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41 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

Unfortunately, the trigger for all of regulation 85s terms to kick in is the EFL sending their letter. 

Until they do so, 85 is not live (campaigning slogan?) and we have no means to unilaterally trigger it by, for example, sending a preemptive refusal to accept any sanction offered by the EFL... 


It really is a form of tyranny.... ?

We can use the press as well if nothing is happening and EFL clubs would be all over the EFL board wanting to know why they are doing nothing

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7 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Saturday 7th May, Derby County Vs Cardiff City 12-30pm K Off.

Derby County are 4 points clear of the relegation zone, Forest, Hull and Blackpool have been relegated, We can not be relegated, Cardiff City need a win to to stay in a play off place.

DCFC have been in Embargo all season, And have by all the odds not been relegated, Several of our players are walking wounded, 2 are suspended, We only have 15 available players to choose from and 3 of those are goalkeepers, DCFC are forced to pick a team that is seriously broken...we get beaten 0-6...Coventry, Hudds, Boro, QPR and Brum are in uproar as they were chasing the last place, Boro needed to win by more goals than Cardiff and miss out as they won 5-0,Boro believe we threw the game.

As one person said many years ago..."I'd love it-just love it.


I wouldn't who the hell wants to lose 6-0 to any team!

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6 hours ago, Sparkle said:

Ordinarily you might be correct about getting a good forward but when good professionals like Davies and Jagielka are prepared to play for low money for a manager they seem to respect with lads trying their hardest is a very good advert - there will be decent players who can help us willing to come in because some players play for the team, the club, the supporters, the atmosphere at games and don’t need that much money in their bank accounts. One example might be someone like Andy Carroll who could give us the last 15 mins in a game to help win us a decent amount of points.

And add in that finances across football (outside the elite) are in a parlous state .. I honestly doubt there are that many contracts around above 10k / week. Despite all the high profile jabber. Most earning above that level will be on legacy contracts. I genuinely think there is going to be a delete and re boot that is much needed. It’s a combo of the pandemic and FFP/P + S ….. but it will happen 

i think the biggest reason Derby wouldn’t be interesting is the current uncertainty re ownership and points deductions.

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I wonder how we are financially now, in terms of being self sufficient. I know we lost a load of money due to the pandemic but I had a look at 2018 and we had a revenue of just under £30m I think. We now have a smaller squad with a low budget. I wonder if we are now actually self sufficient and as such Mr Morris is happy for this to continue until January.

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12 minutes ago, Rev said:

That's why no win no fee lawyers are unheard of.

Of course if you are getting 40% of the settlement for personal injury cases as lawyers in this legal sector do then as that lawyer you can take on any amount of cases as quantity is its own quality.

On litigation cases like the Rams v EFL no lawyer in the world would take a case on a no win no fee basis, as a matter of interest how many cases have you litigated in court. 

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7 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

Of course if you are getting 40% of the settlement for personal injury cases as lawyers in this legal sector do then as that lawyer you can take on any amount of cases as quantity is its own quality.

On litigation cases like the Rams v EFL no lawyer in the world would take a case on a no win no fee basis, as a matter of interest how many cases have you litigated in court. 

No comment your honour

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They wanted to punish us last time with points didn't they? But reluctantly agreed, based on the outcome of us doing not a great deal wrong other than not making it clear what we were doing, to give us a £100,000 fine expecting to nail us this time.

Shame we can't up and move to the Belgium or Dutch League. Might win something and drink some decent (Belgium) beer....

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13 minutes ago, Rampage said:

Sky suggesting that -9 with -3 postponed and condition is in fact less than EFL wanted to give us. Wowsers 

Then we'd better fight the bar stewards! #COYR After all our spending has been based on them being happy with our previously submitted accounts.

Edited by RoyMac5
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EFL supposed to look after EVERY club and that does include us! They have their own itinery to punish us any way they can,gaining browny ponts to appease other clubs such as Boro; Wycombe etc... I feel that whatever they throw at us in points deduction it will be  phyrric victory because the way they have conducted themselves in the past 18 months will come back to haunt them. I predict in 3 years time the EFL will be no more and a more 'stable and sympathetic' organisation will be in its place. And no I am not MM!?

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28 minutes ago, Boycie said:

No comment your honour



38 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

Of course if you are getting 40% of the settlement for personal injury cases as lawyers in this legal sector do then as that lawyer you can take on any amount of cases as quantity is its own quality.

On litigation cases like the Rams v EFL no lawyer in the world would take a case on a no win no fee basis, as a matter of interest how many cases have you litigated in court. 

A. I wasn't talking to you.

B. I wasn't talking to you.

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45 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

Of course if you are getting 40% of the settlement for personal injury cases as lawyers in this legal sector do then as that lawyer you can take on any amount of cases as quantity is its own quality.

On litigation cases like the Rams v EFL no lawyer in the world would take a case on a no win no fee basis, as a matter of interest how many cases have you litigated in court. 

If we are being that picky to people who are fellow fans then your post should end with a "?"

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Thinking about it logically. The EFL must be pretty keen to get this sorted . If they don't and we get another 4 or 5 games down the line and are at sat on 8 -11 points the club will think 9 points and we're down anyway. At that point we tell them to shove it there rear and take it further as 9 or 21 points makes no difference and it could be 3- 6 reduced based on previous cases.  This goes on another 10 days and I can see there arse going.  There probably desperate for us to win the next one for the first time in years.

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