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Posts posted by Mostyn6

  1. - If I had to pick a second team, it would be the adorable Stoke City, such a class act of a club and city.

    - I wish that Stuart Atwell bloke reffed all of our games, he's sooooooooo competent

    - Lets change the name of the stadium, I reckon "The Uncle Mel Appreciation Stadium" has a nice ring to it

    - I wish Stern John was still in his prime and we had him here.

    - As soon as Rooney gets snapped up, let's get in that Phil Brown geezer

  2. 9 hours ago, B4ev6is said:


    Can we have grame Richard's back please.

    Graham Richards is/was a COMMENTATOR

    Craig Ramage, and Eric Steele were/are employed as SUMMARISER

    There is a difference. The Commentator only needs to be able to describe in simplistic terms what is going on during the event he or she is commentating on, The Summariser should be an expert in the subject/event that the commentator is commenting on and be able to provide a more detailed analysis that the commentator would not know. With this in mind, Ramage sadly provided no more information than Dawes did, so was effectively pointless/ineffective in the role. Steele on the other hand, was able to add something to the coverage that Dawes could not. Steele was effective and successful as a Summariser.

    The summariser is there to provide a better understanding of the event, not be a loud, churlish, happy-clapping comedy act.

  3. 2 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    They'll be fine for this year . A club that gets 35 points on relegation should be very competitive in the championship and they have assets they can shift of 20-30 million should they need to, plus years of parachute payments.  You know they'll be offering us 25p rising to 1.50 for Bielik and Knight. 

    I'd swop places at the minute.

    did you not see my earlier post, the terms of the loan they got to buy the club (loading £105m of debt onto the club), stipulate that they have to pay something like 75% of the debt immediately (well, within 12mths) of relegation. then another 20% if they don't immediately get promoted.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Incompetence from Brentford 

    Burnley will probably be in league one in two or three seasons 

    I read somewhere that as part of the terms of the shady leverage deal the new Burnley owner(s) took to buy the club, they have to repay something like £75m within 12 months of a relegation, then another £20m in the following 12 months if they don’t get promoted! No big spending of parachute money for them. 

  5. 2 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    Maybe they merge eachothers moneys so rooney can have decent players budget in.

    B4, please read this carefully as it’s been said a few times and you look very silly ignoring it! 

    it does not matter how much money we want to spend or how rich the owners might be, as part of the deal we will be limited by rules on how much we can spend on players and wages! 

    There are businesses only being paid 35p (over 3 years) for every £1 Derby owe them.

    To put this into context, pretend I owe you £1000. Now imagine I’m only going to pay you £120 this year, £120 next year and £110 in two years, you won’t be getting the remaining £650 I owe you because I say that I can’t afford it. Now imagine that at the same time as paying you only £120, you find out I’ve spent £2000 on buying the same thing you sold me but from someone else. You’d be upset right??

    well, to prevent this happening, EFL force clubs coming out of administration to sign up to a business plan limiting spending and budgets. If the club doesn’t stick to it, point deductions and embargos happen. 

    So please please stop saying Derby will spend decent money. We wont. It’s not allowed. 

  6. at school in the mid-80s, we played a game called "Bittoo" which I am guessing is the Urdu translation of "stones". It was a divisive game, but quite subconsciously so! Asians v Whites!

    The rules of the game

    • Find five or six stones of varying sizes, that are easily stackable. A tennis ball is required
    • One team runs, the other fields
    • Stack the stones about six inches from a wall
    • The running team line up, and each have five shots from about 10ft away to knock the stones over.
    • If the stones aren't hit after 5 throws, the next player has a go until everyone's had a go, then the other team switches
    • If you hit the stack of stones with the ball, you and your team scarper.
    • The fielding team have to throw the tennis ball at you, if they hit you, you're out.
    • Whilst the fielding team is trying to hit you with a tennis ball, your objective is to get back to the stones and re-stack them.
    • The fielding team have to be accurate with their throwing, otherwise they're chasing the ball to throw it again.
    • When you restack the stones, you shout "Bittoo" and you've got a point and you repeat again. 
    • If you're all out (hit by ball) the fielding team comes into Run

    Absolutely great game with some belting head shots!

