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The Administration Thread


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9 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

The statement those incompetent divs put out yesterday indicated that the delays were out of control for them and Clowes development.

But now this new statement seems to suggest that Quantuma and Clowes still have documents to sign?

I don't understand any of this.

Whoever was still supposed to sign something today has had an issue with the document… changes required 

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31 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Essentially a joint statement from Q and the EFL is a good sign to me, how often have they been on the same page through this?

They have worked throughout the day? 

well the day hasn’t finished has it so get back to work and get it done you losers. 

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1 minute ago, De22Ram said:

I know its cynical, but i heard and interview months ago with one of the administrators saying theyve learned there lessons about giving deadlines, yet they still are! Im honestly atarting to think there doing it delibrately now to duck with us, maybe due to the abuse theyve been getting or this or that! Why say youve learned but then keep doing it? Unless like another poster says its not Qs fault, be even still, dobt make deadlines! Or even name a day that could be took as a deadline! People say theyd get constantly asked if they didnt, but by who? They never talk anyway!

Yeah their communication is rubbish, however we don’t have all the facts. They said yesterday they were waiting on things out of their control (ie 3rd parties), could be they were given an idea by these other stakeholders that it would be done today. They work on it all day, it’s looking likely, then the 3rd parties advise they need a bit more time, what can Q, the EFL or Clowes do but tell us there’s a further delay?

As you say, they’ve claimed to have learned their lesson in the past, so why not tell us it’ll be Monday 4th July then surprise us all with the news today/tomorrow or whatever. That’s their biggest failing in this immediate moment, but we don’t know for sure the reasons for the hold up. We can speculate on that, all we can see for sure is that Q and the EFL say things are still in process, not stalled, not failed, ongoing. So there’s hope it’ll still be done until we’re told otherwise.

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1 minute ago, De22Ram said:

I know its cynical, but i heard and interview months ago with one of the administrators saying theyve learned there lessons about giving deadlines, yet they still are! Im honestly atarting to think there doing it delibrately now to duck with us, maybe due to the abuse theyve been getting or this or that! Why say youve learned but then keep doing it? Unless like another poster says its not Qs fault, be even still, dobt make deadlines! Or even name a day that could be took as a deadline! People say theyd get constantly asked if they didnt, but by who? They never talk anyway!

Did you not see the absolute meltdown on here and on social media when they said they were reopening bids post Kirchner, but weren’t going to set a deadline?  People were going crazy over it.

And in terms of actually completing a deal like this, you just have to pick a completion date and aim for it.  You could set it later to give yourself some leeway, but it’s my (admittedly limited) experience that people just factor that in, the work gets delayed until the last minute anyway.  If they set a Friday deadline, then odds are we just hit these same issues on Friday and then we’re talking next week for completion.

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4 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

Did you not see the absolute meltdown on here and on social media when they said they were reopening bids post Kirchner, but weren’t going to set a deadline?  People were going crazy over it.

And in terms of actually completing a deal like this, you just have to pick a completion date and aim for it.  You could set it later to give yourself some leeway, but it’s my (admittedly limited) experience that people just factor that in, the work gets delayed until the last minute anyway.  If they set a Friday deadline, then odds are we just hit these same issues on Friday and then we’re talking next week for completion.

Oh come on they're f...ing useless. They've learnt absolutely nothing during this whole drawn out process. Repeating the same (phrases and) errors over and over.

No wonder MA is going to sue one of them and din't want to pay them their full invoice amount. I expect he's dealt with an administrator or two in his time. This lot include the bloke who screwed up Portsmouth, why should we be surprised?

Edited by RoyMac5
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13 minutes ago, angieram said:

But if Quantuma hadn't said it would likely be sorted today then said journalists wouldn't be there getting frustrated in the first place.

Likewise us fans.

You've got to admit that their comms have led to some of the frustration, at very least.

Last night's statement made it sound like they'd spotted a little something that needed tweaking, today's sounds like it's more.

Are they professionals, isn't this what they do for a living? 

Not expecting them to get any more sports insolvency gigs in the near future! 

Of course, there's an element of that 

I'm just sick of the biased reporting. 

There's always more than one way to look at things, but hardly anyone is bothering to choose the option that doesn't just further bait the already fervent feeding frenzy

I'm not sure they'd want another tbh, too much hassle from idiots who won't accept any a swear other than the one they want to hear. 

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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Just now, Rev said:

It could just be that all parties involved are working as hard and as fast as they can to find a resolution, and we shouldn't piss our panties at every little hiccup along the way?

It's not rocket science, these things take time!

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Just now, Rev said:

It could just be that all parties involved are working as hard and as fast as they can to find a resolution, and we shouldn't piss our panties at every little hiccup along the way?

Yeah because up until now it's been plain sailing, we're none of us surprised at how quickly things have gone.

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1 minute ago, Abu Derby said:

Final stroke. Imminent. Shortly. Very shortly. Hours. Minutes. Seconds. 24, 12, 36, 48, 72. Soon. Touching Distance. Shooting distance. Fast. Surprised. Quick. Lightning fast. Speed. Clocked. Timed. 
Shot me bolt. Bye. 

This is what my Alexa hears when me and the wife are child free on a weekend 

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20 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Their statement yesterday 

Today’s statement;

Q never said “one signature”, their story hasn’t changed, they shouldn’t have set today as an expectation but as we’ve suffered time and again with this process Quantuma do not understand how to set realistic expectations. 

Q, the EFL and Clowes are all singing from the same hymn sheet, my plan is to take some small reassurance from that and hold on a bit longer. The club is closer to being saved than it has been in months and months, Clowes owns the stadium already and is a genuinely successful businessman with local ties and the finances.

Yep, the single party came via Twitter rumours, never mentioned by Quantuma at all.  These hiccups will be why DC put enough money in to pay this months wages, fund pre-season, sell tickets, etc.  If everyone was absolutely certain it would have been done before the end of June there’d have been no need to do this.  He, in agreement with Quantuma will have edged their bets - pretty certain it would go through, but here’s a few quid just in case it doesn’t.

And a huge shift is the EFL just repeating the same statement.  Previously they’ve contradicted or expressed disappointment.  This infers all parties are comfortable with what’s happening.

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1 minute ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

Yep, the single party came via Twitter rumours, never mentioned by Quantuma at all.  These hiccups will be why DC put enough money in to pay this months wages, fund pre-season, sell tickets, etc.  If everyone was absolutely certain it would have been done before the end of June there’d have been no need to do this.  He, in agreement with Quantuma will have edged their bets - pretty certain it would go through, but here’s a few quid just in case it doesn’t.

And a huge shift is the EFL just repeating the same statement.  Previously they’ve contradicted or expressed disappointment.  This infers all parties are comfortable with what’s happening.

He had to do that to convince the EFL pre fixture list issue that we could complete the season.

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