who are unable to fend for them selves, I'm not a media darling as they have their own agenda, But "the peoples game" was stolen years ago by the money men and those that have the power, It aint fun anymore for me, I'll watch our game this afternoon, But with little enthusiasm for England. 

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Still not sure that I get it. The attacker who headed it was the one playing the ball. The guy he played it TO wasn't offside

Is this an obscure part of the offside rule that you can't play the ball forward if you are offside yourself, and I just don't know because it rarely/never happens?

When the freekick was taken, no one was offside, the player then ran into an offside position and headed it. What if he had headed it in? Would it have counted? 




Every time I watch it from a different angle I come to a different conclusion. I'm just glad it didn't involve England and it ended up not being a decisive moment.

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Ah - I see that Joe Lycett didn't really shred the £10k and as I suspected it was a stunt to publicise the issue and to out David Beckham as a money-grubbing whore

It also had a by-product of making thousands of old footie gammons look a bit foolish for being more outraged about a man (not) shredding £10k than they were about Beckham taking a few million off the backwards Qatari regime



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