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This Club of Ours

Comrade 86

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Just about scraped myself off the ceiling - ooh, err matron!

Great team selection tonight, another fantastic blood and guts performance from the lads, laced with no small amount of good football too. Further credit to Wayne and the coaches; the right subs made at precisely the right time. Full kudos, they got it absolutely spot on tonight in every regard. 

For my part, I can't help but love this squad. For years now, even under Mac1 when we had a seriously good footballing side, we always had something of a soft centre. These lads, however, are tough as teak and are showing just the kind of gritty resolve we've so often lacked. In an era when most players seem to be all about themselves, these lads play for each other and the fans. Just watch how they react to every challenge, every save, every goal and every point secured. We talk about pride in the shirt and rightly so. These lads have it in spades. And what about those fans of ours! Our lot are now indisputably the most rabidly fervent collective of madheads anywhere in the EFL. No contest! 

All these elements combined have topped off a wonderful festive period for me and mine and I really hope for yous lot too. With another 4 days before I even consider doing any work again and the chance to pop another 3 points on the board in the interim, this has been a holiday I'll not forget for a long while and I'm bursting with pride for this maddening, yet wonderful club of ours. Folks have espoused the opinion that suitors would be mad to invest in Derby County FC. Personally, I think they'd be mad not to. 



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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

Everyone is really growing into the challenge.

Well done Wayne, his staff, all the players from the rookies through to the 600+ game old stagers and especially you maniacs who roar the side on, forcing them to believe, to have no doubts.

Oh, and phuk the EFL.

Yes I think the duck the Efl / duck Mm / duck em all siege mentality is what is driving the team atm.

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Ive thought for several years that our players lacked desire and workrate for the championship, and that any team who really apply these two basic requirements, and then add a little experience and quality, would do well in this league. Wayne has done this to a tee and he is clearly a great motivator and reasonable tactician. People underrate his football knowledge because all they hear is a working class Scouse lad. But, when it comes to football, Wayne truly understands "the game".

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11 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

Ive thought for several years that our players lacked desire and workrate for the championship, and that any team who really apply these two basic requirements, and then add a little experience and quality, would do well in this league. Wayne has done this to a tee and he is clearly a great motivator and reasonable tactician. People underrate his football knowledge because all they hear is a working class Scouse lad. But, when it comes to football, Wayne truly understands "the game".

If we start doing something with our throw ins who knows what we could achieve 

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1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


Just think, a lot of people didn’t like our chances when we had a 12pt deduction. We’d only be 2pts from safety now if it had stayed at that!

im not sure if that depresses me that the EFL really have done everything they can to screw us, or gives me hope that we are uk that 12pt deficit in half a season, so an extra 9pts shouldn’t be a problem. 

Bring it on EFL. We’ll take all the points deductions you can throw at us and just laugh in you’re face. We’re like the cool hand luke of football. 

Edited by TigerTedd
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10 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

its all we’ve ever asked for and this team are giving more than any Derby team I think I’ve seen. Love this football club ? x


That photo is brilliant. Sums up where we are at the moment. Actually looks like it's from a bygone era, yet it is very recent.

Cloughie and Taylor (looking down in the background) would be proud of the current team.

If, and it's still a huge IF, we do the impossible and stay up, then whatever book / film / Netflix series they do about us, this photo should be on the cover.

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19 minutes ago, Addingham Ram said:

That photo is brilliant. Sums up where we are at the moment. Actually looks like it's from a bygone era, yet it is very recent.

Cloughie and Taylor (looking down in the background) would be proud of the current team.

If, and it's still a huge IF, we do the impossible and stay up, then whatever book / film / Netflix series they do about us, this photo should be on the cover.

That would be good cos I’m on it on the left hand side, It was a good day but don’t really want to go through that ever again.

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Have you noticed how away from Rams boards public opinion has changed. When we were getting points taken off us it was throw us out of the league ((. Now the majority are posting that they hope we stay up. )))))).  I feel that the pride in the shirts, the team spirit, the amazing backing of the fans together has shown the world we are not a basket case but something showing what a football club is all about

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