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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. 14 hours ago, angieram said:

    It's not really an issue, but I just wanted to let people know that I have stepped down as a moderator today.


    the only reason I behave is because of you. I now fear for my decline into trollism and libellous posting(s). Don't abandon us!

    Joking aside, I cannot imagine it's an easy role at the best of times, let alone in unprecedented times like we are experiencing. Hope you passed on your Modding skills.

  2. Good morning folks. 

    Quick Question:

    why is MA seen here as a previously successful football club owner? 

    My opinion is that he took an established PL team down with bad management appointments. Gave out novelty Contracts. Ruined Derby’s promotion push by unsettling McClaren, stunk up the PL by not buying decent players and then finally succeeded by selling them to a country. 

  3. 2 hours ago, w8sey said:

    So your banking on the possibility that Kirchner would invest more into the facilities than Ashley.... I'm more concerned with stability. Kirchner has given me no confidence throughout this process. Especially with the unpaid employees and late payments made in his business that have come out over the last few days.

    You’re happy to judge CK on stories yet MA has been described in The House if Commons and through investigations as a modern day slave driver!?? Hmm

  4. 19 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    The Dorsett article said the money was with a European clearing bank. My point was I didn't understand why it would be with a "European clearing bank" rather than the administrators own bank or at the very least a UK bank. Maybe it was a clumsy use of words to say European Cleaning bank as this sounds to me like a mainland European bank rather than in the UK. 

    It is "here or there" if it's a further attempt to explain the delay that seems to make little sense to me.

    England/UK is still geographically part of Europe, even if not part of the “union”. Don’t be surprised if he’s quoting an American verbatim. Santander is a European bank!! 

  5. 46 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How can I be fuelling panic when his money still isn't here?! ?

    You'd not bother asking where his funding is coming from then? ?

    Nobody’s money is here. But you’re suggesting he has questionable integrity whereas it’s possibly more accurate to suggest he’s a bit out of his depth and nothing more. 

    40 minutes ago, w8sey said:

    .....Given the choice.....at this point I would pick Mike Ashley. Safe pair of hands in comparison with Kirchner. If it does head Mike's way I bet his deal would sail through smoothly. 

    Even if it meant no Rooney? No Garry Cook, and no infrastructural investment? 

  6. 17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:


    It's worrying though that he may be thinking of trying the same kind of funding with us.

    No. Scaremongering again Roy. 

    one is a business which he is CEO but that also has investors and shareholders. I very much doubt the wages are paid out if HIS OWN bank account! 

    DCFC will be bought by his own money, separate from that of Slync.io. 

    I don’t need to tell you this as you already know it. You’re just fuelling the panic. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, jono said:

    I was behind Kirchner. Said the right things, good communications, seemed savvy enough to see the mess over the stadium. Didn’t want to be taken to the cleaners by PNE. Looked clued up and clearly interested in sport beyond just vanity. I had my doubts first time round. He seemed loud and brash with a bit too much talk and I said so. I shoved that first instinct away because I thought maybe I am old and out of touch. So I was cautiously enthusiastic and trusting when he came back, for all the positive reasons I cited earlier.

    Not now. Even if he gets us I will be very wary. I don’t know if the none payment of employees is true but that mixed in with saga over the funds makes me think, regardless of his paper wealth, that he is a seat of the pants “wing it” kind of guy. I don’t want that in my Football club, which is an institution, part of the fabric of my society. It is not a slot machine for mixologists to use when not much is going on in the bar. 

    You think he’d ever not pay the players? That would just be throwing his investment away. Nobody is that stupid! 

  8. 9 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well good on mike ashley calling out Q for the total mess of this maybe ashley does care about derby willing to fight for us.

    If Ashley is willing to fight for Derby County, it will be for Ashley’s benefit and not for Derby County’s. 

    Sometimes your love for Derby gives you brain fog B4 and you talk nonsense! ?

  9. 12 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I agree. 

    If CK really had sent the money then I’m sure he could get his bank to confirm the details directly to Q via some secure method - not just “this is Joe from Ye Olde Bank, Houston Texas calling. Yep, the money has been sent to you. Have a nice day”)

    Who says that hasn’t happened? Would explain extending deadlines and perceived lack of panic from Q! 

  10. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Where on earth is that from, even Nixon hasn't said that.

    Roy, if they hold your money up, they HOLD it, you don’t get it back ? 

    so every attempt he’s made, each method, those amounts are currently sitting with the bank(s), either to be released or confiscated! 

  11. 6 minutes ago, enachops said:

    The club does need to become self sufficient. However many clubs still aren’t. If we did run at a slight loss would CK have the funds to fund that. Who knows? Judging by recent events, I have my doubts. 

    Doubts? If he’s tried to put the same amount in (at least) twice and both are snagged then surely he’s got twice the money needed to buy the club! 

    logic would say he’s got a spare £20m kicking around 

  12. - why does it matter if CK cannot get further funds into the club after buying it? The club MUST become self sufficient 

    - who expects Derby County (under any owner) to be allowed to go on a spending spree? Wake up ffs! We won’t be allowed to! 

    - anyone stressing needs to log off until at least Monday night! There’s no way Quantuma work weekends! 

    - those of you reacting so childishly to CK’s banking woes are probably giving him good reason to back out of the deal. Well done idiots! You’re helping kill the club! 

  13. 15 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Would it not be beautiful (sort of), it is all sorted bang on page 1884.

    tbh I think we are looking at 2000+




    massively exceed that! There's at least another 300 posts asking why Chelsea funds got through anti money laundering checks so easy. Then another 2000 posts claiming Mike Ashley has tried to put in a proper bid.

  14. 8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yet he's already pulled out on buying us once? 

    that's a very snidey way of representing it. You make it sound like he just changed his mind, when I think if you were being totally honest, even if only with yourself, there was never a deal to be done for those figures thanks to Uncle Mel. It's only months later, when the delusional Administrators finally realised that nobody was going to part with big bucks for magic beans, that a realistic offer was accepted.

    There is no other truth than CK couldn't strike a reasonable and realistic deal with both Quantuma AND Mel Morris the first time.

  15. Ashley the saviour could have bought us in December and given Wayne Rooney and the team a chance at avoiding relegation! So could CK to be fair, but at least CK came back with acceptable bid(s).

    My belief, maybe wrongly, is that Ashley's bid is so derisory, it wasn't worthy of a response or discussion.

    You know, like when you put something on eBay expecting to sell for hundreds, and someone within 10mins offers you £10 via a private message, but you have to deliver it!

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