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3 hours ago, 24Charlie said:

I moved to the North Stand not only because it’s cheaper but because I am bringing my 5 year old Grandson for his first season at PP. I have taken advantage of the free season ticket for his age group.

But I feel for him because as long as he goes which hopefully will be a lifetime he can never be regarded as a true fan by G-STAR as he has missed the first two games and worst of all he’s not going to Forest either.


Did you even read the post. How can your grandson be a moaner at previous games if he’s not been to any

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Just stuck the United game on and a fair amount of empty seats at st Mary’s too. You’d think with them being in the prem it would be full. So there seems to be a few clubs that hasn’t attracted the crowds back in full. Derby will get full stadiums again within a season or too I’m sure. 

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2 hours ago, i-Ram said:

All this ‘I am a better fan’ than you really does get up my nose. I would really like to name names as to who annoys me most on this thread, but you never know who I might need to help me get my next play-off final ticket.

P.s. I like a really good moan at Wembley me.

I know you’re post is in jest but if we did get to Wembley ( unlikely) there would suddenly be 50,000 fans that feel they are just as entitled to a ticket as those that have traveled the length and breadth of the country often using up days off work and working their holidays around fixtures so as to not miss a match, forfeiting other activities so they will be able to go to games. Entitled,superfan, you decide. Ps which area would you like to sit?

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1 hour ago, Ramos said:

Just stuck the United game on and a fair amount of empty seats at st Mary’s too. You’d think with them being in the prem it would be full. So there seems to be a few clubs that hasn’t attracted the crowds back in full. Derby will get full stadiums again within a season or too I’m sure. 

Apparently they had a balls up with tickets and are refunding all those who didn't get in! 

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5 hours ago, 24Charlie said:

I moved to the North Stand not only because it’s cheaper but because I am bringing my 5 year old Grandson for his first season at PP. I have taken advantage of the free season ticket for his age group.

But I feel for him because as long as he goes which hopefully will be a lifetime he can never be regarded as a true fan by G-STAR as he has missed the first two games and worst of all he’s not going to Forest either.


I shouldn't worry.
If he's going to be a Rams fan for life, he'll get a hell of a lot more poo thrown at him, than merely being considered a half fan!
In fact, I'll start the ball rolling, by having a dig at him about only coming due to the free seat!  He better not start trying to have his own opinions on the game, if he ain't even paying his way, the tight little git!

Boo.  Hiss.  Sneer.  etc, etc...

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5 hours ago, angieram said:

Don't know where you sit, Ewe Ram, but I sit in West Stand Upper. I had only been there a season and a bit before lockdown after moving from North Stand to get a better view of the game.

We were surrounded by regulars, mostly much older than us (I am in my sixties!) In general, they didn't bother clapping the players out, didn't clap good moves, but started the groans at every misplaced pass straight from the whistle. Lots of chuntering, very little positive support. We were already getting fed up of where we were sitting, despite the view! 

We have returned to our same seats though, and at the two league matches so far, none of my previpus immediate neighbours have attended - and their seats appear not to have been sold. (Presumably as previous season ticket holders their seats are reserved until late in the day.) We sat in splendid isolation yesterday with three clear rows immediately in front of us and one behind. There were people further in, and further out to the corners. At a glance, these people are a much younger demographic than previously.

The difference in noise, encouragement, clapping and some singing is stark. It's brilliant and long may it continue.

I understand that there are good reasons why these regular fans aren't attending, I also understand their support may be of a quieter variety but the negativity is optional and I don't miss it one bit! 

I can only speak for what I see in the bit of the ground I occupy, but if that is reflected elsewhere in the ground then I do think some of the people staying away (for whatever reason) were creating a negative atmosphere, or at very least not contributing in a positive way, whether they were aware of it or not.

You realise that some of them might be dead right? More than 130,000 people in the UK have died of Covid alone in the last year and a half. Some of them might be the moaners you don't want back.

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21 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

I shouldn't worry.
If he's going to be a Rams fan for life, he'll get a hell of a lot more poo thrown at him, than merely being considered a half fan!
In fact, I'll start the ball rolling, by having a dig at him about only coming due to the free seat!  He better not start trying to have his own opinions on the game, if he ain't even paying his way, the tight little git!

Boo.  Hiss.  Sneer.  etc, etc...

If he’s 5 years old he’ll only get the free ticket for one season now that the club has changed it’s age policy 

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It's a whole combination of things logically. Aside from the fact that there is a natural tail off after a pretty grim run both in terms of footballing entertainment and results, the prospects certainly didn't look promising for this year and for many fans that 500 quid chunk out of your finances is something that you need to take a long hard look at, even more so it it's the whole family and in any case, season tickets were not available until recently.

Some people haven't seen live football for a year and a half an have got out of the habit - it happens with all sorts of hobbies. It's probably a relatively easy decision for a fan if the club is going to roll over last years ticket if it was already paid for but plenty didn't renew last year because it just didn't look like there was any real prospect of football any time soon. As such they are having to make a decision to find that money now.

Quite a few folk will still wary about the prospect of going into a football ground due to Covid and I totally respect that, it's not a decision you can make for someone else. Vaccines have obviously improved the situation but there is still a risk and people have spent a year and a half being told by the government and scientists on a regular basis that this virus can potentially kill you whoever you are and they may have also family members in vulnerable groups etc.

The farce with the EFL and the aborted/drawn out takeovers has also seriously tested the patience of many fans so none of this is surprising. A positive resolution to the EFL/accounts/embargo/deduction/fine (whatever) will give some clarity and I'm sure we'll see a drift back to PP if that goes OK (or at least tolerably).

Let's just be glad if that happens not try to create some sort of 'them and us' situation. This is most definitely a time for fans to be sticking together whether you have seen every game so far or not.

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21 hours ago, KBB said:

If the attendance being down means the bloke behind me never comes back then I am all for it. I can count the amount of positive things I have heard him say about the club and the players on the fingers of one hand *not being from Nottingham that is 5 or less.

I never understood what he used to get from coming to the games.

Sorry pal. I'm on holiday. I'll be back for the West Brom game!

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7 hours ago, Spanish said:

For me the Covid testing is another consideration, here for 4 days and I will have 3 tests costing £90.  That with the third rest being free!

with being double stabbed and with the EU rona card travelling is easier, when i did euros over the fortnignt travelling PCR test was essential and 6 test needed to get in to a 2 games. thats not required now in some travel but there are travel restictions in some countries. 

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1 hour ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

You realise that some of them might be dead right? More than 130,000 people in the UK have died of Covid alone in the last year and a half. Some of them might be the moaners you don't want back.

Yes, I do realise that. I know three people personally that have died due to Covid, and a heck of a lot more who haven't got back to anything like normal living. Thought I had acknowledged in my post that there would be a variety of reasons why they aren't there.

That doesn't alter the fact that the people who were sitting in my area of the ground, all regulars, did very little in recent seasons to get behind the team. Their money, their choice.

I didn't like it and much prefer to sit with supporters who give some support. 

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