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New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)


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5 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

Me and my 2 sons were outside Morrison's talking about people who are *********. Son says without thinking 'I'm  getting good at sniffing out ********* a mile away' Me and other son start laughing. Son says what you laughing at? I say just think about what you said.                                                          Whenever someone annoys me I think of that and anger melts away!


5 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

Above only funny if you get the right word in the *. 


4 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:



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9 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

Me and my 2 sons were outside Morrison's talking about people who are *********. Son says without thinking 'I'm  getting good at sniffing out ********* a mile away' Me and other son start laughing. Son says what you laughing at? I say just think about what you said.                                                          Whenever someone annoys me I think of that and anger melts away!


9 hours ago, Dappled Ram said:

Above only funny if you get the right word in the *. 

Is it safe to presume that if you don't know what * is then it isn't funny?

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5 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

But the reason the Thai bloke wasn't there was that the message said "Meet at twenty to ten", but the Thai only recognises digital times.  If it had said "Meet at 21:40", he'd have been there, and they'd have all got in!
Now, whether this is down to language barrier, or sheer stupidity on the Thai's part, or a deliberate and cruel hatchet job by the message sender, is not for me to say, but either way, it was an unfortunate occurrence, and yet here you are, making light of the situation, and treating this whole avoidable mis-hap as a bloody joke!  Heck, they missed out on drinking time because of this.  It ain't funny, and you blaming the poor innocent Thai geezer does not improve matters!

Shame on you!









Maybe I'm over-thinking it?  ? 

Nurse! He's out of bed again!

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1 minute ago, Brummie Steve said:

Doctor Doctor I'm invisible!


Doctor Doctor, I've lost my voice!

Good morning sir, and what can I do for you?

Doctor Doctor battle of trafalgar 1805, Hastings 1066

Now, now, no need to get historical!

Merry Christmas, Steve!!! 

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