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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 23 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    I'm sure Robert Maxwell enjoyed watching this from his Caribbean island

    if he didn't drop off that boat all them years ago, he's most likely died since! He'd be 99 in June if still alive. Not saying that's beyond possible, but he was a fat bloater with health issues I think.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:


    Top quarter in locked mode.  Bottom quarter flashing ads at us.
    Middle 50% occasionally containing another ad at least once per page.

    There'll be no room left for puns/bantz/pisstaky/shizzletalk at this rate!  ?

    I don’t see ads. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I think Sean Dyche is in danger of being one of those managers who just fits at a certain club but isn’t that great elsewhere. I look back on the job that Mark Hughes did at Blackburn. He couldn’t replicate that anywhere else. 


    Some would argue he did at Stoke.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Ormondroyd had a great partnership with Bobby Davison.  Then we binned them off for Johnson and Gabbiadini.  Think we'd have got promoted that year if we'd stuck with them two. Can't remember a Daino so he must have been bad. I'll swop you Comyn for a Simon Webster

    There aren't that many bad players in 90s. I don't even think some of the selections I've made were bad, just the worst I can remember. I barely recall any bad Centre Backs in the 90s. It's a tough call all in all. I could fill two teams in the era of bigger squads in the 00s and after.

  5. Just now, Seth's left foot said:

    The next two weeks are key, Burnley have a couple of favourable games coming up.

    if Everton can take what they did most of yesterday into remaining games, they'll be fine. I actually thought they were better team until Liverpool scored. Caused a few issues but just seemed to lack a clinical finish. They should do better against lesser opposition. The trick is raising their game against lesser opponents.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    The EFL won't stop him paying money that's already due though.  That makes no difference to how much the clubs paying out .  That money isn't paying more in, it's catching up. He was funding the club in excess of a million a month so there was never any actual pot of liquid cash like most/ all clubs in this league.

    but any money paid in that ISN'T part of turnover is technically classed a 'loss' in the P&S rules.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    That makes no sense at all.  He wouldn't be paying more in, he'd be paying what he should have. I think you heard or saw something you shouldn't have.  Did the people who told you this look like 

    If there was not enough money in the club to pay the HMRC bill, then how could it be paid without him putting more money in??

  8. Had a bizarre conversation the other day, apparently Mel was not allowed to pump any further money into the club without incurring further points penalties etc and it’s been suggested EFL forced his hand and us into Administration. Sounds far-fetched but actually I bet he couldn’t put more money in. Apparently he wasn’t allowed to pay HMRC out of his own pocket. 

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