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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 21 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Speed things up by avoiding the checks. He knows the MLA would slow things down. He's known he's buying the club for long enough.

    Do you think his money should avoid the MLA then?



    20 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Oh come on. People on here have been posting they've been subject to MLA checks for piddling sums, why should he avoid that?

    you need to read properly. He didn't try to avoid checks, he tried to avoid paying into ESCROW account(s). Totally different things and in no way shady, if anything it shows more commitment, cos in escrow, he could still pull out last minute.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Guys this is potentially a huge day for DCFC, please for one day can we not flood this thread with puns?

    Some of us have to fit work in between doom scrolling!

    dont drown.

    33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The line is, why did CK try to get the money into the bank without going via the AML (according to Nixon). Now it's being looked at by the AML, is that because he tried to dodge them or because the money is dodgy, or both? Or none! 


    33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    It also told us CK tried to get the money in without going via the AML aka the 'finance police'.

    It's not the customer that decides, it's the Bank that decides. There are banking guidelines. I am not sure CK could bypass that even if he wanted to!

  3. 9 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The pathetic fans that will put money into the club so that he doesn't lose his investment, dunno really. ?

    Putting money into the club doesn't make it not pathetic to be the equivalent of an annoying kid continuously asking "are we there yet?".

    There has to be a line Roy, where does it end if everyone expects the next question to be answered on demand?

    When there's nothing new to say, nothing should be said. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!

    There are people in here who are savagely critical of him for talking on Twitter, then an equal amount calling him a time-wasting tyre-kicker for daring to live out a dream playing a Pro-Am Golf day whilst unable to do anything to speed up due process.

  4. 7 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    He could help himself by telling everyone what is going off takes 2mins to send a tweet and then carrying on. Enjoying day of golf.

    Why should he? Everything he’s ever said so far has led to further demands and/or accusations. There was nothing to update. His last bit of information was clear and absolutely nothing had changed so why should he pander to pathetic fans?

  5. 5 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    So if CK had decided to transfer £20 million from the US to a savings account with the Derbyshire building society, this wouldn’t count as a transaction? It is only checked when a commercial deal occurs?

    That, I wouldn't know to be honest. I was responding to the suggestion that money-laundering checks should've been done way in advance.

  6. Just now, hintonsboots said:

    Question for the Forum. Shouldn’t these financial checks, have been completed way before the completion date and Q would have insisted on that. CK could have then parked the money in a UK account ready for transfer on the said date, or am I being too simplistic?

    you cannot do a transactional check until doing the transaction!

  7. 1 minute ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    I get the impression that some people genuinely believe CK has decided to play golf rather than open his laptop and do a bank transfer ?

    people who don't understand just how slow things move when you're actually waiting on more than one person to do something. These people's head would explode in the real world where people have meetings to discuss meeting cadence, and then have a meeting to discuss how they divide up the workload from the previous meeting, and then have a meeting to discuss what's left to be done.

  8. 6 minutes ago, sage said:

    I think Kirchener is a little like Morris, a small time businessman who fortunately stumbled upon Bitcoin like Morris bought King just before Candy Crush exploded onto the scene. 

    Therefore his amount of wealth isn't reflected in the expected level of business acumen and experience. 

    He's not used to big deals and this whole saga has been surprisingly difficult and lengthy to him



    I would concur with this, which is why I am happy he's had the insight/nous to surround himself with people that do have the knowledge.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    The precedent is a working knowledge (not expert) of how global transfer of funds work. I have seen enough such transfers (admittedly not of this magnitude but, as I say, I wouldn't have thought it would make a significant difference) to know they wouldn't normally take more than 3 or 4 days to arrive from the US. Obviously I can't provide specific examples as they were some time ago and not my money. If you're demanding specific examples, sorry.

    How do you know how many transactions there are? I appreciate there are numerous creditors that need to be paid but I would have thought the funds transfer from the US would only be one payment to the administrators (maybe I'm wrong again).

    I won a £2468 bet in December, it took nearly 10days for Paypal to release the money once SkyBet cashed it. They did credit checks on me, ID checks, all kinds of laundering nonsense, all for <£2500!

    As for the multiple transactions, there is a tweet, from CK himself, a couple of weeks ago, stating how it would flow, before the club would be his. It was something like money goes to UK, then to Quantuma, then to Creditors/MSD, then the Creditors gets divided and some things released in court, MSD do something to release the charge and stadium, then the funds for the Stadium sale (3rd party) will exchange... etc.etc.etc. Lots of little things. Then Quantuma apply for the club to leave Admin...

  10. 26 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We do know his funds haven't gone through. So he may not be fiddling while Rome burns, but he could sound less blasé about the problems.

    but you haven't "heard" him, so why is he blase about it? Maybe he's been told "it'll be done by...." and is just letting it run it's course, as we all have to do at times. 

    15 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Even allowing for all the anti money laundering checks that need to be completed, a transfer of funds from the US to the UK shouldn’t take more than 3 or 4 days tops to arrive as cleared funds. Even transfers from/to countries with “less sophisticated” banking systems wouldn’t take much more than a week. 

    What is your barometer for this? Please provide the precedent evidence to back up your theory, bearing in mind that this isn't ONE transaction.

  11. 9 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    I think that fact that he's on the golf course now when the fans need communication off him the most really does sum up where his priorities lie.

    "Trying to complete the takeover" he was tweeting the other week to say he was the new owner. It's all down to his funds, which clearly he's not sent.

    Even if by some miracle he does takeover now. Do we want him?! Because something is clearly very very wrong here.

    Unless you know EXACTLY what the issue is, then you are slinging mud around without reason. Poor.

    You cannot say playing golf is the wrong thing, unless you know there's something else that he could be doing, and you do not know this unless you know what is the issue. If it is just waiting for clearances etc, what do you expect him to do?

    Please tell us your solution that means he cannot enjoy a pre-arranged game of golf

  12. 5 minutes ago, Loughborough Ram said:

    Personally I feel that they should ignore the vocal morons deriding them and put out some information anyway.

    The vast majority would appreciate any information and take it on face value.

    Continuing silence is extremely disrespectful in my opinion and the longer it goes on the more supporters will read bad news into it.

    it would/could be argued that stopping whatever they are doing, to release a carefully crafted statement that says a lot without telling us anything, would actually delay the completion even further!

  13. anyone here been watching The Boys? (on Amazon Prime)

    Prepare for a hilarious shocking scene or two in the opening episode of season 3. One of the character's superpower is to shrink himself. I literally burst out with a laughing fit about 15 mins in to the episode.


  14. 36 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    All episodes available on Sky Atlantic. Had you going for a moment there eh, Mr Mostyn ?

    I've seen the adverts to be fair, and was waiting for all episodes to become available. But thanks for letting the general reader know where to find it.

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