  7. 48 minutes ago, ColonelBlimp said:

    Cancelled my September trip to Corfu, we both thought about it and realised we're not resort people, never have been.

    Booked a week on a campsite in the Loire instead, 6 weeks after 10 days at Lake Annecy, also on a campsite.

    Corfu has a lot of untouched, non-resort areas, as have all the Greek Islands.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    If the internet was around in the 80's this could have been a post asking people to temper their expectations when Arthur came in.

    I mean seriously, you'd have been able to copy and paste it over.

    2 years later we were out of the 3rd and then blew up the 2nd playing some fantastic football.

    I'm in no way saying this will happen, but it's no less likely imho.

    I say raise your expectations and enjoy the moment rather than worrying (to paraphrase Ian Hall)  that we won't have jam tomorrow.

    sadly, very very sadly, it's a vastly different era. Derby would never be able to recruit the kind of players akin to those Arthur signed, these players are now squad players in the Premier League. Back in 1985, there were probably 350-400 players on the books of ALL top tier teams in Division One. I would suggest that the top 8 teams probably have more on their books right now!

  9. 2 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    CK seems happy to take a punt by paying more than the club seems to be worth. I thank him for that, but I'm not sure I understand why he's doing it.....

    Because the rewards for success could be amazing. With good planning and surrounding himself with the right people, and allowing those people to do their job, we could reach our potential and he could have an asset worth multiples of his investment. Yes, for every Bournemouth, Brentford and Southampton, there's a Pompey, QPR and Reading.... but the latter have been severely mismanaged by people thinking they could reinvent the wheel, and we've just been through this ourselves with a egotistical owner thinking he's got a special brain for business.

  10. 12 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    What do you guys think

    I think you should temper your expectations.

    It will take a good few years to rebuild the club unfortunately.

    It does look brighter than it did, but time to be realistic. Promotions are NOT easy.

    Our infrastructure and club have been decimated.

    We will be restricted on what we can spend on player transfers and what wages we can offer. 

    We will have the basis of a brand new squad, which need time to adjust and gel.

    This will not be easy.

  11. it was "itcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chin" when I worra lad,

    Single and Double Cuppies.

    Combees (headers and volleys against the keeper)

    Cheery Knocking



    Bagsy Twos (when someone cracked open a can of coke/tango) - which was followed by "bagsy threes", which then spawned "bagsy twos - no threes!"


  12. 3 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

    You can pay 25p if you pay it straight away or its 35p if you spread it over 3 years to aviod -15pts.  Sorry, but this all points to a nan who wants to spend as little as possible.

    It makes financial sense to pay the 25p uo front though as it erdaicates the debt straight away and will save a further 10p in the pound on all non footballing creditors.

    Its the same with purchasing the ground, why pay rent on it year on year if you have the funds to purchase.  Once Derby are back on thier feet the stadium price will surely increase.

    I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, but, both actions seem a bit of an odd decision, costing him more money in the longer term!

    Jesus H Clough! For god’ sake give over man! He's the ONLY person willing to pay an acceptable amount of someone else’s debt to acquire a club with nothing! Did you actually want the club to go under? You need to realise, there was not a long queue of rich people interested in spending money on DCFC and the sooner you negative bunch get over it, the better. Aim your bitterness where it should be aimed! 

    If someone shot your dog, would you be angry with the vet that saved it’s life? No, you blame the shooter ffs! 

  13. 40 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    On the plus side......

    Mel is rapidly climbing the league table of most evil balds in history. What it is with male pattern baldness and susceptibility to malign influence?

    Keep pure of heart and keep your follicles boys!

    For those who have already advanced down this dangerous road, please, do not go gently into that good night, but rage, rage against the dying of the follicles! Put every effort into redeeming the lot of the hairless. In a world of Mels, be a Colin Gibson.

    flash gordon GIF by Maudit

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